Another 10% discount voucher! EASTER2012
Not 100% sure of expiry date, didn't say in the email. Will update when I find out.
Another 10% discount voucher! EASTER2012
Not 100% sure of expiry date, didn't say in the email. Will update when I find out.
woohoo. vegas rocks
Good discount but often I find 1cover is cheaper even with a TID discount
so true
2 adults for 5 days @1cover is $69.23 < @TID after 10% is $72
TIDTHANKS also gives you 10% off
just grabbed my NZ ski insurance with them
there was a $10 code… cant find it :\
I believe it's TIDTHANKS… so if the total is LESS than $100, you'll actually get $10 off!
only 10% not $10
if anyone know $10 off code please share!
Great find OP.
But for an oldie like me I found this site far better and no need for a code
Give it a try, nothing to lose :)
International Destinations only
no domestic :(
Good prices! Would have saved me $60+ on my travel insurance. Will give them a go next trip for sure…
Yeah SCTI are bloody cheap and very good. I had a my camera suffer water damage on holiday.
I sent them the info on the Friday and they paid on the Tuesday. Very pleased with the service.
Unfortunately as POWERevolution noted; they don't have any domestic plans.
I've used TID for domestic before and was pleased with their communication, though I've never had to claim. My brother had a claim with them - was a lil slow but fine.
ooh just in time, just booked tickets to fly out next week
Thanks for this. Comes at a very handy time for me. Heading to Vegas early April!