Looking for 1st Property - Help Needed!

looking for my first property just wondering wheres a good place to look, like after private sellers or places to buy from where ive heard about banks selling off places

any one can point me in a good direction


  • You can go to the public trustess website, they have properties on foreclosure. Not sure if they qualify as bargains though.

  • +2

    Sure they are.

    Ozbargainers will be all over cheap trips to greece as soon as the EU decides to flush that particular toilet

  • have spent years buing and selling.
    lot of misinformation out there.
    spent 10000+ hours
    worked out this is the best place for me to start an honest business, like marge simpson.
    easier than the fianancial markets where they cons are even more sophisticated.
    then i will give paid professional advice reality based and see if i ahve any people who can handle the truth.
    will have to do real estate course first
    but they are all leaving the indsutry.
    why, I wonder?

  • I assume you want to live in the property (?) If that's the case, you need to decide on your preferred area (to live), and your budget. Search thru your local real estate websites (eg. domain.com.au, etc) to get an idea of price ranges for your preferred property (unit, terrace, townhouse, house, land). Once you have an idea what you prefer, go out and look at some properties in the flesh, at open houses, etc.

    When you find something you like, offer them 10-20% less than asking price, and then negotiate from there (most sellers will usually inflate their selling price at least 10% in the expectation of negotiating down).

    So don't look for a bargain, look for a preferred property within your budget, then try to get it at a reasonable/reduced price. I believe the property market is still a buyers' market in most states (except the mining states WA & QLD), that is, there are more sellers than buyers.

    • it is for me to live in, seen a few good prices around but therv been snapped up. plus im always overseas so its abit hard for me to visit in the flesh.

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