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[eBook] Free - How to Avoid a Climate Disaster: The Solutions We Have and The Breakthroughs We Need @ Gatesnote


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closed Comments

                                      • @mikeangelo:

                                        Where is the evidence to support their decision

                                        Get off your @$$ and LOOK IT UP, instead of refuting and ignoring all the facts around you.

                                        • @Ughhh: I DID and the VACCINES are CAUSING INJURIES

                                          You are a disgrace ignoring the vaccine injuries in young adults and now soon to be children 5 - 11 years old

                                          • +2

                                            @mikeangelo: Then link your exact sources, otherwise how are you any different to those crazy preachers on the street yelling at people.

                                            Get off your @$$ and LOOK IT UP, instead of refuting and ignoring all the facts around you.

                        • @Nom: Dude, you it is you who is wrong, haven't done any analysis of the data and do not have any understanding of the data and stats.

                          Here's the direct quote from TGA (from 21 Feb to 16 Oct 2021):

                          "Number of reports (cases): 68782 (Multiple adverse events have been reported for some patients).

                          Number of cases with a single suspected medicine: 67701 (The TGA thinks there is a possibility that the medicine caused the adverse event).

                          Number of cases where death was a reported outcome: 599 (These reports of death may or may not have been the results of taking a medicine)."

                          They do not state anywhere (including the page you are referring to) that " The other 620 people died for unrelated reasons". You won't find this. And you know why, because they cannot confirm it.
                          And your comment "because everybody dies at some point" is just laughable. Some people were young and healthy but once they had the jab they had severe adverse effects very consistent with the jab and died. But it's just a coincidence, right?
                          At the same time when some terminally ill or very old (often in their 90-s) people with many comorbidities were tested positive and died, they were ALL recorded as "Covid deaths".
                          So, as long as someone had Covid and died they would record them as a "Covid death".
                          However, when someone dies after the jab, even if they were young and healthy, we are being told that it's just a coincidence.
                          Don't you think it's a double standard?

                          Never in the history of vaccination it happend that they would keep injecting people after tens of thousands of adverse events and tens (or most likely hundreds) of deaths.
                          Just think about it. There are about 20 million people over 16y.o. in our country and within 8 months from the beginning of vaccination about 70,000 people had adverse reactions including many thousands of severe injuries and even deaths! This is huge!
                          And the real figures are even higher as there are lots of reports from the patients as well as from the medical practitioners that many adverse events and even deaths are not being filed with TGA.
                          How can anyone say that it is acceptable?

                          One day people will start waking up but I am afraid it will be too late.

                          • @bob19: I assure you. You are not "doing your own research". You're merely searching for information that already agrees with your pre-conceived notions. The scientists are doing the research. You are merely ignoring what they found and listening to conspiracy theorists and the minority of scientists over the vast majority.

                            This is evident in your determination to ignore what is written on the TGA reports. Several people shared TGA reports that clearly say, "The TGA has found 9 reports of death that were linked to immunisation from 629 reports received and reviewed", and you are ignoring it and saying that this is not the case when it is written there.

                            If you think you know more than the people who spent months working on this problem, then you clearly have no idea. You're just determined to be right. Facts be damned.

                            • @GunnerMcDagget:

                              9 Deaths reported according to the TGA

                              There are very high numbers of reported vaccine injuries and that number is climbing. The facts are there for you, instead you've chosen to ignore and refute the evidence, due to your own selifish ego, go get a jab like everyone else, It takes a stronger person to standup and call out the denialist like you, who are denying the evidence vaccines are causing severe injuries

                              • @mikeangelo: Nope. I have clearly stated that there are adverse events including pericarditis and myocarditis which are potentially very dangerous.

                                But there aren't 600 deaths, and the vaccines are irrifutably much more safe than catching Covid-19.

                              • +1

                                @mikeangelo: FYI:
                                FB page of Senator Gerard Rennik, who shares the stories of real people who have become victims of severe adverse reactions:

                            • @GunnerMcDagget: This is evident in your determination to ignore what it written on the TGA reports.
                              "Number of cases with a single suspected medicine: 67701 (The TGA thinks there is a possibility that the medicine caused the adverse event).
                              Number of cases where death was a reported outcome: 599 (These reports of death may or may not have been the results of taking a medicine)."
                              This is evident in your determination to ignore any EVIDENCE and FACTS which contradict your views formed by MSM.
                              It's useless to argue with you because you see only what you want to see and hear only what you want to hear.
                              The fact that you bluntly refuse to make yourself familiar with any information, evidence and facts which contradict your one sided views says for itself.

                              • +1

                                @bob19: If you don't want to watch independant video channels, you may want to have a look at the FB page of Senator Gerard Rennik, who shares the stories of REAL people:

                                What is really common for all these victims is that they are all being silenced!
                                MSM don't say anything about this. They don't interview these people. That's why many people do not realise the scale of the problem!

                                But then, you already formed your opinion, you know everything. You trust only the govt bureaucrats and MSM.

                          • +1

                            @bob19: @bob19 - a serious question. If you're not willing to listen to what we're saying, then why are you bothering to spend your time debating ?

                            We've explained how the figures work more than once.

                            But you've just gone back to this again :

                            "Number of reports (cases): 68782 (Multiple adverse events have been reported for some patients).
                            Number of cases with a single suspected medicine: 67701 (The TGA thinks there is a possibility that the medicine caused the adverse event).
                            Number of cases where death was a reported outcome: 599 (These reports of death may or may not have been the results of taking a medicine)."

                            We've already covered these numbers 🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️
                            None of them are in dispute.

                            within 8 months from the beginning of vaccination about 70,000 people had adverse reactions

                            70,000 adverse reactions from millions of doses of any medication is absolutely normal.
                            Are you suggesting we pull the vaccines because they caused fevers and aching joints for a couple of days ?

                            • @Nom: Mate, you just keep repeating what MSM tell you.
                              You are saying that the jabs merely cause fevers and aching joints for a couple of days. This is exactly what MSM tell you.
                              But the situation is MUCH WORSE than they want you to believe. There are thousands of people who had severe injuries and who will be disabled for life. They try to share their stories but MSM are just not interested. They would rather publish an article about some unhappy shopper than about a person injured or killed by the jab.
                              Here are just some examples out of tens of thousands.
                              1. My niece lost her 33 y.o. friend. She passed away after the jab. She was a healthy and active girl and didn't have any pre-existing health conditions. Her symptoms were consistent with the well-known adverse reactions. But the doctors refused to confirm that she died from the jab. They said that as there was no 100% certainty, they won't report it as a death from the jab.
                              2. I personally know a man who had horrible effects and suffered for over 3 weeks after the first jab. He is better now but still far from his original state of health. And guess what? The doctor said it may or may not be from the jab. Just like TGA on their website. He is now very reluctant to get the second jab.
                              4. Many reports about serious adverse events are being shared on the FB page of Senator Gerard Rennik:

                              What is really common for all these victims is that they are all being silenced!

                              MSM don't say anything about this. They don't interview these people. That's why many people do not realise the scale of the problem!

                              Now we are seeing more and more children (who have practically zero chance to die from covid) being seriously effected by the jabs.
                              And it happens in many countries.
                              "The youngest case classified as ‘likely myocarditis’ to date was 12 years old."
                              "Our analysis of the likely myocarditis cases suggests they are reported more frequently in teenage boys, particularly after the second dose."

                              TGA admit on their website admit that these jabs are undergoing clinical TRIALS IN THE COMMUNITY.
                              If you are happy to participate in these trials, it's your choice. But noone can be forced to do so.
                              And no one knows about mid term and long term effects. However, judging by the short term effects we can expect serious issues.
                              TGA: "However, the timeframe for the evaluation of each vaccine will ultimately depend on when the complete data package is provided by sponsors. WE HAVE NOT YET RECEIVED A FULL DATA PACKAGE FROM ANY COMPANY."

                              And one more thing that should make you think - why all covid vaccine manufacturers, the government and doctors were given full legal immunity?

                              Also why is our govt so reluctant to support and approve Australian COVAX-19 vaccine, which is unlike gene mRNA, RNA vaccines is traditional vaccine similar to flu vaccines, which is SIGNIFICANLY SAFER than experimental mRNA and RNA vaccines and which provides immunity not only to the original but to delta strain? Similar, why did our govt delayed (or possibly cancelled) the delivery of traditional NOVAVAX vaccine and instead brough Moderna which has already casued huge amount of adverse reactions in other countries?

                              I would recommend you to listen a very interesting talk with the inventor of Australian COVAX-19 vaccine.

                              • -1

                                @bob19: If these companies or whoever your fear is behind all this is so powerful that they're able to successfully conspire with multiple governments and multiple powerful independent media outlets, do you really think it's wise to speak out against them?? I, for one, welcome or new insect overlords!

                                • -1

                                  @shkippy: Pfizer has power to 'silence' governments and 'maximize profits'

                                  "COVID-19 vaccine manufacturer Pfizer has been accused of hiding behind a veil of secrecy to profiteer during the "worst public health crisis" in over 100 years.
                                  That was the key criticism made by Public Citizen, a consumer rights group, which published a report containing leaked Pfizer contracts with the United States, United Kingdom, European Commission, Albania, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Dominican Republic and Peru."

                                  "The contracts offer a rare glimpse into the power one pharmaceutical corporation has gained to silence governments, throttle supply, shift risk and maximise profits in the worst public health crisis in a century."

                                  "…Nor is it clear if the government signed a contract saying that Australia would forfeit its right to rely on sovereign immunity if Pfizer was to make a claim to seize assets (a clause which appeared in contracts with several nations).
                                  The ABC put those questions to the Department of Health.
                                  In an emailed statement, the department said: "The details of the Advance Purchase Agreement (APA) with Pfizer for the purchase of their COVID-19 vaccine are commercial-in-confidence."
                                  "The contracts that Brazil, Chile, Colombia and the Dominican Republic signed were wide enough to cover situations where they were unable to rely on sovereign immunity if they breached the agreement and Pfizer wanted to come after their state assets.
                                  Those nations promised to "expressly and irrevocably waive any right of immunity which either it or its assets may have or acquire in the future".

                                  Public Citizen also said it looked at contracts where governments had to "'indemnify, defend and hold harmless Pfizer from and against any and all suits, claims, actions, demands, damages, costs and expenses related to vaccine intellectual property".

                                  • -1

                                    @bob19: LOL, I was waiting for an anti-vaxer to take that ABC article out of context and try use it. Pfizer is just doing the same as all big companies do: making money while exploiting anyone they can in the process. I've already written about it here.

                                    Your argument leads me to two lines of questioning:

                                    • In your unique world/perspective how does Pfizer attain leverage over all the mainstream media companies to make them do their bidding? And if Pfizer has such a tight grip on all MSM how did they allow the ABC to produce this damning article against them?

                                    • If all MSM is biased and incorrect what makes this article so special to trust it? Is it only because you think it fits your narrative?

                              • @bob19:

                                Nobody is disputing the very rare cases of serious side effects caused by the vaccines. We are fully aware that they are a thing !

                                I repeat : The various Covid vaccines are not risk free of severe injury or death. Nobody is stating the vaccines (or any other vaccine) are 100% safe - this is the not the bar they need to clear.

                                I don't know what else to add 🤷🏼‍♂️

                                If your position is that the vaccine side effects are anywhere near as common or serious as the list of Covid side effects, then this fails at the very first hurdle. It's trivial to look at countries with massive Covid numbers that switched to massive vaccine numbers - like the UK and Israel - to see what happens when you replace mass Covid with mass vaccination. Pro tip - the situation didn't get worse.

                                • -1

                                  @Nom: Hahaha. I am glad you mentioned those countries as the situation there didn't get any better.
                                  Delta whilst being more infectious is significantly less viral and this is the reaon why vast majority of population have either mild cold like symproms or even don't have symptoms. Of course, some people get it bad but these numbers are very low.
                                  Furthermore, fully vaccinated have been proved to be the main carriers and spreaders of the virus. In addition, fully vaccinated deaths rates are several times higher than unvaccinated.
                                  1. Official Data from England: Technical Briefing #23 (1 Feb to 12 Sep 2021)
                                  Delta cases admited to hospital:
                                  Fully vaccinated (>14 days post dose 2): 157,400
                                  Unvaccinated: 257,357
                                  Deaths from Delta of the patients within 28 days of positive specimen date:
                                  FULLY VAXXED: 1,613
                                  UNVAXXED: 722
                                  Death rate:
                                  Fully vaccinated: 1.025%
                                  Unvaccinated: 0.28%
                                  2. PM of Israel: "The most vulnerable right now are those who have received two vaccine dozes…They feel like they are protected…They don't understand that the vaccine has waned…That's why there are many [vaccinated] people who are seriously ill including hospitalisations."
                                  They are now giving the 3rd and even the 4th jab to people…

                                  • +1

                                    @bob19: Here's a link to the first source you're quoting from, Technical Briefing #23.

                                    You state:

                                    Deaths from Delta of the patients within 28 days of positive specimen date:

                                    "Deaths from Delta" is a misrepresentation, since that table assigns correlation with test results, but does not attribute cause.

                                    Nevermind though, as the base figures you provided are correct as per the source.

                                    More egregiously, you then provide a flagrantly incorrect "Death rate" calculation that is Deaths per Hospitalisations. That is not what Death rate means, and is not provided anywhere in this source. It would be more correct to calculate Death rate as Deaths per Population of fully vaccinated vs. unvaccinated.

                                    The COVID-19 vaccine surveillance report: 16 September 2021 (released in the same week as Technical Briefing #23 by the same agency) provides this data (last column is calculated):

                                    Death within 28 days of positive COVID-19 test by date of death between week 33 and week 36 2021 Rates among persons vaccinated with 2 doses (per 100,000) Rates among persons not vaccinated (per 100,000) Increased death rate of unvaccinated
                                    Under 18 0 0
                                    18-29 0.1 0.4 x 4.0
                                    30-39 0.2 1.2 x 6.0
                                    40-49 0.5 4.4 x 8.8
                                    50-59 1.3 12.2 x 9.4
                                    60-69 4.1 24.3 x 5.9
                                    70-79 12 63.1 x 5.3
                                    80+ 45.5 145.4 x 3.2

                                    So in every age group, unvaccinated people have a 3-9 times higher death rate within 28 days of a positive COVID test, compared to a fully vaccinated person.

                                    The source data refutes your claim that "fully vaccinated deaths rates are several times higher than unvaccinated".

                                    • -2

                                      @TimeOrMoney: Mate, you need to have look at the data in the tables on pages 19 and 20 of Technical Briefing #23 and you will see the following figures:
                                      Delta cases admited to hospital:
                                      Fully vaccinated (>14 days post dose 2): 157,400
                                      Unvaccinated: 257,357
                                      Deaths from Delta of the patients within 28 days of positive specimen date:
                                      FULLY VAXXED: 1,613
                                      UNVAXXED: 722

                                      The source data CONFIRMS that the death rate of the fully vaccinated patients admitted to hospital is several times higher than of the unvaccinated.
                                      Do your sums.

                                      • +1

                                        @bob19: Saw those figures and found where you calculated 1.025% and 0.28%. That is why I pointed out that your definition of death rate is incorrect. Those are the figures you arrive at if you just know how to divide but don't understand statistics.

                                        Data definition from the table you pointed to:

                                        Total deaths in any setting (regardless of hospitalisation status) within 28 days of positive specimen date.

                                        Since this deaths figure is regardless of hospitalisation, it's incorrect to divide them. You instead need to divide by population, otherwise you are falling for the common statistical error of ignoring your Bayesian priors.

                                        Conclusion remains that unvaccinated people have a 3-9 times higher death rate after testing positive for COVID. The data supports that.

                                        • -1

                                          @TimeOrMoney: You can't read, can you?
                                          Well, I will repeat again "death rate of the fully vaccinated patients admitted to hospital".
                                          And do you realise that nearly all people seriously ill with Covid are being admitted to hospitals and die with Covid in hospitals?
                                          Conclusion remains that the death rate of the fully vaccinated patients admitted to hospital is several times higher than of the unvaccinated.

                                          • @bob19:

                                            Total deaths in any setting (regardless of hospitalisation status) within 28 days of positive specimen date.

                                            Agreed with @Nom, you're arguing in bad faith.

                                            • @TimeOrMoney: Well, the Table is called " Attendance to emergency care and deaths of sequenced and genotyped Delta cases in England by vaccination status (1 February 2021 to 12 September 2021)"

                                              The figures from the table I refer to are precise. You can see how many people with different vaccination status got admitted to hospital and how many of them died and their vaccination status.
                                              Nom's table shows only the rates and it is unclear where do they come from.
                                              Conclusion remains - based on the data presented in the Technical briefing 23 the death rate of the fully vaccinated patients admitted to hospital is several times higher than of the unvaccinated.

                                    • -1

                                      @TimeOrMoney: OMG !

                                      Look at the stat for 18-29 year olds….

                                      It doesn't even equal 1 person dying from COVID per 100,000 people.

                                      Yet, we have children forcibly stabbed with COVID vaccinations and suffering from vaccine Injuries


                                  • -1


                                    Nikolai Petrovsky:"When people start dismissing that a vaccine might cause a 1 death in 100,000 or 1 death in 200,000… under normal circumstances that vaccine would never be approved."

                                    Precisely the point. What part of a global pandemic, taking millions upon millions of lives, is "normal circumstances" ?! Quite clearly the risk vs reward calculation is very different.

                                    I am glad you mentioned those countries as the situation there didn't get any better.

                                    You don't think the situation in the UK and Israel got better as they completed their vaccination program ?

                                    I'm done here, I can't debate if you don't accept reality.

                                    Have a great day 👌

                                • -2

                                  @Nom: Nikolai Petrovsky - Coronavirus vaccine developer, Chairman Vaxine P/L, Professor, Flinders University, vice-president and secretary-general of the international immunomics society, active in diabetes, endocrinology and vaccine research, he is the founder of vaxine, a company funded by the us national institutes of health to develop novel vaccine technologies, Physician-academic with extensive research and clinical trial experience.

                                  Nikolai Petrovsky:"When people start dismissing that a vaccine might cause a 1 death in 100,000 or 1 death in 200,000… under normal circumstances that vaccine would never be approved."

  • +2

    Watch it. You won't regret.

    • +4

      I did.

      And I did.

      • -3

        Yeah, should have put disclaimer for vaxxers. It's not for you guys. Go get your booster shot instead and watch love island.

        • +1

          Only a non-vaxxed person can understand the big brain analysis on The Corbett Report: Home of "Open Source Intelligence News"

          • -1

            @railspider: Yes, unvaxxed are smarter. What's the news?

  • +1

    Bill gates is a evil genius 🤓

  • If they pay me $100 I may download this BS written by the BS artist.
    C'mon, neg me, Gates lovers…

  • +3

    Nothing we don't already know - the rich not taking an active role in this problem. It reads more like propaganda shifting the problem to your everyday citizen when most of the waste produce by us is miniscule compared to the global corporations

  • Bill Gates is one of the people who helped to push this pandemic narrative in the media, and maybe responsible for some of the massive costs. Coronavirus is not as bad as was first thought and Billy G has helped to negatively affect so many peoples lifes while profiting from the vaccine as a charity.

    What are his latest “thoughts”? Look climate change is happening, told you so.

    Why do people call Billy G a genius? He is not, and has a terrible past in business, and has been screwing the world for a long time. Yes he can be described as an evil genius.

  • +3

    Rich people like him have the carbon footprint of an entire small town

  • +4

    Bill Gate's solution to climate change is privatisation, at your expense, while not actually addressing climate change.

    Naturally Australians worship the man after he privatised the COVID vaccine during a global pandemic.

    They were happy watching Sinopharm shipping a vaccine to the world for 8 months while they waited to enrich Bill Gates. So not even following free market principles of using the best solution - the one that wasn't 8 months late during a global pandemic.

    • Bill Gates has been behind the scenes running Pfizer? I knew it!

  • +2

    You fools, Bill Gates is only the puppet!
    Made in the image of his reptilian master Bates Gill

  • +6

    I assume a great number of comments on this specific post are poorly written due to the latent emotion they carry for the topic, and not merely representative of intellect. I imagine shaky fingers of anger and hate bubbling over every key press.

    A quick read through of the battles above truly, without sarcasm, makes me sorrowful for the state of humanity and all forms of conversational discourse.

    We are more similar than we are different. We're Ozbargainers having our own human experience. We deserve empathy and understanding; both inwards towards ourselves, and outwards for others. Most of us have spent an inordinate amount of time stuck inside with our badly incentivised social media addictions, absorbing volatile and opposing loud contradictory views on every topic imaginable. 'We're all just dust in the wind, dude', riding this life-rollercoaster together. Enjoy it, and each other, before it ends.

  • +2

    Remember Al Gore and his doomsday predictions..
    Like the guy at CSIRO said, global warming has become like a religion

  • +6

    The losing anti-vaxxer climate change denying flat earthers are really riled up today! Go back to work you lot! Oh right, sorry, forgot (no jab…) lol!

  • +1

    I'll wait for the paperback

  • -1

    Book in a nutshell…

    How to depopulate earth and enforce a global carbon tax system by 2030.

    1) Invent a false pandemic and control the media to invoke fear into the population so people willingly sign up for nanoparticle graphene oxide injections

    2) Mandate vaccines and creat a digital vaccine passport system.

    3) Install 5g systems everywhere with facial recognition cameras and number plate scanning.

    4) Enforce a one world government with a one world crypto currency.

    5) Implement the crypto currency with the vaccine passport/digital identification to track and control the population with a Chinese style social credit system.

    6) Complete AI technology to watch everyone and everything 24/7 and to take hash measures against anyone that stands up against the one world government regime. Have a limit on the amount of carbon each human can use and tax the life out of them. Make meat, travel, cars, and other luxuries only available to the super rich so they can feel superior to the peasant slaves.

    • +4

      Conspiracy nut in a nutshell.

  • +10

    Glad our vaccination rates show that these Ozbargain conspiracy theorists are the vocal minority. Enjoy your echo chamber, losers.

  • This is conspiracy fact, every prediction has been correct because it is not a conspiracy it is whistle blowers telling the truth because they are worried about the future for their grand children.

    Want to see who Bill Gates really is?
    Watch this and learn.

    • +2

      Bill Gates is just a figurehead, a puppet. This is the real mastermind

    • "every prediction has been correct"


      The warmists have been lying since the very beginning, circa 1970. Up to the end of 2020, they have made 48 scary failed climate predictions that have fully expired – at 50:50 odds, the probability of that happening is 1 in ~281 trillion – no rational person or group could be this wrong, this obtuse, for this long – they know they are lying – they’ve known all along. Their objectives are not environmental, that is their false front – their objectives are extreme-left political and financial control – the Great Reset.
      Nobody should believe these climate fraudsters – about anything!………
      There is a powerful logic that says that no rational person can be this wrong, this deliberately obtuse, for this long – that they must have a covert agenda.

      • +5

        When a climate denier confuses an anti-vaxxer for a climate alarmist…

  • Free propaganda is not a deal. As others have said, Bill Gates is not an expert.

    Billy boy only cares about one thing, maintaining the system on which his and other ruling classes maintain power and wealth. They do not care for other humans or the planet.

    D. McCoy, G. Kembhavi, J. Patel, and A. Luintel, ‘The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s grant-making programme for global health’, The Lancet, vol. 373, no. 9675, pp. 1645–1653, May 2009, doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(09)60571-7.

    ‘Linsey McGoey | The People v. Bill Gates · LRB 4 May 2021’.

    J. Loffredo and M. Blumenthal·, ‘Public health or private wealth? How digital vaccine passports pave way for unprecedented surveillance capitalism’, The Grayzone, Oct. 20, 2021.…

    • +6

      It's party ironic criticising him for propaganda while also using an article written by an anti-vax conspiracy blogger and a writer well known for CCP propaganda

      • You mean the Gray Zone is an "anti-vax conspiracy blogger and a writer well known for CCP propaganda"?

        Please present some evidence for your claim.

        • +2

          Didn't take long to find this analysis by Australian Strategic Policy Institute:

          The Grayzone’s top 12 stories of 2020 include accusations that Xinjiang forced labour stories are falsified by the US Government and the military–intelligence complex to drive a new Cold War (note: this included criticism of ASPI and the Center for Strategic and International Studies). The founders of The Grayzone have been interviewed by Chinese state media outlets, including the Global Times and CGTN, and have been featured on Russian state media outlets RT and Sputnik Radio.

          • @TimeOrMoney: The ASPI is a "think tank" funded by the Australian/USA DoD and weapons contractors … propaganda indeed.

            Also didn't take long to find who funds ASPI

            ASPI was established by the Australian Government in 2001 as a company limited by guarantee under the 2001 Corporations Act.[13] At the time it was 100% funded by the Australian Department of Defence, but this had fallen to 43% in the 2018-19 financial year. It is currently funded by the Australian government, the United States State Department, the Embassy of Japan and the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Australia, and by military contractors including Lockheed Martin, BAE Systems, Northrop Grumman, Thales Group, and Raytheon Technologies. [14][3][15]

            Besides, the ASPI report didn't show anything factually incorrect in the Greyzone's work. Just that Chinese government officials/agencies posted links to GZ articles. Hardly a basis for labelling GZ a CCP propagandist.

            Try again.

        • +4

          Written by:

          Jeremy Loffredo - writer for Children's Health Defence website, an anti-vax conspiracy website

          Max Blumenthal - former Russian Times reporter, ran a campaign in an attempt to convince people that Russia never had any influence on the 2016 election, denied CCP's treatment of Uyghurs, and ran many other Russian propaganda stories

          • @GunnerMcDagget:

            Jeremy Loffredo - writer for Children's Health Defence website, an anti-vax conspiracy website

            Well, that is disappointing, I'll read up on that. Skimming through Loffredo's articles I cannot see him advocating against vaccines, (ignoring the loonies in the comments section of the articles)

            Max Blumenthal - former Russian Times reporter

            True, he was an RT journalist. Doesn't make him a stooge, just need to apply a good level of critical thinking. I've found his work to be some of the best researched and referenced articles around.

            I'm still waiting for evidence that what he has written is false or propaganda. Happy to be corrected.

            ran a campaign in an attempt to convince people that Russia never had any influence on the 2016 election, denied CCP's treatment of Uyghurs, and ran many other Russian propaganda stories

            No. He was showing the lack of evidence for such claims made by the Dems, MSM, etc.

            Did Russia attempt to interfere in USA "democracy"? Sure.

            What did they specifically do? Paid $50,000 to $150,000USD for facebook ad's
            Did it work? Nope.

            Even the wikipedia entry shows this to be the case.

            The US elites have been spending $Billions steeling US elections for decades, Russia has a long way to catch up.

            ‘Study: US is an oligarchy, not a democracy - BBC News’.

            • @Cave7:

              The US elites have been spending $Billions steeling US elections for decades, Russia has a long way to catch up.

              Whataboutism writ large

              • @mickeyjuiceman: Oh dear… saying "Whataboutism" is deliberately missing my point. Usually, whataboutism is done without addressing the original argument. I've addressed the original argument and then pointed out real problems in the USA politics with evidence.

                I'm still waiting for evidence of the claims made by others though…

  • +3

    Thanks OP. Perfect gift for my grandkids. It's a pity he doesn't run for president as he'd easily defeat the fat orange turd.

    • +1

      Yeah, skinny senile turd is much better, I know.

    • haha you seem like the guy who votes for mentally retarded to be president, im sure you would vote for Biden if you were in the states.

  • +1

    Scomo the master with the answer of technology that may be scalable , may be cost efficient . may be invented driving his solution :)

  • +8

    I'm not really interested in this deal, but the comments are gold. Hilarious. Everyone from climate change denialists to QAnon anti-vaxxers.

    • -1

      The vaxes are anti-vax themselves. Technically, they shouldn't be called vaccines at all. No need to look further.

      • Yeah its a conspiracy to wipe out every1 but themselves .
        It will be good for population control and I gladly joined the sheep to help them fulfil it .

  • -1

    Father - planned parenthood.
    Vaccine vandal with a history to prove it.
    TED talk 2010. Reduce population. GMO investor.

    Heaven help anyone under this man's spell. He should be rotting in a jail cell, but we live in a world where most of the population are OK with being forced to take depopulation shots (at the request of their ever-loving govs, which, incidentally, he is profiting from handsomely), so I expect the upvotes to continue.

  • +5

    Thank you, downloaded it.

  • -3

    This man is evil.

  • Ironic

  • +1

    I'm just here for the insanity here is mine.

    Gates is actually a good guy or at least I subscribe to the church of gates and jobs.

    Flood me with your technical powers.

    Can't wait for Australia to become even more hotter and worse off than it is now.

    Technology comes at a price.

  • -5

    We should send the “how to avoid a climate disaster book” to the unwashed child, Gretel Tuna…

  • +5

    I have listened to the audiobook version of this book months ago.

    It's good, even though it becomes boring quickly for containing a shitload of data, statistics, etc.

    It is still good though. This is not a simple problem to be solved, and that's how this subject should be treated: complex and requiring a lot of effort in multiple fronts.

    For the haters who downvoted, there seems to be 2 main groups:

    • The group that thinks he suggests "we" (common folk) can solve this problem, and no, he doesn not say that in the book. The best way we can make a change is by voting better, because only with good policies and a lot of innovation we can get out of this.

    • The conspiracy theorists, which I refuse to even address.

    It's a good read, and the deal deserves only upvotes.

  • +4

    The funny thing is that the conspiracy theorists have tried to target someone who seems like one of the worlds best (i.e. someone who is trying to do good for the world) billionaires. Bill Gates:

    • Made a lot of money through legitimate sources. He is undeniably a very talented guy who brought real value to the world through his business ventures. We're not talking about a tobacco or oil company CEO here.
    • He created the Giving Pledge, enlisting many other wealthy individuals (along with himself) to pledge to donate the majority of their wealth to philanthropic causes
    • His main driver these days appears to be the betterment of humanity as a whole. For example, he has dedicated a huge amount of effort over the last 10 years to researching and creating new methods of sanitation (yes, toilets) for poverty-stricken nations, to prevent disease and save lives.

    I wonder what the source of these conspiracy theories are. People jealous of his wealth who decided to target some billionaire at random without realising who Bill is and what he does? Or perhaps propaganda from right wing politics and/or fossil fuel companies who don't like what he stands for.

  • +5

    Far out. Had no idea there were so many crazies lurking in the wood work!

    • +3

      Yeah, seems like the topics that are a trigger for people are ever increasing. And people are getting more and more worked up.
      Though I'm holding on to hope that its the vocal minority and not the majority.

  • +1

    Well anyway in the market place what ever Boring Joe does it will be unwound by the 2024 presidential favourite Trump .
    Because of this constant changing US politics is really a joke and the US lacks credibility .

  • +3

    I've read this book. It's actually fairly well thought out and well written. Bill has spent more than a little bit of his time and resources thinking about Climate Change, how to mitigate it, what we need to do as a population. He's invested many millions of his personal money on research and experimental technology.

    The book isn't really addressed to the reader as 'what you personally need to do to make a teeny little difference'. If anything, it's addressed at world leaders: urging them to invest in infrastructure and technology that will benefit the whole world.

    I would recommend reading it. Yes, the messenger is a bit flawed - he acknowledges that he's personally one of the biggest carbon emitters on the planet. But, if you can past that, the content is well worth a read. It's not just "stop polluting" - but rather "think about a different way to do the things we're doing in a sustainable way".

    If you can't get past the messenger, read David Attenborough's "A life on our planet". It's less specific about what we can do about climate change, but on the same level with outlining the concept of living sustainability.

    • +1

      "Bill has spent more than a little bit of his time and resources thinking about Climate Change,"

      What can he see that us rational folk can't?

      I'm still waiting to see anything scary happen … it's only happening in FAILED, OVERHEATED CLIMATE MODELS.

      Have You Seen The Guardian’s Climate Disaster? It Appears To Have Gone Missing!
      The more the push back against Net Zero grows, the more desperate the propaganda becomes:
      The Earth is already becoming unliveable, they claim!
      Funny, perhaps somebody should tell the 7.9 billion people living on it.

      It’s the usual mix of cherry-picking heatwaves, floods, droughts, crop failures and wildfires, dressed up in fraudulent fancy graphics, and assisted by the hopelessly discredited Katherine Hayhoe.

      So, let’s look at some examples:
      Prolonged multi-decadal droughts in the Sahel
      The “Year of the Flood” in Catalonia
      Record droughts followed by catastrophic floods in India
      Major drought in Chile
      500,000 deaths in Japan in just one winter, due to poor harvests
      Record floods year after year in parts of Europe, but record droughts in other parts
      1000-Year drought in Aegean/Black Sea region
      Around the world, millions died from famine
      Crops regularly devastated around the world

      Sounds bad?
      Yes, it does,
      Similar catastrophic events occurred in the 19th, before the Little Ice Age gave up its grip.
      The Guardian has clearly lost its grip as well!
      They’ll probably try to tell us next that we all died last year.
      After they cannot get much more ridiculous.…

      • Let me make it as simple as I can for you…

        1) Greenhouse gases get their name because they trap in heat, warming up the atmosphere and the earth below.

        2) Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere have been measured to be rising to undesirably high levels (and will continue rising if we don't make changes) and at an unnaturaly fast rate.

        3) We know roughly how much greenhouse gases human activity is creating, and from this can see a direct link between human activity and point (2).

        Even if it's happened before, we know we're a major contributor this time and we don't want it to happen again, because it will really suck.

        Which part of this do you disagree with?

        • The part where our contribution amounts to natural disasters.

          The scale of disasters in the past indicates there's a far greater chance we do everything that's required, by giving ourselves up to government, pay a higher price to live, report in our whereabouts to government, and are dictated to what we're allowed to eat and live, and mother nature STILL continues to throw us a natural disaster here and there, as she's always done in the past.

          The idea we can control the earth is ludicrous , and the agenda behind it, is to have absolute power and control over YOU.

        • -3

          " We know roughly how much greenhouse gases human activity is creating,"

          YEP about 3% of total emissions, with Mother Nature emitting 97%.

          FYI: A 17% drop in human emissions due to COVID had no discernible effect on the steady NATURAL rise in CO2 from outgassing of warmer oceans and rotting vegetation. Proves that human emssions reduction efforts are FUTILE.

          PLIMER: “Okay, here’s the bombshell. The volcanic eruption in Iceland. Since its first spewing of volcanic ash has, in just FOUR DAYS, NEGATED EVERY SINGLE EFFORT you have made in the past five years to control CO2 emissions on our planet – all of you.
          Of course, you know about this evil carbon dioxide that we are trying to suppress – it’s that vital chemical compound that every plant requires to live and grow and to synthesize into oxygen for us humans and all animal life.
          I know… it’s very disheartening to realize that all of the carbon emission savings you have accomplished while suffering the inconvenience and expense of driving Prius hybrids, buying fabric grocery bags, sitting up till midnight to finish your kids “The Green Revolution” science project, throwing out all of your non-green cleaning supplies, using only two squares of toilet paper, putting a brick in your toilet tank reservoir, selling your SUV and speedboat, getting hit every day on your bicycle, replacing all of your 50 cent light bulbs with $10.00 light bulbs… well, all of those things you have done have all gone down the tubes in just four days.
          The volcanic ash emitted into the Earth’s atmosphere in just four days – yes, FOUR DAYS – by that volcano in Iceland which has totally erased every single effort you have made to reduce the evil beast, carbon. And there are around 200 active volcanoes on the planet spewing out this crud at any one time – EVERY DAY.
          I don’t really want to rain on your parade too much, but I should mention that when the volcano Mt. Pinatubo erupted in the Philippines in 1991, it spewed out more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere than the entire human race had emitted in all its years on earth.
          Yes, folks, Mt. Pinatubo was active for over one year – think about it.

          • +1

            @Gekov: Everyone check this out. It turns out the vast majority of scientists around the world, who agree that human activity is the primary cause of accelerated global warming, must be wrong! By doing some googling, and quoting Tony Abbot's favourite scientist, Ian Plimer, Gekov has shown we can safely ignore the broader scientific community.

            Really though, you can probably find one scientist who will support any argument. In a similar way that people have been able to find a handful of doctors who will support conspiracy theories about vaccines.

            Edit: Sorry to be a bit of a dick about it, but c'mon man.

            • -2

              @Alderson: " It turns out the vast majority of scientists around the world, who agree that human activity is the primary cause of accelerated global warming, must be wrong!"

              OMG still touting the FAKE 97% consensus, don't you whackos ever give up?

              Besides, if something relies on consensus, it is politics, not science..

              Dr. Richard Tol effectively summarizes this problem in his rebuke of this study’s conclusions, claiming,
              “Consensus is irrelevant in science. There are plenty of examples in history where everyone agreed and everyone was wrong.”
              Indeed, there are many such examples. Consensus does not require truth or accuracy; it merely establishes that a group of any number of individuals congregated and agreed to a certain perspective – which is often based on nothing but misinformed opinions.

            • -2

              @Alderson: MORE ON CONSENSUS …
              Consensus is about persuasion and compromise, not right or wrong, not what works best. Consensus is about human interactions, which are mainly about emotions, jumping to conclusions, and negotiation, and may or may not include facts and analysis. Consensus is about compromise, and compromise means that someone, maybe everyone, has to set aside an idea that may have value in order to satisfy the group, or the leader of the group.

              Even world-renowned physicist Albert Einstein recognized the fallacy of consensus when it is applied to science. When the Nazi Party of Germany decided they didn’t like Einstein because he was Jewish, they set about to discredit him by publishing One Hundred Authors Against Einstein in 1931. In total, 121 authors were identified as opponents to Einstein’s special relativity theory.

              Einstein, one step ahead of them all is said to have riposted,
              “It would not have required one hundred authors to prove me wrong; one would have been enough.”

        • -3

          "it will really suck."


          PARADISE LOST … Golden Age Of Mammals Was 10ºC WARMER Than Today. AND NOT ONE TIPPING POINT IN SIGHT!
          In fact, “paradise lost” is the subtitle of a 1994 book on our planet 33 million years ago by veteran paleo-climatologist Donald A. Prothero - The Eocene-Oligocene Transition: Paradise Lost. The Eocene (55-33 million years ago) began what is sometimes called the Golden Age of Mammals. This geological age was at least 10°C warmer than today, free of ice caps, and with CO2 levels, Prothero suggests, of up to 3,000 parts per million, which is almost eight times today’s level of about 400 ppm. Yet Prothero calls the Eocene a “lush, tropical world.”

          At the end of the still very warm Oligocene (33-23 mya), Prothero puts CO2 levels at 1,600 ppm, or four times today’s levels. Prothero’s 1994 CO2 estimates may be a high, but no one—not even Hansen—denies that CO2 levels were several times higher than todays in the Eocene and Oligocene and, indeed, right down to the Miocene (23-5 mya).

          For Prothero, the boundary between the Eocene and Oligocene was “paradise lost” because it was then, about 33 million years ago, that the planet began its slide from a “lush, tropical world” into its current ice age conditions, with glaciations every 85,000 years interspersed with brief, 15,000-year warm interglacials.
          FURTHER …
          “The world that all the little brown furry things [mammals] inherited from the dinosaurs was paradise. The climate was so mild that redwoods, unable now to live much further north than California’s pleasant coast, grew in Alaska, Greenland, Sweden, and Siberia. There was no ice in the Arctic. Palm trees grew as far north as 50º latitude, roughly the boundary between the US and Canada. Below that subtropical zone—that was similar to Florida’s landscape today—was a broad band of tropical rain forest.”

          Sounds grim, doesn’t it?

          • +2

            @Gekov: Re. "This geological age was at least 10°C warmer than today, free of ice caps"

            There is still some uncertainty about the full volume of glaciers and ice caps on Earth, but if all of them were to melt, global sea level would rise approximately 70 meters (approximately 230 feet), flooding every coastal city on the planet.

            It does sound grim, yes. Stop wasting our time.

            • -2

              @Alderson: "global sea level would rise approximately 70 meters (approximately 230 feet), flooding every coastal city on the planet.
              It does sound grim, yes. Stop wasting our time."

              That "70 metres" sounds just a trifle EXAGGERATED baby.

              It wasn't "grim" for the golden age of mammals.

              FYI: Sea levels have already risen over 100 metres in the last 20 thousand years. So what?
              Your 70 meters is wrong. Stop wasting our time with exaggerated, made up crap.

              • +1


                It wasn't "grim" for the golden age of mammals.

                Don't you think those mammals just walked inland as the coastlines got smaller ? What does any of that have to do with the problems humanity is facing ?

                Sea levels have already risen over 100 metres in the last 20 thousand years.

                Don't you think 20 thousand years leaves enough time to adapt ? What does that have to with the current timeline which is two hundred times shorter ?

  • +4

    Poisonous globalist propaganda from the man who stands to gain a massive return on investment is not a bargain, even when free.

  • There sure are a lot of very angry people arguing with other very angry people in the comments.

  • +2

    Just no

  • -1

    TIL how many anti vaxers and people who this googling is research are subscribed to ozbargain.

  • +2

    Children 5 - 11 year old's nearly approved for vaccinations

    Those poor children.

    Where's the rational behind it? I didn't know the children died so often from COVID it warrants injecting them with highly controversial big pharma vaccines to keep them safe.

    Just imagine a big smiling Bill Gates

    • +1

      I'll just leave this here

      This is an article debunking the comments from Bill Gate's that vaccines help with depopulation.

      TLDR: The vaccines are not designed to kill off the people, but instead help with unsustainable population growth.

      I'll leave that thought with you all, what does that mean…

      • These people have made their conspiracy theories part of their identity, you can provide all of the evidence in the world but they'll never look at it, because they don't want to be proven wrong.

  • +1

    why people love to throw out the old media blanket that anyone that dares question is an anti-vaxxer? I aint anti vax, i am anti experimental vaccine being forced down our throats.. me and my kids have had vaccines in the past..
    COVID vaccines are in clinical trials until 2023..

    look at the stats… 1669 dead from COVID in Aus while there are 600 reported deaths to adverse reactions from vaccine, 100% guarantee that is massively under-reported as well.. nearly 70,000 with adverse reactions and possibly long term health implications..

    or for what? something in aus that is over half as deadly as the normal yearly flu in australia? we can deal with it in australia
    4000+ deaths each year from flu/pneumonia where is the outrage then?
    where are the forced vaccines back then? threats of loss of income and jobs, forcing people out of their livelihoods..

    where are the pro abortionists? my body my choice? deathly silent hey..

    pathetic how quickly aussies have turned into sheep

    Mark Mao McGowan set to extend his State of Emergency measure till mid next year to enforce his draconian laws forcing people out of jobs.. sorry where is the state of emergency in WA??? blatant abuse of power right there… nobody dares question it either.. reason our health system/hospitals are under MASSIVE pressure in WA is due to all the adverse reactions occurring, reports are slowly leaking out from hospitals about what is really happening.. nurses being told to shut their mouths about it, but people are starting to speak out.. not that the state media would dare to say anything different..

    • -1

      You asked so many good questions. I could add many more. But there is one answer to all questions - sheep can't think and comprehend, sheep only OBEY and CONFORM…

    • +2

      ….while there are 600 reported deaths to adverse reactions from vaccine…..

      Where are these "reports"?

      Credible links are welcomed, but not expected.

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