France to Australia Mail Parcel Forwarding

Not sure where to post this but anyone used or recommend mail/parcel forwarding service from France to Australia?

I'm after an item, seller will only post within France and yes I can buy but means I would need a French address. Some I found on google are crazy high on shipping and have see nothing like it. I dont even know how some of these companies are if trustworthy or good. And if what estimates they give are true and ask for even more and your forced to pay more.

I have used these places before but a USA one and back when places like this started off. Now they are everywhere.

But not used from France to Australia one before and looking for one that does not rip you off and has been around for while.


  • +12

    wont be travelling by submarine that's for sure.

    • +1

      Try signing up with a different name than Scott Morrison?

  • Scomo would know a good one

  • Lol you guys are so funny should have got scott to ask his friend to hand it to him and i would have been sorted scott could have then sent to me.

  • +2

    Im after an item seller will only post within france

    You might be able to get a better product by doing a deal with UK and US….

    • Its too late to apologise

  • +1

    Came for the sub jokes and was not disappointed.

    • +1

      And thats no lie!

  • I am trying French Office. Currently working through the sign-up process which does take several days as this is more than a parcel redirection service. However, parcel redirection is all I will use it for. Pricing is acceptable, although I would not call it cheap; however, "Pack and Send" here in Australia is similarly priced. Need to unsubscribe after a month as it is a monthly service. I found another redirect service that was more expensive and I compared all services to a UPS France collect and deliver to Australia for a baseline. If you use the service, my tip would be to complete the paperwork and then pay the fee as I have lost a few days in the onboarding process.

    While you could risk a UPS / FedEx etc service (they will pick up), I encountered a problem once where the paperwork was incorrectly attached by the sender (I completed it) and the delivery never left the country (Italy). I had to pay the courier twice as it was too difficult to sort out the problem. It was a reasonable shipping loss.

    I did have success with a delivery of an engine and gearbox from France to Australia, however in that case I used a local freight forwarding service. The engine went via the USA and the gearbox via Singapore. Paperwork was completed by the freight forwarder and I asked the person to attach it.

    Good luck.

    • French office suerly can't be only option?

  • Be prepared for slow service, and generally rude customer experiences. Behind Australia I think France treats the customer about as bad as it gets. No sense of urgency for anything.

    • +1

      if u speak English to them they treat you bad, try a bit if French and it improves

      they hate the brits lol

      • +1

        And always on strike for something.

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