Looks like the first time getting the PS5 disc might be cheaper than buying the PS4 version at most stores + the upgrade cost.
$5.95 delivery, but it is in-store at some locations it seems.
[PS5] Death Stranding Director's Cut $58 + Delivery ($0 C&C) @ Harvey Norman

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It's like $50 on Steam even at half price.
And that's just the standard version right? The directors cut content hasn't made it to PC yet?
No game is worth $50? This is a stupid comment.
@MagnamoniousRex: So what you are saying is that old games shouldn't be worth $50? This is a new edition of the game, you can either buy it or not, but it's new. You can buy the old one for less if you want
@onlinepred: Lowest it's been on Steam is $40 which is absurd for an old game.
Price history: https://isthereanydeal.com/game/deathstranding/history/?shop[]=steam&generate=Select+Stores
Just doesn't make sense that this game is so expensive still.
@MagnamoniousRex: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/search/node/ps4%20death%20stran…
As low as $15, I paid $5 at EB.
Also came out on PS4 long before PC FYI.
@MagnamoniousRex: Not my fault you want it from a certain service that controls it's prices for profit, perhaps write to steam to complain?
@MagnamoniousRex: You chose steam though, known for not great discounts unless it's indie or not popular or super old.
Anyway, homeslice, this is a PS5 deal, not a steam deal. So your comments are entirely irrelevant here. Can talk about steam rip offs elsewhere.@MagnamoniousRex: Yea…. basic stuff here…. hard copies will generally always be cheaper….unless it's super old or old and not popular. Pretty much all new games are cheaper in hard copies for other platforms compared to Steam.
Case in point this literal argument you are having here, where steam prices are still 5 times more than hard copies of other platforms were years ago.
Anyway, neg away, I was just replying to your comments.
I doubt anyone is buying this, will wait till it's in the bargain bin
I bought it. I'd do it again. Nothing but respect for my Prime Minister: Hideo Kojima.
Same here. I bought it due to lockdown boredoms and could not believe how much I enjoyed being a post apocalyptic delivery boy. The game has it's problems but it looks absolutely amazing and it's very relaxing walking around trying to figure out how to get through the terrain.
This is $49 at Target. Harvey Norman can get in the (profanity) sea.
That looks like American Target.
Agree with HN sentiment, but a good price is a good price.Why was I even browsing American Target. I'm an idiot who needs to sleep more. My stance on HN is unshakable however. Into the bin, then the sea.
(I bought the PS4 version second hand then the digital upgrade, wound up being $30)
If you use Google, their search results have been getting worse and worse recently, and show results from overseas stores.
Finished this last night, so damn good. Good old Kojima with endless bosses and cutscenes.
Story is indeed very very good. Shame most people give up early on and don't get to experience it unfold after Chapter 2.
Some people rather not spend a day making a virtual dude balance boxes on his back. Not everyone's cup of tea.
Perfectly understandable. Still a shame. It's a fantastic game and story after the initial boring 5 hours till you get a vehicle.
It gets more combat focus as the game progresses. It’s still the main point though, connecting and delivering. But it really ramps up, especially if you seek it out vs avoid it.
bought the orginal death stranding for PS4 last year during the sale for 10 bucks at eb games, then bought the 20 aud upgrade to PS5 death stranding directors edition.
30 bucks total still paid less than this lol.
for those that don't know if you have the ps4 death stranding game or disc. you can upgrade to the new ps5 version for 20 bucks.
AUS$20 is not a huge amount but it's a rip off by international standards, as usual.
If you create a UK account the upgrade is only 5 pounds.
In the USA it is US$10.
did you pay 10 bucks for the orginal game on ps4? because I doubt you did. the upgrade is nothing considing the game is 59 bucks in this post and 99 bucks RRP.
30 bucks all up for the game is a bargin try buying the FULL game on PS5 for that from any where.
I paid $16 so $46 for the PS5 version is a bargain but $36 for the exact same thing is more of a bargain.
@kungfuman: Sorry I got my sums wrong.
A$16 + AUS$20 = A$36
A$16 + 5 pounds = A$26 at a rough guess.Alans comment below about it being easy to upgrade via the UK sounds very interesting. I don't like paying extra just cause I live in Australia.
@B3: 4 dollars less not worth it.
10 aud + 20 aud = 30 for me
trying to save 4 bucks on this game isn't worth the hassle.
Ditto. I'd been sitting on my cheap PS4 copy and waiting for the PS5 version.
I've been thoroughly enjoying the game. The story is typical Kojima convoluted nonsense, but I still love the game itself. I wasn't sure what to expect going in and have been pleasantly surprised by how much I've enjoyed it.
Just a note if you're upgrading the PS4 copy. It's only $10 if you go through UK PSN. Still able to use the upgrade with an Aussie disc and account.
Do we have to buy this via a UK PSN account and then can access with logging back into my main AUS account and it already installed?
Really? That's surprising. DLC has been locked to the region, I'm surprised upgrades aren't.
I thought EU and AUS were lumped in when it came to DLC anyway? This works fine either way. I just bought a £5 card online.
Yeah maybe it's just the US that's separate.
Do you have link to the online card?
This is the most absurdly boring game ever published. I wouldn't play it if someone paid me to.
To each their own, I really loved it.
Agreed. and normally a huge fan of what Hideo Kojima does, I gave it a good 10-15 hours as well, its not like I diddnt try to get into it.
It is a unpopular option saying it though.
Nice I'll get this and play it after I'm done with D2R
So around 2041
Do not buy from HN, just try to price match the price from other places.
I preordered Back 4 blood deluxe edition on Sept which released on 08/10, but HN have no stock and they have no clue when they will receive a copy.
Store manager was not friendly at all, simply said either get refund or just wait.Australia post was late with their deliveries.
hopefully amazon price match
I'll give you my copy. This game is arse.
Nice! will wait until after i finish fc6
(the pile of shame is too big at the moment)
Why is this game so absurdly expensive?
It's like $50 on Steam even at half price.