This was posted 12 years 11 months 17 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Buy 2 Games and Get The Darkness 2 Limited Edition for Free (Excld Shipping)



My name is Rahul and I run which offers PC games for very competetive and reasonable prices.All our products are shipped from Indiaand it takes 7-14 days for the products to reach Australia.Feel free to comment and all feedbacks and suggestions will be highly appreciated.

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closed Comments

  • +2

    two things:

    1: you shouldnt really advertise, when you have such a limited range of games
    2: please state that the deal is limited to the first 30 orders in any future posts.

    • There isnt any rule stating that only stores who have huge range of products are allowed to post here.Small businesses cant afford huge inventories like big companies but I am quite sure that our prices are quite competetive in comparison to other shops of UK and Australia

      It was my mistake that I didnt post about the 30 orders limit

      • Actually there is a rule for this site.

        Limited Quantity

        If a bargain is for a limited quantity, that fact and the quantity, should be publicised in the deal (in the title ideally).

        If a bargain is for a low quantity, it might be “unpublished”.…

        • I think you misunderstood my post.I mean to say that there is no rule stating that smaller companies cannot post on Ozbargain because the guy with the first post said that I shouldnt really advertise when I have such limited range of games,while there is no rule in Ozbargain stating that sellers with smaller inventories are not supposed to post anything.

  • +2

    Put shipping costs in title. Shipping appears to be $7 to Oz or $25 for express shipping.

    • -2

      If you mean title on ozbargain then its not possible because of limited number of characters available.

      • You could get rid of this "(Excld Shipping)" crap and put the total cost of the shipping on the whole order, or cost per item.

  • +2

    How can you have 30 Max Payne 3 in stock when it comes out in May?

    I wouldn't touch this.

    Edit: Also GTA5 (was that even announced?) and Bioshock Infinite.

    • +1

      Yes GTA V was announced a couple of months ago, but it's very dodgy that the rep doesn't note that it is on pre-order for an unknown release date.

      • -1

        It is on pre-order or else I wouldnt have posted the product on my store.

    • All the games on store will release within the next few months or this year.

  • I agree with the comments here. Some are for pre-orders for games which have no announced release dates yet.

    • So is that my fault that the dates have not been announced?You can buy any other two games which are already available and still get darkness 2 for free.

  • +2

    Rahul, a couple of hints:

    1. People here are looking for prices. What will they pay? Including postage.
    2. Is it a saving? If you're not offering a saving, you will get savaged.
    3. Is it really available to the hundreds of people who read it here and then click on your link? Really? If it's only available for the first hour after posting, to the first 20 customers who can recite Pi to 10 decimal places, then you're not going to be popular.
    4. Is it just a thinly disguised ad for your website? Yes? People will see through that fairly quickly and again will savage your "deal".

    In other words, people here are keen for bargains. They want to know the details, and they want to know the limitations. If you are not completely honest with them, the minimum you can expect is some loud abuse. Telling people in this community about bargains is good, but they will let you know very forcefully if your "bargain" doesn't meet community expectations.

    I strongly recommend that any prospective company poster to OzBargain do some serious reading of the site first, and lurk for a few weeks to get a feel for likes and dislikes. There are quite a few companies that have been burned by not knowing their audience - you're just the latest.

    Finally, before you think "Oh well, I've burned my bridges with that website but I can move on", remember that shoppers use Google. OzBargain posts show up on Google. This is something all prospective posters to OzBargain should consider - feedback here is very public. Your bridges are not completely burned, but if you do want to post here again consider my suggestions before doing so and you're likely to receive a more positive community response. Which again will show up in search engine results.

    • The offer states Buy 2 get 1 free so its not possible to mention prices of any products as anyone can purchase in any combinations.

      Ofcourse it is a saving.Buy two games and get darkness 2 for free.For example buy two games worth 20$ each and get darkness 2 for free as well.So savings are huge but its not possible to compute savings exactly due to the combinations of two purchases which can be done.

    • Okay, now I've checked your website rather than just going on previous comments, and decided that what you have there looks and smells incredibly dodgy. It's now up to you to work on recovering (if you care to) from that assessment.

      You have a total of 15 PC games "in stock". This includes 30 copies of Bioshock Infinite, 30 copies of Max Payne 3, 30 copies of Grand Theft Auto 5. I'm a little surprised that you don't appear to have Diablo 3 in stock yet, did the time machine break down before you could pick those up?

      You have 30 copies of The Darkness 2 in stock as well - does this mean nobody has bought anything from you yet?

      Just as importantly as any of these, though, is one thing that I find extremely disturbing. It appears that this no-name start-up can not only sell games that haven't been release yet, but appears to beat pretty much everyone else in the market on price. $21 for The Darkness 2? I know Steam is overcharging at $90, but even Amazon charges $30. Mass Effect 3 for $40? Cheapest new on Amazon is $44, while Amazon itself charges $60.

      Your search function doesn't work, and when the search returns more that 10 items (it returned 15 items when I searched for "Saints" - I'm guessing Saints Row isn't one of your stock items) it doesn't show items 11 onwards. Strangely enough, searching for "Mass" did return Mass Effect 3 - along with Anno 2070 and Battlefield 3.

      I wouldn't trust you with $2 of my money. I also note that your checkout page is unsecured. I'm not going past that, since I'm not prepared to create a bodgy account to see if you even link to PayPal.

      Finally, are these games English-language? I note your company is based in India, and that suggests you'll be shipping Indian versions of games. It also raises the question of support for your products.

      • The search function searches for words not just in the product title but also in the product descriptions as well so that is why its showing all the products which has the words.

        Diablo 3 I havent put up for sale as the game wont release in India for the time being.

        Regarding the version of the game the game is English Version because all the games sold in India are english only.

        All the payments are processes through paypal only so paypal is safest payment option in the world.

        Its your decision to trust us or not.

        OH and I hope you do understand preorders.Max Payne 3 and Gta 5 are on preorders.There is no need to make fun of me with the time machine thing.

      • I would also like to ask you if you purchase products from UK or play-asia or ozgameshop then you get local support for the same??The reason I am asking you is this because I am myself a gamer and I havent required any type of support for games myself.

        Regarding trust issue unless and until you have bought anything you cannot term a company as dodgy.You can place a dummy order and check whether you are forwarded to paypal or not and then report your findings on ozbargain.

  • +3

    What a poor attitude from a rep..arguing with potential customers, you should be soothing our concerns, not being dismissive of them, as such, you've earned a neg vote from me

    • I am not at all being dismissive.Maybe my english is not as good as yours so thats why you are misinterpreting my words.

      • Actually, your English is fine. But, I have to agree with the rest.

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