Signup to Samsung Education Store

My kids attend a public school in NSW and have emails ending with

To signup to Samsung Education store, it asks for an email ending with …@…
I tried with email alias ending with but looks the department blocks emails from outside.

Has anyone managed to get around this and signup ?

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  • +2

    Try the Australian Government portal as it accepts '' addresses. No promises that it actually works though, and if it does, it could have different discounts to the Education store.

    NSW Public School students only have an Staff use

    • +1

      Fantastic, it works !

  • My kid is in year 3. Can i use the for samsung education store?

    • Can you update?

      • it didnot worked..I used a kid's login who was in college that time

        • so in the DOB field, you mentioned the age above 18?

  • dont remember was 5 years back and got the edu portal details from some ozb friend only

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