Automatic Backup of Photos from Phone to USB Storage Drive

Does anyone have a recommendation for an automatic back up and sync photos from photo to USB storage?

Been using Google photos so far but it's quickly getting up to the limit and was looking for a more longer term solution rather than having to pay for cloud storage.


  • Move files off the google drive?
    Or use Google rewards money to buy more storage

  • +1

    Use Google Rewards and pay the huge $2.49/month for 100GB

    I haven't actually had to pay anything yet

  • Assuming you automatically connect to home Wifi:

    There's probably a better way to do this …

    …but I'd install an FTP server on Android and then automate copying somehow.

    Probably you can use Windows built in command line FTP client and make it a scheduled task.

    • Any guides on how to do this or any software that comes with usb storage?

  • There's an app on android's Google play store called FolderSync - Is probably your best friend atm i think

  • Check out SyncThing. I had the same usecase for my wife's phone. Need it installed on phone and laptop/desktop. When running and both devices connected, it will compare source and target folders and copy the updated files.

    • Thanks I'll check it out.
      Did you think about a usb storage device ? like a WD hard drive connected to a router ?

  • Ah, I didn't try out this method. But reading the SyncThing forums, seems to be possible and worth a try.

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