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Aldi Logix Platinum 40 pack for 7.60 everyday price
And much better as per choice…
Even the cheaper Aldi one is better rated
We just use the ALDI powder. Do the tabs make that much difference?
Yeah they make a massive difference to any silicone that you wash by imparting the most horrible taste that will put you kids off their food. Took me months to work out it was Fairy and not the actual silicone bowls and plates.
I'll never buy Fairy again. The other brands are cheaper and superior.
I use Fairy and they seem to work fine. I thought I was the only one had issue with the silicone spatula smelling different after they washed in dishwasher but I guess its the Fairy Tablets. Do you use Aldi Logix Platinum Tabs? If yes, what do you think about the smell on silicone utensils and spatulas? do they smell of anything after they are washed with Aldi Logix Platinum?
Thanks in advance.
@KickAz: mate never noticed my silicone spatula smelling different
but happy to put it in the dishwasher tonight and report back tomorrow
@docians: What about the other Silicone things - do they smell after washing them in dishwasher using Logic Platinum. They are on sale and wanted to buy then in bulk if they are better than the Fairy Tabs.
Thanks again.
They are on sale and wanted to buy then in bulk if they are better than the Fairy Tabs.
on sale in five days from wednesday the 27th :)
on sale they are 17c per tablet
the regular price is 19c per tablet
there is the less expensive option of aldi regular tablets which cost only 14c per wash and are available every day at that price
they seem to be better rated than the fairy tablets… and more economical than aldi platinum even on special
hopefully the community will come through after silicone testing this weekend
We just use the ALDI powder. Do the tabs make that much difference
if you believe the report then there is a huge difference on most comparision points…
having said that if you are happy with your current results, I would see no reason to switch
Wow, big difference. It is only two of us though and I work away, so usually just the mrs and she has mainly packaged meals with no dishes so mostly just coffee cups etc.
Ok can confirm no funny silicone smells on my silicone spatula on using ALDI logic tablets. It smells no different to spoons of metal or wood
Don't have any other siliconeware to test on
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