What's Your Favourite Connoisseur Ice Cream Flavour?

Ozbargain's fav half-price icecream, what's your favourite? We were gifted two, the new barossa merlot blackberry cookie (what even.) and the mint cookie, and I've been blown away. I can't decide between these two.

The flavours are so good and strong that the scent lingers on the bowl for ages, making me want to go get thirds…

Just found the current list:

Classic Vanilla
Green Tea Matcha and white choc
Belgian choc
Choc brownie custard (not really an icecream)
Murray River salted Caramel with hazelnuts
Vegan hazelnut choc
Camerosa strawberry
Mint with choc cookies
Barossa Valley merlot with blackberry and cookies
Derwent Valley raspberry and white choc
Cafe grande
Vanilla caramel brownie
Caramel honey macadamia
Cookies and cream
Butterscotch and gingerbread :s


Even though the half price still isn't the cheapest icecream, it's almost the price you would pay for a single scoop of the same quality @ a geleteria.

Poll Options

  • 6
    Classic Vanilla
  • 12
    Green Tea Matcha and white choc
  • 11
    Belgian choc
  • 6
    Choc brownie custard (not really an icecream)
  • 5
    Murray River salted Caramel with hazelnuts
  • 1
    Vegan hazelnut choc
  • 2
    Cameron strawberry
  • 10
    Mint with choc cookies
  • 5
    Barossa Valley merlot with blackberry and cookies
  • 9
    Derwent Valley raspberry and white choc
  • 31
    Cafe grande
  • 7
    Vanilla caramel brownie
  • 23
    Caramel honey macadamia
  • 36
    Cookies and cream
  • 3
    Butterscotch and gingerbread


  • Enjoyed the vanilla caramel brownie. Nice taste, also nice price, got it on sale of course.

  • Of all time. Rum and Raisin.

    Currently Derwent Valley raspberry and white choc.

    • Haven't seen R&R recently, has it been discontinued?

      • +2

        I've seen it recently at Woollies but if you're after that flavour, try the Coles own brand Rum & Raisin. Fabulous + only $5 a litre.

        • Second the Coles Rum & Raisin, it’s delicious and such good value

  • Belgian choc
    Mint with choc cookies

    Although my ice cream addiction has been taken over by maxibons

  • Tried most but not all. Camarosa Strawberry I'd say is my favourite currently.

    Will be trying the new Barossa Valley Merlot flavour soon.

    • Would like to try strawberry soon. I was lamenting a lack of full-tub-strawberry last year (as opposed to neopolitan).

  • Cafe Grande. If you want ice cream that's sooooo much better (but also much more expensive) then Van Diemens is what you want.

  • Cafe Grande, followed by Cookies & Cream or maybe Mint Choc Cookies

  • How is the merlot blackberry? I can't stand the taste of red wine, does it taste 'winey'?

    • +1

      It was beautiful. Almost no winey taste (ingredients were about 1.5% wine), it was a very complex berry-like flavour, rich without being overpowering.

  • +1

    What about the coconut and mango one?

    • Didn't see this one listed on their website… and have never seen it.. but my alltime favourite gelatissimo scoop was endless summer - coconut and mango, but it was ironically discontinued :😪 where and when have you seen the this one??

  • The vegan one is great for those who are inclined so or who have bodies that are inclined so

  • Rocky Mountain mint so good

  • Obviously cookies and cream

  • Originally I loved cookies and cream but husband doesn’t like it as much, he also avoids everything with salted caramel. We mostly get vanilla caramel brownie, cafe grande and green tea.

  • Here's the results from an older list fyr


    My 2 fav is matcha, and mint
    Wish I could vote 2 options

    • Yeah wow I see a recurring trend! Interesting to see the changes!

  • +1

    8 years ago, Blue Ribbon, Full Cream, was arguably the best Ice cream on the market, then some idiot decided to change the recipe. It went from a rich, creamy taste, to a sugary fake thickening additives, over night.

    Yes I contacted them and lodged a complaint… I can honestly sy I have endeavoured to seek out the best alternative out there…. and sadly, there are none.

    • I remember that!! Gold standard vanilla!! Only for celebratory times in our household.

    • -1

      It went from a rich, creamy taste, to a sugary fake thickening additives, over night.

      This is all up to you. Try trusting in yourself and make your own ice-cream instead of gatekeeping the tastebuds of others. Give it a try.

      Yes I contacted them and lodged a complaint

      [Karen has entered chat]

    • +2

      Yes I contacted them and lodged a complaint

      This is actually the best thing to do. Trust me! 🙂 I know someone who works there and customer feedback is very important when it comes to things like that.

      Changing product formulations in most food products tends to be a balancing act. It can be driven by many factors, including ingredient cost or shortages, changes to standards & regulations, health ratings, changing consumer preferences and the list goes on. When it comes to making decisions, factors such as customer satisfaction and retention or change in sales figures are also taken into account. One of the metrics that is collected is the number of customers that notice changes and the number of complaints about such changes. Letting a company know that they are changing the product in a way that does not appeal to at least some customers is valuable feedback. Having a significant number of such complaints will get the issue on the radar and the people at Streets will factor such feedback into the decision making process. If the results from product testing and focus groups don't line up with customer feedback, it may also trigger a review of those processes.

      Contacting the manufacturer directly and giving them feedback on product changes is the best course of action. It's not being a Karen. They want that feedback and will use it.

  • cafe grande
    Murray River salted Caramel with hazelnuts
    Caramel honey macadamia

    always buy any 2 of these when they're half price.

  • +1

    I've been eating Connoisseur ice cream since the early 1990's, when it was still made by Browns. Cafe Grande, back then, was so much better, with large chocolate coated almonds, a real Grand Marnier sauce swirl and thick creamy texture. Ever since they sold out to big business, the bean counters have been dumbing down the formulations. The current versions of Cafe Grande and Cookies and Cream have so much more air pumped into the ice cream that they no longer feel like a premium product and lack the texture. The original buckets were much heavier.

    • Very interesting, the Cafe grande is 25% ish air (750g/L), the cookies and cream a lot more air at 640g

  • -1

    aldi white chocolate & raspberry.

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