The fund uses your money to invest in fixed-income assets like government bonds, corporate bonds.
3% p.a. targeted return but not guaranteed. However, according to their FAQ, "they may at their discretion use interim excess returns to help pay the Fund when potential interim returns are less than 3% p.a. in the future". The return is paid into your account on a daily basis, you can track the amount in the history tab.
No minimum investment. Minimum withdrawal $0.01. No withdrawal fees. 3% is your net return after whatever management fees they have.
Once you fund your account, there'll be an email asking what do you want to do with the $5 bonus:
- Keep the $5 - we'll transfer it to your Blossom account
- Plant the $5 - we'll use it to plant 5 more trees for you
- Donate the $5 - we'll donate it to the Garvan Institute for Pancreatic Cancer Research
$5 will be deposited into your account within 2 weeks (mine is 1 week).
Additionally, after signed up & funded my account, I received an email with a 'thank you' certificate attachment from them saying they've planted a tree in my name in an Australian bushfire-affected region.
I've been testing it out for >2 weeks, so here's my return if you're curious:
My balance = 28/9 initial deposit $30. 5/10 deposited $70. 6/10 deposited $5 bonus. As of today, total deposit $105.
Total returns from 28/9 ~ 16/10 = $0.11.
Mod: Use referral system below
What's the name of the fund- PONZI MIXED SECURITIES?