Hello Everyone,
I wanted to ask for your opinion on starting my career as an accountant (tax). I haven't posted in a public forum in…decades. I tend to be self-conscious and don't like to open up. A major introvert, I'd say. But still, I thought why not ask the Internet and those who know more than I do.
I'm writing things about me below in short form (as much as I can).
- 31 years old (Male)
- Will graduate (hopefully) at the end of this year with an expected GPA of 5.41 (77.28%) from a Master of Professional Accounting. Previous degree was in psychology (honours). I did a PhD in sociology for a bit but decided it was not for me. The PhD never gets mentioned anywhere as people see it as a failure on my part because I didn't finish. So, I leave it out but it's still part of my life experience.
- I have done a short internship at a very small accounting practice.
- I have a small business doing website design and creative projects. I've been doing this for 3 years. One clients wants me to work in their start-up but the potential job would not include accounting. Even then, I don't know enough to do accounting on my own anyway.
- No major office work experience saved by some admin office roles two years ago.
- Was the secretary at a sporting club for a year, finishing this year. Some say this is good to have?
- I absolutely hate auditing and I might barely pass this subject. I'm also yet to find anyone who can explain this subject to me in a way that makes sense. I quite like tax accounting and tax law and I think this might be where I go.
- I don't feel confident in getting into the Big4 since I often fail their tests. I can't think well under pressure. I'm working on it. It's a big problem :(. I have to get better at this. This has affected my exam results. I passed them but I could have done much better. I would get an HD on assignments only to get a P on exams. Then…the weighted average would be a C.
- Research, knowing the details and writing are my key skills. Yeah, "calculating things" is not my forte but I can get by. I hope this is compatible with tax accounting.
I'm feeling quite overwhelmed and late to the party being 31 and having little real-world experience in the field. But I have to start somewhere. I know I will have to work hard.
Now, over to you. Where could I improve? Am I on the right path? What can I expect and what should I be aware of?
Thank for reading thus far and I welcome any insights, feedback and suggestions.
Start anywhere even if barely related and move up. e.g. accounts receivable/payable - prove yourself then move to financial accounting team.
Tax whilst you enjoy it might be hard to break into.