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Vodafone March Clearance Sale - Galaxy S, Desire Z, Salsa, Xperia Ray $0 on $19 Cap

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Thought these were good deals if you dont mind an old phone too much…

On 24 month contracts with 3 month free. Phone plans from $19

Xperia Ray, HTC Desire and Galaxy S are on $19 pm

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closed Comments

  • +2

    When i first saw the title i thought it was related to this article i read today

    • +2

      it's a closing down sale!

  • -2

    Samsung Galaxy S - 8GB for 399( 19$ over 21 months) is pretty tempting for.
    Is there is any better price for Samsung Galaxy S - 8GB?

    but why does it say Minimum cost over 24 months is $456.

    • Dont get it this phone sucks, my wife has it and she wants to throw it at a wall! Wait for S3 to come out then the S2 will be cheap. Much better phone!!!

      • +2

        really, two of my work mate uses the same phone. They said the phone is pretty good. any way, why the phone sucks?

        • -2

          Its too slow and clunky.. even fully updated. You have to wait for everything to process

        • +9

          Can't tell you how wrong you are…
          The Galaxy S is a fantastic phone!
          The hardware is not the problem.. Samsung's crappy software is the problem, flash the phone with Cyanogenmod 7.1 or try out the beta version of Cyanogenmod9 (as I am currently running on mine without issue) to experience this amazing piece of hardware as Samsung should have made it!

          There is minimal to no risk (hell, if the phone is currently virtually unusable what have you gotto lose?) and it's actually incredibly simple to do after a bit of reading.

        • I used to have this phone, was amazing even with Samsung software it's pretty decent compared to alot of the android phones out there. his wife must be extremely picky, no offence

          btw the minimum spend thing is probably just a typo, they just do 19*24 without considering the 3 month special

      • +1

        lol, makes me think of my Samsung Omnia, which I did throw on many occasions!

      • i have 1 of these and so does my wife, i think its a great phone, definatly better than my magic i had before, tho i will prob upgrade to the S3 if its a quad core.

        • -2

          Looking 50/50 on that, people saying 2 cores, others saying 4.. I hope 4!

        • HTC One X is going to be a quad core so Samsung will be behind the 8 ball if they dont. They have made their own quad core ARM chip and demo-ed it, so thats what people are expecting in the SGS3 since Samsung try to make it the superior phone hardware-wise…

      • I lol that you say this. Have you at least installed a different launcher? Also, have you kept the widgets to a minimum on the home page?

        I have a $188 phone that's probably twice as slow as a GSI and I think it's fine.

        The GSI is in no way a bad phone.

        • +1

          Getting rid of Touchwiz by using a fast Launcher like Zeam would be a good start.

      • +2

        My wife using SGI, nothing wrong with it except always crash in the middle of something, slow, and crash again, hang again, crash again, restart and crash again. other than that its work fine

        • +1

          As per my comment above, flash a non-Samsung Firmware (any of them!, Cyanogenmod is merely the most popular)… The phone itself is good, but Samsung's software is shithouse.

        • -1

          This is the problems the missus is having ^^

      • The phone is not slow, it works great, you can always flash it with Darky's if you'd prefer more speed but really, it works fine. A steal at $19, it's still a powerful device.

    • Having said my piece above to monkeycheese, about how good the phone is, I'm not sure the Galaxy S is worth $19/month/21 months or $399 outright especially not on Australia's worst network with Australia's Worst Customer Service (in my experience)!
      It's a great phone, but $399 sounds damn expensive for 2 year old technology! Especially considering the recent COTD LG Omnia 7 deal for $159 which has very similar specs.

      I also believe that the Vodafone Galaxy S use only a Super LCD screen, rather than SAMOLED, which is a huge step down in my opinion.
      Also, most Aussie Galaxy S were 16Gb..

      • Wow and here I thought all GalaxyS were SuperAMOLED. That's a huge bummer as one of the best features of that phone when it came out was the SAMOLED.

      • It uses a SuperAMOLED screen. The Nexus S has the LCD screen. The rerelease is 8GB, the original release was 16GB.

      • I saw it on clearance at Kmart recently for $59 prepaid.

    • @scubacoles yeah your probably right I'm just repeating what the wife says.. Knew about CM but tried a rom ages back and it made it worse so haven't tried CM

      • you have to do a Factory Reset when flashing…
        I find it impossible to believe you tried a non-Samsung ROM and it made the phone worse!

    • No 850MHz network support means this phone sucks for Vodafone and Telstra (trust me, this was my previous phone, and moving from it to a Sensation XE is a world of difference).

      The only ones from these for a good network experience are C7, Xperia Arc/Ray, Salsa and N9.

      I can't recommend the N9 highly enough, otherwise a pretty average selection. Also note that you can get the Desire HD for $200 outright at retail stores.

      • Desire HD for $200 outright at retail stores.

        Which ones? I need a new cheap phone!

        • Any VF/3 store which has stock. They shouldn't be too hard to get hold of, if the store you go to doesn't have any, ask them to look up which stores do.

          I was asked by HO not to make any more posts on OzB so I didn't post it as a deal, but it is good value.

  • Yeah… I'd be a little careful buying old tech like some of these phobe. In my opinion, rarely will it be a 'good deal' in the long run.

  • I wouldn't touch the Nokia C7 peeps !

  • +4

    I do not see why getting a dated phone on a 24 month plan is a good deal. If it was 12 months, then maybe it could be considered.

    • Same. I'd consider an N9 on a 12 month plan :)

  • +2

    Vodafone's last clearance sale never delivered and wasted me a lot of time. No thanks.

    • +1

      What happened? I was spewing I missed out on the $19x12 Desire Z.

  • +2

    they should call it the "going out of business sale" !

  • +1

    but $399 sounds damn expensive for 2 year old technology

    Yep, definately. Although that's not to say that if you could get this phone for under ~$250 then it'd be a good deal, outright. Maybe if it was a 12Mth plan and the $19 voda cap had a good allowance then it'd be worth it

    Although some may call the GSI an old phone it's still an awesome phone with a custom rom and OC'ed, running a fast launcher as you said before. I'm sure that 95% of the population using a smart phone would even utilise anything faster than a GS, though they'd still get the new upgraded model (i.e. GSII) because of all the new fancy features.

    Just my 2cents.

  • +1

    $49/mth for a blackberry, hahaha……..
    2005 called….

    • You do get $20 off each month so it's only actually $29 a month but you get a $49 cap. If you like Blackberries it's actually a good deal (pretty dated phone though).

  • +1

    My HTC Desire is getting a bit sluggish now and has severe limitations with its onboard memory partitioning…I wouldn't buy one now or a SGS1…atleast wait for the SGS3 and see if the prices drop!

  • Nothing much for me in that list, just purchased a Samsung GS2 last week off ebay. Vodafone been fine for me so far. Shame not always a full signal though.

  • +1

    24 month contract with by far the worst of the major telcos for a significantly outdated phone… how is this even remotely a bargain?

    • +1

      I'm sure its a good deal…if you're vodafone

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