This was posted 3 years 4 months 19 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PC, GOG] Cyberpunk 2077 $25.92 @ Instant Gaming


Like this deal from CDKEY but from another seller.

Cyberpunk 2077 for PC is a first-person shooter game, but one with a difference. Set in a dystopian Free State of California, the rules of the nation and the state no longer apply. Instead, playing as a mercenary named V, the player must work their way around the city, attaining their goals and battling enemies as they go.

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closed Comments

  • +2

    I remember all the reported problems the game had at launch, similar to Fallout 76. Is the game fine now? Most performance/bug issues fixed?

    • +6

      I got it about 6 months ago, and put in 50 hours.

      Minus a glitch in a story mission where you struggle to climb a ladder (common issue), I've had one recent glitch where a car I had to track down glitches out and can't drive over bodies.. I can't think of any other example.

      Solid game and great gunplay. You'd be hard pressed to play a better game for $25.

    • Seem to be mostly fixed now, I got the game about a month after launch, and it was a constant back and forth between being stuck by a game-breaking bug and waiting for a patch.

    • +2

      Just got it recently. Brilliant game so far. Could be the most underrated overhyped games ever.

      • +2

        most underrated overhyped game

        It wasn't even made by Paradox Interactive.

      • Yeah they did just about everything wrong that they could, overhyped, underdelivered and just flat out lied. I think after being memed to death, this game has just been all but forgotten about now. I grabbed it in a previous deal for about $25, and it's just sat in my collection until it's been patched to a functional and fun game, which I was fairly sure it would be eventually.

    • PLaying it now, and making sure I do every side quest. It's phenomenal in it's obvious work. I'm a Bladerunner sucker, so being in the enormous environment they created is $ enough for me

    • There's still some bugs, but most of the big issues have long been fixed.
      Have put in 250+ hours, and while there's still some bugs, there's plenty of game to play. For $25, it's well worth it, even if you choose to hold off until the bugs are squashed and the DLC comes out.

      Depends what you want from a game. If you enjoy uncovering details and lore, with tons of genre references (Matrix, Blade Runner, etc) then it'll be a rich experience for you.
      If you prefer racing to the finish line over a pile of bodies, then the game will be adequate, but it's not it's forte.

      Some of the 'bugs' players complain about, are actually the game reducing itself down to cope, because the player is trying to run it on a potato.

      • (Can't edit my comment to add a link)
        Someone was saying the game looked bland
        Note: the corruption on the billboards is from the Nvidia capture software. It looks fine in the game.

        • What hardware was being used and what graphics settings for that video??

          • @NoApostrophePlurals: One of the BPC deals that was on here a few months back - i9, 3060Ti
            Settings were Ray Tracing Ultra, with Chromatic Aberration and Film Grain left on, as I happen to like the effect.
            However, both the capture software and the conversion have downgraded it a wee bit.

            Have seen some really outstanding screenshots with a 3080 with coloured volumetric fog - not sure if they used mods or not though.

    • PC is fine, it's a bit lifeless but otherwise problem free for most of the game. You'll find bugs and glitches, but nothing too crazy now.

    • Most of the problems were with the console version. PC hasn't really been an issue.

      I started playing on PC after the first minor patch and it's worked fine. Even back then, the most was an NPC walking through a rock or some droids couldn't be looted (for junk most of the time) and these are all fixed now. Latest patches have just made the minimap better and better environmental effects.

  • I hated the driving in this game so much I dropped it pretty soon in.

    • +1

      They've added updates for the driving where you can fix the handling quite a bit

    • You can switch camera to behind car with Q. From there its basically GTA

    • A lot of the normal cars are just bad in the game, once you get a few really good cars in your inventory (the shion is my fav) the driving is pretty fun.

    • Don't know what they were like, but vehicles are fairly easy to drive, even in first person view
      As someone pointed out earlier, it can depend on the vehicle and the starter car is junk.
      Once you get yourself a Javelina or Outlaw GTS, any pf the bikes, you'll have a much more pleasant experience

      • +1

        Yeah the batman mobile secret Easter car is a good one to add to your collection too

  • +6

    Great game. PC never really had issues.

    I got from illegitimate means to test it out and ended up buying after getting hooked on it.

  • -3

    Here comes the Cyberpunk 2077 Hate Circle jerk

    • +7

      I'll join any circle jerk. Doesn't have to just relate to Cyberpunk.

      Should I put this in the classifieds section?

      • +1

        Let's put a SAO in the middle.

    • +1

      There's always hate, but the reception on Steam is 'mostly positive'.

      • -1

        It's a very loud but small minority that seems to hate this game.

  • +6

    The price of this game certainly had tanked.

    I pity the people who paid some thing like $80-100 at launch.

    • Still ~$90 on Steam, though it has gone on sale a few times. Never as cheap as this price though.

      • Steam prices are weird for some big AAA games.

        I've been wanting RDR2 on there for ages but it never goes below $60 despite being way lower on non-Steam versions.

        GTA V had the same problem, took years to be like $25 on Steam.

        • Yeah they are price goughing through Steam.

    • Got my moneys worth. No ragerts!

    • Some of us believed the hype, even after they swore 'never pre-order'. :(

  • +3

    I thought instant gaming were one of those frowned upon websites.

  • +2

    I got this game at launch and sunk about 96 hours into a single play through. Freakin' awesome game.
    Never had any bugs that prevented progress, only a few visual glitches (T-posing naked when in the care a couple times).
    On PC it certainly doesn't deserve the hate it gets.

    • It's more like the console versions which had bigger issues. Especially the PS4 version which people ran on the standard PS4. Just isn't powerful enough to run the game properly.

  • +1

    There are fundamental story issues and map layout issues with this.

    Like entire areas just really bland, dead and early PS4 looking, while others look amazing.

    I wouldn't consider this product until it has all the DLC which may fix it.

    Also the repetitive battle music every fight just kinda gets on your nerves.

    Surprisingly Keaneau is one of the better parts of the game.

  • +2

    probably by the time I finish the pile of games I haven't yet finished.. like Control, Ghostrunner, Death Stranding.. Black fken Mesa..

    it will be free on Epic by then. or down to $5 on some Epic voucher sale

    and free of any bugs

    • +1

      I have similar section in my pile. I can say that I've finished Control though. Loved every minute of it!

      • +1

        yeah control is super cool, if a bit too dark

    • Control is a stunning game. Once I walked away from a boss I couldn't kill I lost my skills. Well worth the time for the production quality alone.

      • I am not dedicated enough to progress in this game rapidly

        most of the time I just walk around enjoying the fantastic building

  • +3

    Not a deal until it's $5

    • +5

      I got $5 set aside for this game. ready to pull the trigger when it happens

      I am nothing if not prepared. or patient OR BOTH

      • +1

        Keep that $5 in a safe, will be a target for thieves

        • +1

          it's in my bank account, raking in sick interests and dividends

          will be a whopping $5.01 by the time I get Cyberpunk

  • I'll buy this as soon as I get a 3080

    • It doesn't need a 3080 to run. Just leave ray tracing off as it doesn't make a humongous difference.

      • +3

        You're overestimating my current GPU lol

        • +1

          I miss the days when games could run at 320x240.

        • what are you even running? 7600GS?

    • +2

      It runs great (without RTX obvs) on my 1080

    • I'll play it on my 5050Ti

  • +2

    It’ll be around $10-15 by Black Friday.

    • Even I might even possibly pull the trigger at that point. I think the Ozbargainer who gets it for the cheapest price within one year of the game's release (which will be 10th December this year) should win a prize in honour of the atomic stuff up that was the Cyberpunk release.

      • die-hard Ozbargainer will get this free from Epic


  • I only have a PC with a 1050ti, but I also have an Xbox series S. Which platform should I play this on?

    • id say pc. what cpu are you using?

      • i7 4770.

        • unless you're going to upgrade your pc i series s version is probably the way to go

        • +1

          That PC will be 1080p around 40fps with medium settings, and lots of frame drops, going by videos on Youtube. XBox Series S will play it better, though at a locked 30fps with better visuals and will have an update available in 2022 to play it natively.

    • I wouldnt buy the pc version for a 1050ti the xbox version will even put out much better performance most likely.

    • PC. At least there are possibilities of mods.

    • Series S would look and feel way way better. I had a 1050ti and played it and while it was okay, nothing special.

  • great game but AI is dumb and half way through the game you get so op that gun fights are no longer challenge
    solid 6,7 out of 10

  • +2

    Is this a legit site?

  • Bought this on release when it was around $33; I only finished the game once but despite the problems it had back then I would say it was worth my money then. If you were curious to see what all the hype (and dissatisfaction) was all about, I'd recommend at this price now.

  • How much is it on GOG?

    • $65.73

      • -3

        $65.73 on GOG (who are owned by CD Projekt Red).

        ITAD says the cheapest it's been anywhere since release is A$59.99… on GOG.

        I feel like this is a good way to lose $25.

  • +3

    What is this site? I bought a copy and now it wants me to send a photo of my id? the fk?

    • +3

      Major oof.

      • +3

        eh wasnt as bad as I thought since they allow you to censor everything except your name, but still a bit of a wtf from some random shifty site on the internet.

    • +5

      Rough… it's $27.29 on CDKeys if people wanna avoid IG

      • It's £12.99 $(23.90 AUD) on CDKeys if you're in the Ukraine

        • I didn't know they used GBP in Ukraine.

    • +1

      Yeah no thanks.

  • Thanks OP! Last time I can remember it was in excess of $60! Cheers

  • Sorry but how does this work? Purchasing and receiving a code to redeem on Steam?
    Or it just give you a key to install??

    • On GOG

      • Damn, was hoping it could link to my steam so I could play it on Geforce now.

  • Got this game for the Xbox Series X from the recent Harvey Norman deal, enjoying it so far. Small bugs here and there but nothing game breaking. Only had the game crash on me once before.

    Solid game overall, a steal at this price! The story and gameplay is very good.

  • I feel like an overhaul is never going to come. Just settle with a half arsed game

  • True story. I loaded the game straight from the disc on my ps4 pro at launch.
    Vanilla. No updates. Still clocked it.

    The graphics were ps3 levels and that's being generous. I had a couple of crashes in between missions, maybe one or two during; however I just kept to the main story and I got it done. People shouldn't be complaining about things this stage…

    Solid story with good gameplay. It's not Witcher level but it's up there with GTA.

    • +1

      We played on PS5 (PS4 version) and the graphics were weird, it looks amazing in some spots, unfinished in others.

      Those managers who said "just ship it" really screwed up their reputation.

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