Who Would Be at Fault?? Street Parking, Single Lane Each Way Situation

Hi guys I am sure everyone have had similar experiences.


It' a narrow street and you're trying to parallel park. You indicate after you see the spot, go past it a bit and then reverse in.

Impatient driver behind you overtakes you (after checking that there's no oncoming traffic).

If you're the BLUE car, do you need to wait for the yellow car to overtake before you reverse in?

Or can you go for gold and reverse in straight away and if there's a collision it's 100% the fault of the yellow driver?

Poll Options

  • 8
    Blue car is at fault for not waiting
  • 53
    Yellow car is at fault
  • 2
    Both are at fault


  • +2

    yes yellow driver is at fault..

  • +9

    Blue driver can only reverse parallel park when safe to do so. Reversing requires continual assessment of surroundings not just a cursory glance then go for it.

    Yellow driver needs to learn patience and road courtesy and grow the hell up.

    Also - my answer is the same as pegaxs. Just waiting for his formal response.

    • +7

      Road rules 132(2) and 144 apply to the yellow car. This is a reference to keeping left of the dividing line (RR132(2)) and when overtaking, about keeping a safe distance while overtaking (RR144)

      Road rules 125 and 296 apply to the blue car. This is in reference to no causing an unreasonable obstruction to other drivers (RR125) and reversing safely and not more than they have to (RR296).

      Yellow car would be at fault if they hit, as the yellow car has failed to give sufficient safe distance while overtaking the blue car. (Unless of course, the blue car backed up 300m to get into the parking spot and was half way over the centre line while doing it, breaking RR 296)

      I'm just stoked that there was no "Who has RiGhT oF wAy???" anywhere in the post… :D

      • +1

        That makes sense. Cheers

  • +6

    Red car at fault

    • Roads not wide enough at fault

    • Which one, or do they all share equal fault just for being red?

  • Do you have insurance?

    • +1

      I do but this is just a scenario I've encountered numerous times on a weekly basis living in Sydney.

  • +9

    Blue car waits for yellow car to STOP before reversing, and STOP when yellow car overtakes. Then they horn at each other and exchange the birds.

    Seriously thou, you don't go for gold because you have "right of way". A kid jump in front of you on the road while you're driving - you stop even the kid is not meant to jump.

    • The real answer

  • +1

    Yellow car driver is an idiot.
    But, blue car driver needs to make sure yellow car is clear to enable reversing.

  • +1

    How hard is it not to drive into other cars in situations like these? Even if you have right of way, stop doing what you're doing if it will cause a crash. Both drivers are idiots.

  • -1
    1. Blue car make indicator, and stop without slam on the break.
    2. Blue car take reverse gear (and indicator on still), but still break —- let yellow car know that blue is trying to reverse in.
    3. If there's no incoming traffic, yellow car indicate right and check surrounding to over take blue on the right lane.
    4. Blue car reverse in after yellow car pass.


    1. there are incoming traffic and yellow can't overtake, blue check if yellow come to complete stop
    2. blue reverse in when yellow is complete still.
    3. yellow keeps going when blue has clear the way.
    • The yellow car is supposed to wait, not overtake

      • if the middle lane isn't solid, and there's no incoming traffic, yellow car can overtake with cautious.

        • +1

          No. The reversing vehicle cannot move in while the car is overtaking so it must wait.

  • Road markings fault.

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