great discount for goodnotes 5, the awesome wellknown Note-Taking app.
now it's A$5.99
Mod Note: Sale has been extended, as per Twitter Post - Credits to isaidhey
great discount for goodnotes 5, the awesome wellknown Note-Taking app.
now it's A$5.99
Mod Note: Sale has been extended, as per Twitter Post - Credits to isaidhey
more than $10, if my memory serves me right.
$12.99 last week
Phewy I literally looked at GN5 10 hours ago
Probably trying to steal Notability's lunch here!
Ive been using Good Notes for the last few months. There is not a creative bone in my body, so I'm just taking scrappy notes and highlighting/annotating PDFs
I give it the thumbs up but can't say how it compares against Natability
yeah, i thought so. But Notability already updated the policy and apologized today.
Apologised for what?
They were going to move everyone to a subscription model, even those people that paid for the initial app (like $12 or something). They were going to give a 12 month grace period to those people that already paid, but due to the backlash they apologised and are now giving everyone who paid for the initial app free life-time subscription
@moo: I've checked my Notability, that I bought before subscription model started, the subscription status is subscribed w/o any intervention.
@Zythyx: Interesting because Remarkable just made the same mistake and put all of their free stuff behind a paywall and it's also caused a major stink.
@happychappy1: just wait for the 11.0.2 update, on that update, all the purchased one before 1 Nov 2021 will have all features and no need to worry about subscription.
@Zythyx: I use notability every day and I had no idea this even happened. wtf.
I feel like I should ditch them for GN just on general principle.
@Zythyx: Similar happened with pepperplate recipe app.
It was free and then a few years later (after everyone who uses it was reliant on it for their storage of recipes) changed it to paid subscription.
They only "apologised" because they would otherwise be breaching the App Store T&Cs where companies are required to retain existing functionality of apps for paid users when moving to a subscription model.
@priceaintright: I am worrying they will just rename the new version as notability 2, which is free but requiring subscription, while existing customers who bought Notability 1 can still use the existing version life time with all existing features but no update ever since.
It’s ok for T&C as they claim these are different 2 apps.
“Good” example: Infuse 6 (bought) vs infuse 7 (subscription) Fxxking dodge.
@NoBargainNoLife: Pardon me if I’m wrong, but isn’t this what GoodNotes has done anyway? If you’ve bought version 4 you’d get 5 for free but not 6..
Yes notabilty is freemium
But I prefer inkcredible and WaterFoundation
Good timing. With the downfall Notability had since yesterday. A lot of people would want something else.
Note: Notability shifted to a Subscription plan yesterday, moving all previously paid features to a subscription model. Although they apologised today and made the subscription lifetime for the people who already owned the premium license. I would still doubt them. Mistakes were made.
People acting like GoodNotes major revisions aren't paid.
Good notes 5 (current) was a free upgrade for Good notes 4 users & you get to keep it indefinitely
One thing is for a certain that a subscription will charge you again, and you have no choice if you wish to keep using it
Major revisions are fine to be paid as long as they don't stop people from using the old versions (which is what Notability was basically going to be doing).
My notability is showing 1 year Subscription. How we will get lifetime Subscription.
It’s not a lifetime subscription. It’s you keep what you paid for previously. You don’t get anything you didn’t pay for.
There is an update to the app coming soon which will do that. At least according to their news release
Thanks OP. I have been using notability for a long time. Just bought Good notes in case they Notability goes back to subscription model. Good notes was charging every-time they released new major version. That's why I stayed away from them.
How good is the OCR capability in Goodnotes? Apple Notes only converts the first line of the note to the heading of the notes and doesn't do the rest. I know that choosing the markup pencil in Apple Notes is meant to work but it's infuriating in that a) it incorrectly converts 1 in 3 words even though my writing isn't too bad and b) it creates new lines on different parts of the page even though you're only writing a single line.
I'm looking for a good app to use for taking notes for work purposes and converting writing to text is important.
So, I’ve noticed some pdfs are OCRd while others aren’t. Seems it needs an ocr layer to do this.
It hasn’t been a big deal for me but I’d be happy if someone else has a solution
Annotations are searchable however and it is able to search my messy cursive writing…
Does it do a good job of converting your writing to text?
This is the first time I've tried converting my handwriting actually but it seems to do an OK job
Over about ten attempts of writing "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog " it got everything but lazy right. Even scribble seems to get this wrong while writing here - lary, lady, lacy etc so that might just be my z's
@[Deactivated]: Cool. Thanks for that. Is it better, the same or worse than scribble? And can you easily correct it? The last thing I want is to have to do a long winded manual once over on all of the notes that I take.
I also find the Apple Notes app clunky. There doesn't seem to be a good way of organising the notes. I.e. by topic or customer.
@C0mbat: So maybe I’m not the best to answer as I don’t use this too much but it seems easy enough to correct. I usually just scribble notes on the side and leave them handwritten.
I’ve been using the lasso then tapping to convert, same as copy/paste. Correcting seems to be as easy as erasing the problem word and rewriting? Converted text appears in a pop up for selection or sharing but doesn’t seem to insert as typed. Although this is for text written on page. If you need written text rendered as to typed text, you could use text insertion tool, gives you a text entry and you can use scribble to write it, enforce appearing as typed text
In terms of better or worse than scribble I guess it’s as effective. Written text feels different because you’re converting text already written on page but it does about the same job
@[Deactivated]: I really appreciate the time you've taken on this so thanks! And sorry for asking so many questions 😊
I'll take the $6 plunge (he says wondering how much of someone else's time he's just wasted)
this is an excellent note taking app!
Collanote highly regarded fully free alternative
Damn… literally bought this full price last night.
Was using collanote, definitely worth the purchase. I find the writing/ink engine similarly enjoyable to Apple Notes and Collanote. The automatic backup features are great also.
U can file for refund mate
Just wait until they get big enuff before they also switch to a subscription model
Worked awesome for online learning
Should be free for us!
++ You also get the mac app free via MacOS being included in the universal package.
Honestly, it’s refreshing to see a developer offer more value to their users, and I’d recommend to supporting them.
Really? So If I buy it on iOS, I’ll get the ipadOS and macOS versions too? Can you just confirm? That sounds like a great deal!
That’s how it works, you can see the other versions it offers below the screen shots.
They’re part of the same app bundle in that case - universal apps
exactly one of the reasons why I chose GN in the first place — while taking notes with Apple Pencil on my iPad, I can insert screenshots taken on my Macbook and they'll show up on my iPad within seconds.
Any extra features that are not available via MS one note?
Can you download the ipad version for free as well?
I have been using GoodNotes 4 and then 5 for over 4.5 years now and created hundreds of documents with it. Incredibly useful app.
At the time I picked GN 4 after comparing it with a few other notes-taking tools including Notability. There was no comparison for my needs: GN was clearly the most suitable product. If you are interested in such a product at $6 it's well-worth the try even if you have another app that is in the same category of apps.
If I do not use handwriting and never take note on iPad, would this app be more useful and better than other alternatives such as OneNote or SimpleNote?
I use it on my iPad(s) as I find it extremely useful to have all my notes with me whether I'm in my office or at home.
I use it to annotate pdfs with my handwritten notes and insert pages with extra notes when the margins are not large enough (poor Fermat didn't have an iPad…). I also use it to create new documents and as most of them are technical documents the ability to introduce handwritten notes makes a huge difference. I can also search my hand written notes and it works well.
If you don't use it on an iPad and you don't use handwriting then I am not sure it will be that more useful than what you already have.
Nice use of maths history right there… 👍👍
Would this be any good for taking notes while learning a new language?
It's great for any handwritten notes, so yes, if that's what you have in mind.
This is a good app, paid the full price 2 and a bit years ago and still using it. Was only version 4 then and got a free upgrade to version 5.
Thanks. Was looking for note taking app. Will give it a go, reviews are good.
Anyone kmow how it ranks against the free app: Penultimate ?
Back to $5.99
That's still the offer price.
I bought this last night and played around with it for 30 minutes and it's so much better than Apple Notes. I can't believe the reviewers consider the updated version of Apple Notes as almost as good.
Is this any better than one note?
Have been using Notability (got it on sale) for 2 years now.. I love the import function as it’s smooth. Does anyone have experience transitioning from Notability to GN5 please? Any particular pointers?
Great opportunity to try Goodnotes. I don't believe Notability's finished screwing with us - probably will make a "Notability 2" for the next update. Time to get Goodnotes early while it's still cheap.
Any suggestion for cheap (till$10) note taking app available for both android and ios and can sync?
microsoft onenote, evernote, notion. there are lots of apps. really up to your requirement.
I was using one note on iPad, but personally I find the goodnotes pen 'feel' a lot nicer. Same with Collanote. Onenote i find the pen feels slidy (less curving is applied to it I think).
Other than that, syncing wise onenote is amazing. Just don't try moving your one note files around in OneDrive, otherwise the syncing totally stuffs up.
Deal expired? I just had appstore refund me since a bought it at original price. :|
Fml, I already bought it again full price.
how much is it normally?