Can't change up/down votes

I'm sure it used to be possible to change your vote on a comment if you chose the wrong thing, now all you can do is remove your vote. Not sure why this is?


  • You can change your comment vote within the first minute, as long as you have not refreshed your page, otherwise you can only revoke it. That was introduced November 2015, prior to that you couldn't change it at all, only revoke it, even within the first minute.

    Comment voting is different on the mobile site however, the ability to change your vote within the first minute isn't available there but should be coming in the future.

    • +3

      I'm on mobile, so that's probably the issue. I was sure I'd changes votes before, though perhaps I'm just delusional. Thanks for the info.

      • -1

        Too much sun exposure this morning?

        • +1

          Jeez not sure why you are getting downvoted. It is very nice here today, the sun may well have fried my brain a bit.

          • +1

            @brendanm: Maybe the neggers don't realise you are a marine mechanic loving the great outdoors.

      • +3

        I found this too and thought it was a bug in the system.

        I can confirm I was able to change the vote to a comment before, but not recently. Funny coz its mostly unintentional (fat fingers). Would love to have the functionality back.

      • Changing comment votes is not working on the mobile (see my previous comment on this). It will be fixed in the coming months. It's due to voting on comments is done via a menu rather than the + / - buttons, i.e. different mechanism on the user interface, even though backend still allows changing votes within the minute.

  • +3

    Just wondering, anything necessarily wrong with making it so that you can change your votes at any given time like Reddit?

    • Anything necessarily wrong with things that might potentially change all the time? There are some values that are calculated in the backend that's based on the votes at the time of calculation, and vote counts that are potentially a lot more dynamic would be quite messy (also the mods will constantly need to explain why something was working / was banned when the votes suggest otherwise, oh because people change votes). A vote is just an expression of approval / disproval at that point of time, and the most we are willing to do is giving the user a way to revoke (okay I regret voting for that) or change within a short time frame (damn fat finger) — which is already adding unnecessary complication to the backend.

      So no, we will not make it so you can change comment votes all the time.

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