Apple Fan boys - the new demographic

Just one for those who make fun of the Apple fan for lining up outside the apple stores for their ipads

Link found here

For those not wanting to bother the headline is

Corporations prefer iPad 10-to-1 over rivals

Which is an increase of previous intentions


  • Well I am in the process of giving in to the hype….because it has become the defacto standard.

  • +3

    No idea why you would pay double the price of a netbook for something that has no dedicated keyboard, tiny storage space, unprotected (easily broken?) screen with exensive peripherals, software, etc.

    And all this 'app' business. Nobody got excited about applications on PCs. What's the difference?

    Happy to be the odd one out……….

    • +1

      while I agree on the storage and protection, "the" new iPad is resolutionary 'nuff said. It beats almost any portable computer screen but unfortunately the 4:3 makes it inferior.

      I think the deal with apps are that almost every little thing that normally you would spend some time getting the information is available at a touch of the screen. People used to be able to look up the weather before those animated weather apps started going around but apps are really about convenience of not wasting those extra seconds.

      I used to think the same way as you before getting a smartphone but nowadays ease of use os just superb and I can spend more time browsing ozbargain that looking up stuff.

      • unfortunately the 4:3 makes it inferior.

        Rather than inferior, I'll just say that a 4:3 screen makes it different. I certainly found that aspect ration superior for reading/browsing in portrait mode, but not good for watching 16:9 videos.

        • but dropping $500 on a reading device is unjustifiable given dedicated devices go for much cheaper. I'm sure you also watch movies/ tv shows on it which are 16:0 by default. Old shows used to be 16:9 but new ones are horrendous to watch with the top and bottom black stripes

        • +1

          Yeah. That's why I got a WindPad Enjoy 10 which is 4:3 (and a lot cheaper) — was just commenting your point that 4:3 is inferior.

    • show me another tablet with the same retina display.

      • I don't have that kind of resolution on my 24" monitor, and I don't need it. Pixels for pixels' sake is just silly.

        And unfortunately, pixels is about all you're getting in this latest "update".

        • that doesn't mean someone else wouldn't. The only problem with tablets are that they are too damn expensive. If they were in the $150-$350 range, they would be much more used.

          Think of the tablet as the next gen portable dvd player with a portable gaming console thrown in as well. I'd find its use only in the car and maybe at home but that's about it

    • +1

      No idea why you would pay double the price of a netbook for something that has no dedicated keyboard, tiny storage space, unprotected (easily broken?) screen with exensive peripherals, software, etc.

      You obviously don't understand the concept of a tablet, do you?

      A tablet is about as comparable to a Netbook as a Netbook is to a desktop computer.

      • +2

        So what is the concept of a tablet?
        I'm still to work it out..
        To my eyes a tablet fits the extremely tiny niche between a smartphone and a laptop/netbook.
        Anything that a tablet can do, a smartphone can also do albeit with a smaller screen, anything that needs screen real estate is invariably easier/faster/better done on a laptop/netbook.
        With Ultrabooks becoming the norm, tablets even start to lose out in the portability stakes!

        There is a market for Tablets… Old people… and I use that term in the broadest sense, 50+.

        Tablets are large screen smartphones for old people who can't see things on smartphone screens!

        • I bought a galaxy tab a while back, and still use it for reading books, watching youtube, light browsing and playing casual games.

          The bonus is that you don't have to turn it on, wait for it to boot, and it lasts a week on battery (if you turn off put it into aeroplane mode to disable the mobile network) and leave wifi on.

          At the end of the day it's just a toy for me.

  • +3

    its like comparing apples and lemons, at least with the lemon you know what you are getting

  • +3

    Just one for those who make fun of the Apple fan for lining up outside the apple stores for their ipads

    Lining up outside a store waiting for ANY new product still is, and will always be LAME…period! :)

    • +3

      you should watch the US samsung Ads, they make fun of this continuously.

      • ROFL, I just looked at a few…they're so good Samsung could nearly do a sitcom! :o

        "This is our generation's Woodstock"…"I'm creative - Dude you're a barista, you barist for a living"…and who could forget "We just got Samsung'd"…comedy gold! :)

  • +1

    I should have known better.

    I thought it might invoke thoughts that tablets and iPads are now mainstream. But given some comments above, all its done is brought out the passion.

    And funny, now that the iPad has upped the ante, which obviously the competitors will respond to and maybe even better, the diehards now, (for the moment) say that these features aren't important anymore.

    And so what if someone wants to stand in line buying a product. I doubt if I would, but do we have to judge a product based on what some users do. Hey look at the some of the comments here. (I did say some). Really, "Lemon" puns give everyone real confidence in a persons ability to give clear opinions on suitability of a product for someones needs?

    The point I was making in bringing up this article, is that businesses, and mostly the diehard IT managers are liking what they see. Forget the fanboys who line up, look at what is going on in the real heavy end.

    BTW on a point that many have in the past been down on the iPad with - Flash/H264. Firefox, one of the big holdouts on H264 say are now making noises that they will be allowing H264, - and commented that Google let them down so the battle is now lost.

    • id really like to know what i.t "buyers" they interviewed for this and if indeed any of these so called i.t professionals have any insight to the support given to apple products when it comes to multi-platform as there is no cross compatability for any apple product to be used on systems that do not support the apple ideal when the whole apple it thing is a total of around 10% of the whole it market,

      it is because of the continual writings of lopsided argumented media posts that make something look better than what it is that has led to this whole rationalism that any apple product is ideal, one simply cannot stick thier usb modem into an ipad for data transfer with other platforms but only the true educated on this technology will know that you can via bluetooth ir wifi, then there is also format restrictions on data itself,

      so what of a business that buys certain products only to find they cannot do what they need it to, do we blame the companies for making such ridiculous products or do we blame the consumer for buying such products and making a market for companies that have no interest other than their bottom line,

      maybe we should all investigate what we do or don't need and start telling companies that enough is enough for products that are useless and do not really help the development of any industry at all

      • Did you read the link story?

        Which of the 1000 that they interviewed would you like details on?

        You may like to know, but these will always be anonymous due to privacy reasons. Where do you get the "lopsided" media posts from.

        Of course if I am looking from a red perspective and something shows up blue, it will be lopsided, where as if it shows up red its very insightful. :)

        • "of 1000 IT buyers surveyed last month… 84% named the iPad as their intended selection"

          "just over a fifth of all IT buyers—22%—confirmed that they would be purchasing tablets for employees in the April-June quarter"

          we could read this as 22% "buyers" of which 84% said they prefered ipads, and i like the way that in this media post they split these two statistics,

          so if we use the 100% example thats 22 out of 100 and of the 84% that brings it down to 17 out 100 that say they would actually buy it

          Or we could read it as the other 88% of these buyers not buying ipad see them as a total waste to a companies bottom line?

          Certainly looks and sounds like to me a lopsided media post to make something seem of which that its not

        • Agreed although the data says april-june quarter NOT "forever" so again statistics can be used to suit ones argument

          And for a Newish type device thats not a bad start, considering PC's have been around for 40 years.

          But if you are anti tablets then is a different spin

          Also think in your para 5 it should be 78% or 83% depending on which figure you are using for this argument

      • There is also no mention in the article as to the content that the survey featured, and yes you are correct that should have read 83%

        I guess id like to see the apple platform a bit more open so that it could be used more easily for cross-platform use,

        i also believe that there is a market for tablets for the fundamental use of them in a business sense as they are a smarter way to do business because they tend to have quicker accessability (ie- boot times) are more convenient to use than mini/ultra-books

        i have also come to accept that apple products are here to stay and will have to enter that market to keep up to date with its technology whether i like it or not

    • Just one for those who make fun of the Apple fan for lining up outside the apple stores for their ipads

      Forget the fanboys who line up, look at what is going on in the real heavy end.

      Pretty hard to forget, it's the first point you raised, Pete! :p

      FWIW, I work in an industry where tablet (read: iPad) uptake is on a steep rise. However, that decision is being driven by clients & coal-face staff, not IT Managers; general management are merely responding to that demand. IT just keep saying "have you thought about an Android or Windows based tablet solution instead because it's cheaper?", but as usual managers respond overwhelmingly with "What's that???" Of course after the painful (fruitless) attempt at explanation the frustrated IT guys just say "I'll get you the damn iPads then!"

      Not that there's anything in particular wrong with Apple products, it's just that when it comes to a tablet solution "iPad" is all the average mug seems to know. Our staff & clients simply don't know any better, and just want an iPad. Unfortunately they don't realise that for their purposes an Android/Windows tab at half the cost would be perfectly sufficient, with essentially the same learning curve, and at a significant saving for the organisation!

      Full marks to Apple though, their marketing clearly works!!! ;)

      • The major conflict that IT managers seem to have is that they say they want open systems, but traditionally they have never been open to new things, they like things they know. Open systems mean cheaper hardware but more support. The more variables the greater the need to know how to support those.

        Users just want things to work. Rootkits, DOS prompts are great when you know how, but most people dont want to do that. They just want it to work. Senior managers employ IT managers to make things work for them.

        Apple is a closed system and that is why its successful. Yep its not great for IT managers, but for users it retains consistency in user interface. In Windows and Android, many times the interface changes - thats time that the average users doesnt want to spend on their system. They dont use it 24 hours a day like an IT person. Its a bit like trying to drive a V8 Supercar. Sure its powerful fun to drive, but I cant see my mom adjusting the roll cage, or toe in toe out, brake bias etc, to go shopping.

        They dont give a rats whats behind the system, as long as they can pick it up and make it work. Yesterday my HR manager was in tears because her new MS office software just kept on needing to be restarted and she had a deadline to meet. She just wanted her old win XP version that she knew how to work.

        Yep it needs upgrading Win XP is just too old. BUT point is users like simple interfaces, or more accurately they want interfaces, they can use easily, be that through past experience or something that is more intuitive for a casual user

        I have a little chuckle when I remember my first IT manager kept telling management that mice were just a fad, and Word Perfect 5.0 just worked.

        And I dont read into this survey that these are managers who are just fulfilling users demands. I think they have moved on to the next step, which is accepting that this is whats required in their businesses.

        • +2

          And I dont read into this survey that these are managers who are just fulfilling users demands.

          That is my experience, I cannot presume to second guess yours Pete. I don't know how good your managers are, but ours are mostly incompetent halfwits who ass-kissed or tit-flashed their way to the top!

          I think they have moved on to the next step, which is accepting that this is whats required in their businesses.

          Dude, I wish!!! The managers I deal with spend far too much time flapping around & pontificating to get their own work done, let alone be proactive in any real sense, including tech wise!

          You're right…closed system = stability & continuity, period.

          However, for the purposes our folks use the iPads for, Android is more than stable & predictable enough for the dozen or so main apps they would be running. Using them ain't rocket surgery either, any fool can touch an app icon! Some of the particular apps we use are also either free or much cheaper for Android. Hell, my trusty old SGT is showing no signs of being redundant for the purpose! :)

          We're not talking about a couple of iPads either, the eventual rollout will be hundreds, if not thousands…which means significant savings on hardware & software licencing if they put a bit of thought into it rather than copping out. That money could be put straight back into service delivery, but it won't…as usual it will be squandered on knee-jerk decisions by lazy managers.

        • Cant argue against most of what you say, and

          Hell, my trusty old SGT is showing no signs of being redundant for the purpose!

          here you hit upon one point most fanboys (of all sides) forget.

          While the latest has some great features and wanted by many. Cost is a factor for most of us (OzBargain base definition). For Example. Upgrading from an Ipad2-iPad3 vs upgrading from an iPad1 is a little different in the cost department.

          Whenever a new item comes out I find the amusing thing here is how many assume people are upgrading from the previous model, rather than the model before that.

          Although I do think you can confuse things with the cheaper comments. This can slip into the compare features with one brand and compare prices with another, that bedevils many arguments in this tablet debate. Total cost is a hard one to discuss here without knowing all the factors for each specific use.

        • I think the feature most wanted is the compatability to use apple with any other platform than apple itself

          the one complaint i keep hearing the most in my profession and it has burnt my ears off is "i cant put my usb stick into it and transfer my files, it all has to be done through itunes" which for a small business is time consuming as they cannot afford such downtime when thier whole operations are windows environments because of the cost involved in running windows in relation to any other platform

          as in the case with the new ipad adding a few more dots to a screen does nothing for functionality that will do anything to help the mainstram of business to run more efficiently, bar those in the media field

          so then how does this fullfill the requirement of a business to perform at its best when the product will not do what business requires, or is so expensive that it isnt cost effective for small business to implement these products?

          one does not have to know how to cmd to be able to work a piece of computing machinery but one does want simplicity in user function which the apple platform in a support sense does not provide

          i am a fanboy of simplicity and im sorry but apple does not supply me with anything in a business sense other than a headache

  • This whirlpool or oz bargain?

  • From a corporate perspective, it is far easier to manage iOS than Android at the moment. For a start, certain brand's Andoird tablets will fool some mobile device management system into thinking the storage (internal or a SD card) is encrypted. Then password reset, device tracking and remote wiping to make things even more fun. Yes these stuff aren't even considered by your everyday users but when you've got 1500+ of these used by exec's, senior management or sales guy, it gets crazy…

    Then there's also the DoD hardening guide for lazy IT guys to follow…don't think they've reviewed Andoirds yet or at least I haven't seen the guide floating around.

    • which begs the question of why would an i.t professional put such ridiculous i.t running costs on a business by running muliplatform

      guess things are just easier when its not your money you are playing with

      which inevitably costs the consumer more for everythiing in the end because somebody has to pay for it

      • +1

        Sometimes these sorta initiatives doesn't come from within IT, I can't speak for other companies but as for us, it was something coming from the top and unrelated to IT…

        • HM I dont understand

          Windows and Windows tablet maybe a consistent platform, although many businesses wont want to do another PC upgrade so soon after the drama's they have gone thru already with windows upgrades.

          Windows and Android = Multiplatforms
          Windows and IOS = Multiplatforms

        • firstly i never mentioned android, thats where its up to the i.t guys to explain the difference in the thousands of dollars in the bottom line of any i.t upgrade or whether any upgrade will be of any value at all

          i think you do understand because by your comment that business are not willing to do another PC upgrade after just going through windows indicates it is more to do with making your job easier than you actually educating staff to make their job easier

          shouldnt you be recommending then a total environment overhaul instead of using cross-platform, is this because a total environment upgrade to anything other than windows is not cost effective because of the business platform standard currently in place which has plenty of support that the other platforms lack

          running any total environment, windows or apple or android eliminates all cross-platform problems

          we can all give into hype or we can say no, its just hype and heres why

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