My gf appeared for the vicroads online learners permit test and after submitting all the 30 answers, 26 were right out of 30. When reviewed, she found that she had correctly answered 3 questions out of 4 incorrect ones and the 'explanations' for those 3 were matching with the options she had selected.
She thought she'd missed something somewhere and appeared for a second time, and the result was the same, 26 out of 30 were correct and 4 were incorrect. However 4 questions were different that were incorrect.
Third attempt- She cleared it finally, 28 out of 30 and out of curiosity she checked the submitted answers and found that the 2 answers that were incorrect according to vicroads were again correct, as the explanation was exactly matching the options she'd selected.
Here is an example screenshot
Called them twice without success and now she'd sent an email to Vicroads about this.
Just wanted to check if anyone else experienced this.
This question on the SS was a video of you exiting a driveway, biker approaching from your left, 2 cars in motion. None of the cars were parked/stationary.
Also, she tried to get the full SS but for some reason the explanation section under kept playing hide and seek on her (could be a jscript or other related error on the browser),
However if you read the question who do you give way to when you exit the drive way, the answer in the explanation was, you must give way to all vehicles and pedestrians when you enter or leave the road from a driveway or adjacent land.
If you look at the SS, she had selected all the options but still it was deemed incorrect.
There are a few more such questions, like 'Minimum' hours sleep you should get before a long journey or something, options were 7,8,9,10. This question was asked 2 times in her 3 attempts, in her first attempt she selected 7, as that's the minimum. Vicroads website( has between 7 and 9, although vicroads training module has between 7 and 8 hours. The correct answer they say is 9 hours, not sure then what they meant by "Minimum" in the question.
That's the automarking algorithm which creates an Ozbargain Forum Poll for ozb members to decide if a question has been correctly answered or not.
(and your mspaint diagram looks sik when rendered with a rtx 3080)