I just spent an hour on an online chat with Amazon to get my free Prime Reading account set up.
That's nice and all, but I really want audiobooks and Prime Reading keeps pushing me to get Audible.
I don't want Audible - firstly because I am cheap (which is why I am here), but also because I can't stand that woman they use for their ads.
So Ozbargain crew - where do you get your free downloadable audiobooks from?
Free Audiobooks - Prime Reading Keeps Trying to Get Me to Sign up to Audible

Almost Banned on 17/10/2021 - 15:04
youtube seems to have a few audio books
Borrow box through the local library.
Easy set up if you have a library card and then its all available in app.Only down side is wait times on some loans but not too bad as you can prebook you desired download.
Thanks for this. Got it set up with my local library.
Looks like a good option.
Another vote for Borrow Box.
Have since cancelled my Audible trial after using all the free credits on Audible exclusives.Crazy to think that it costs more to hear a book read to you than it does to watch a multi million dollar movie or TV show.
Money to build and launch spaceships, and finance divorce settlements doesn't grow on trees.
Google audio book bay.
which woman? Rebel Wilson?
Celeste Barber
Permanently downloadable? If you just want to borrow libraries have lots