This was posted 2 years 8 months 13 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[VIC, SA, QLD] 12-Month Gym Membership $199 Upfront (Save $400) + $49 Admin Fee (New & Expired Members) @ Derrimut 24:7 Gym


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Just in time for Melbourne lockdowns being lifted up!
A repeat of the EOFY special they last had in June/July 2021
They seem to have a huge facility with modern machines and equipment

12 month membership upfront for $199 for new and expired members + $49 admin fee = TOTAL $248
Please note: Based on my previous experience, memberships are not transferrable to another member after purchasing

24 hour access to ALL locations Australia wide (they say all locations but are mainly based in VIC & SA with one branch in QLD), including group fitness classes.
See for locations:

*Terms And conditions apply. Derrimut 24:7 Gym reserves right to change and extend this offer.

After purchasing, please visit your nominated gym location with your proof of purchase and valid ID to finalise your membership.

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Derrimut 24:7 Gym
Derrimut 24:7 Gym

closed Comments

    • +73

      u can afford a more expensive gym m8 if you are calling other suburbs ghetto

      • +1

        Probably should have worded it differently, but he is right, it's like a list of the poorest suburbs.

        • +11

          Yea, def the lower cost suburbs… it is prob why they can keep their cost low.
          Calling it ghetto kinda refers it to be filled with crime, but statistics show otherwise

          • @Jonathankira:

            prob why they can keep their cost low

            100kg weights and costs the same in Toorak as Bendigo no?

            • +4

              @idonotknowwhy: Yeah, and the same with rents. Good point.

            • @idonotknowwhy: land price…..
              surely a troll comment right?

              • -1

                @Jonathankira: Nah gyms don't buy land bro, they rent it

                • +1

                  @idonotknowwhy: rent be more expensive depending on the area doe
                  also they would be leasing it… if u want to be more technical
                  point still stands… price of land high in more expensive suburbs, meaning lease and rent would be more expensive.

        • +62

          Hardly the poorest suburbs by median house price or average income. Such a sheltered eastern suburbs thing to say lol

        • -7

          do they get equipment stolen at an alarming rate?

          • +3

            @dbmitch: Ye ppl come in and steal the squat racks and shit

            • +19

              @tommylikeaboss: Hate it when people steal let alone crap on the floor while doing it

            • -1

              @tommylikeaboss: That sounds about right, some randos at 3am at night come to load up the weights in a north gym using an entirely different keycard they found/stole. People just really want their own home gym without the cost, but if you put the gym in those areas, it's just a gym library without returns.

        • So what's the problem?

    • Ghetto? What is Dandenong not on the list?

    • -8

      Ppl with houses in the west ghetto areas will flock to downvote you but inside they know they are really living in ghetto areas.

    • +1

      pakenham isnt se?

      • so is Frankston

        • -1

          Frankston is a dump, but with the exception of Williamstown, Yarraville and maybe Seddon, it's betten than all the other Western Suburbs.

          • @[Deactivated]: Pakenham is turning ghetto, in parts it's even starting to resemble one. It's the new Dandenong.

            • @sparkles: Pakenham was always ghetto.

          • -1

            @[Deactivated]: Except for the fact Frankston isn't West?

            • @4foxache: Well duh.

          • @[Deactivated]: LOL.. That is such Bull****. You are either really young and naive or you don't know Melbourne at all.. Probably still living in your parents house! It shows!

            • @Justin9mm: I've lived in Melbourne probably longer than you've been alive.

    • -3

      Crime stats say that SE Melbourne is the ghetto part of Melbourne….

      Dandenong is the highest crime rate per capita suburb in Melbourne for example.

      • -1

        Incorrect, for burglary 3335 is the worst
        Bonnie Brook, Grangefields, Plumpton, Rockbank, Thornhill Park
        Dandenong isn't even red…

        On overall stats its more even…

        But Brimbank LGA still is worse than Dandenong

        • -1

          You clearly dont understand how to read your own data or what per capita means. The Crimestats link you posted clearly shows Dandenong LGA is worse per capita. Also if you go down to suburb level (you have to calculate it manually for per capita), Dandenong is way ahead of any suburb in Brimbank and is the worst in Melbourne as I correctly stated.

          As for the RACV one, you realise no one lives in Bonnie Brook, Grangefields, Plumpton and very few in Rockbank and Thornhill Park? They are just construction sites…

          • @CheapBrah: 'you realise no one lives in Bonnie Brook, Grangefields, Plumpton"

            not really ay, who do you think is doing the break ins, people who live on that side

            Also braybrook is right behind

            Total offences recorded = 18,318 in Greater Dandenong LGA VS 19,226 in Brinkbank, more crime, just more people to bring the avg down

            Only 2 suburbs i would avoid in SE, at least a dozen in the west,
            The west is an ugly shithole that taste like truck fumes, could not pay me to live there, and house prices reflect that

            • -1

              @thesainter: "just more people to bring the average down", well at least you are starting to understand how per capita works now and are accepting that the per capita crime is higher in the SE. Glad I could fill in the gaps left by the ghetto SE education system.

      • I don't think anyone in Sth East Melbourne would disagree that Dandenong isn't a dump.

        • Was that intentionally written as confusingly as possible?

          • @mickeyjuiceman: So basically he thinks anyone would agree Dandenong isn't a dump?

            Or he doesn't think anyone would agree that Dandenong is a dump?

            I'm still confused.

    • No one on South East Melbourne would even consider going to a gym named after Derrimut anyway.

      Who owns this gym anyway?

      • The local Derrimut gym attracts young male tradie types, making them future COVID cesspools. I wouldn't go in if it was free.

      • One owner drives a Lamborghini

        • And a Harley?

    • I wonder why DERRIMUT gym wouldn’t be in the SE??

    • Oh no, what would shallow people who only care about money think?

    • Such a shame to see so many hate speech going around. There truly seems to be a greater separation and divide even within our own state.

      Can't imagine if a war breaks out in our soil.

  • +17

    I think next year will lock down again due to COVID21. Better keep cash in your pocket than asking for refund next year.

    • +4

      It’s like $5 a week. It ain’t fitness first

      • +1

        It's much better than fitness first…

    • +1

      i think the gov is ending lockdowns. if u dont want the vaccine then u suffer the consequences

        • +8

          What are you proposing we do? Cant tell if youre pro or antilockdown or pro antivaxx.

          • +6

            @Pwoar: The virus is endemic and we need to learn to live with it. I know this can be hard to accept given sunk cost and all that but the sooner we do, the sooner things return to normal.

          • -2

            @Pwoar: Thats the thing, it doesn't matter what label you put me or anybody because of the data we see coming from other countries.

            We went into lockdown to stop/slow/prevent spread but the only thing we have done is kicked that can down the road, added a shitload of debit and allowed the government to impose further into our lives. In doing so we have now serious issues in other areas of our society. Mental health is sky rocketing, people have lost their business, shops and a means to supporting their families / themselves, inflation is growing at an alarming rate, housing crisis has only gotten worse, we have heavily impacted development of kids of which they can never get back, our global / local supply chains are devastated and it will take a long time before they are back to normal. There is more but you get the idea.

            All these aspects have been overshadowed by cv fear porn and the public made to feel like cv is the only thing that matters / requires attention / discussion. In the last two years we have seen the biggest transfer of wealth in human history that has mostly gone unnoticed that will fundamentally impact the co-mingling of gov and corporation for generations of aussies. Another serious issues unspoken about.

            We have all been sold to feel like we are doing our bit, we are protecting ourselves and each other. Meanwhile the ship that gave this country the title "the lucky ones" is sinking while we are busy plugging up one hole in the hull while we ignore the 15 around us that have been created.

        • +12

          Wtf mate? Singapore had a 7-day average of 11 deaths last week… Let's lay out the FACTS for yesterday's cases:
          * 3,383 new COVID-19 cases
          * 15 deaths total
          * 9 of them were unvaccinated
          * 6 of them vaccinated
          * ALL in people between 58-100, WITH UNDERLYING HEALTH ISSUES

          • -5

            @thebargainhunter: Yup, spot on thats a trend we will most likely see here but with worse numbers based on western diet and lifestyle.

            • +1



              Speak for yourself. Got door? You got a gym!

              • @idonotknowwhy: True.. but lets face your the exception not the rule. For the most part we here in Oz don't exactly live a healthy lifestyle and we can see that within the statistical data.

                • @vash5: Yeah lots of flabby people in melb

        • If you think the vaccine is supposed to fully stop transmission then that misinformation is on you man.

          No shiz deaths are gonna be higher when their cases are at an all time high. Vaccine or no vaccine. No one's pretending covid is just gonna dissapear and if you think getting the jab is "complying with tyranny" then that's fine, but at least go find out what the jab helps with for your own sake.

          What do you propose happens instead?

          • @Castcore: He probably thinks the US is the role model for sensible pandemic behaviour, with their FREEDUMBS and so on

          • @Castcore: Are you asking me?

      • I am just stating the fact, I thought lockdown was over last year too when zero cases. All of a sudden, lockdown few days here and there. I am just saying to people not to sign up for thing long term as things change rapidly.

        • There's nothing else we can do now that all adults have had the chance to get vaccinated. We move on with life

          • @belongsinforums: We may not be allowed to move on with life. In case you didn't notice, our government is authoritarian.

            • @Vomo: They are opening the borders. I don't know what more you want

              • @belongsinforums: Just a bit pessimistic after 2 years of this. Hope you're right and we do get back to pre 2019.

                • @Vomo: It's been a shitty time for all of us. Hopefully world governments learned from this so we can do better next time

  • +3

    I wonder if people who purchased during last deal had their period extended or did they lose out on the money… kinda worried there will be future lockdown or restrictions that may impede consistent gym work out sessions again

    • imma msg them now, i renewed last year dec… so i am wondering

      edit. pretty sure it is because before i renewed it. I intially had a membership which should have been expired months but apparently when renewing the said i had till the end of december

    • i think they kept charging tbh

    • +2

      If you had the pre purchased 12mths membership, they offered some extension. If you were on a monthly/fortnightly payment, you paid even while closed with.

    • +5

      Not sure about Derrimut gym but Anytime Fitness froze our memberships while we didn't have access.

    • +1

      my months were extended based on however long lockdown was.

  • +4

    Is this the gym where guys have no necks? 🤣

    • +3

      Naw it's located within the smokers lounge of an ALDI

      • Aldi? What is this Aldi you speak of?

    • +3

      Yep and where the women walk dragging their knuckles along the ground

  • +13

    U got a door u got a gym

    • +8

      I wonder how many door frames that device claimed.

  • +3

    I think you have to be double jabbed to go to this gym

    • +6


      As I would hope to be the case for any gym unless you have a medical exemption.

    • +21

      Double HGH jabbed

    • to clarify this is the covid vaccine jab. Some people going to the gym may jab themselves with other substances

    • +4

      Juice jokes aside, I’m a member and there’s nothing that says you need a vaccine.

      Also, this prince is insanely cheap compared to some other gyms. I’ve been to a few different ones around SA and have found them all clean with a tonne of equipment. Quite happy with this even deal even though I paid $300 in March. At $5/week, that’s an absolute steal

      • Different states, different mandates right now. You'll need to have both jabs for NSW and VIC

        • Only if the gym owners/franchisees enforce it. I'd say lots aren't… the gym I go to in NSW allowed me to keep going without even a first jab (I still put my membership on hold anyway until 1 December).

          • -1

            @MiscOzB: You shouldn't be going to a gym if you haven't had your first jab then if it's not meant to be allowed?

            • @NoApostrophePlurals: Indeed. But lots of people would still go anyway if offered.

              phluffed said "You'll need to have both jabs for NSW and VIC" which isn't the case for some gyms in those states if the rules aren't being enforced.

      • +2

        They sent an email out to all VIC and NSW customers stating that you must be double vaccinated

      • Princes in the western suburbs tend to be cheaper i think.

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