PayPal members enjoy 10% off shipping for unlimited usage. Enter promo code 072LW3C
to enjoy shipping discount. Promotion until 15 Aug 2007.
I actually saw this site on PayPal today. vPOSTAsia is basically a Singaporean-operated website that allows you to buy things from the States and ship to you, even if the shop does not ship outside US. Basically you
- Shop at the online store.
- Include your vPOSTAsia VP number as part of your name during checkout.
- Use vPOST's US address as shipping address.
- Email invoice to them, and they will handle the delivery.
I have seen other websites that allow you to buy from US shops and handle the delivery for you, but I am just reporting the PayPal shipping discount here. Looking at some shipping calculation examples and I think it might only make sense on more expensive items where you get lots of discount from shopping overseas.