Finding Details of a Easement

Well I know I have a storm waterdrain on my property and just want to know where and how deep it is.

Don't really feel like asking the councils water mob as I'm thinking of getting it to fly under the the radar.

I know title search will tell me yes there are easements xxxxx but no details.



  • +6

    google search Dial Before You Dig, enter your information and you will get emailed within a few hours

    • also you cannot discharge any waste water into stormwater. If you do so and get caught you will face a very heavy fine. be warned.

    • +2

      Fairly limited information on DBYD from my experience, rarely shows depths. You might be lucky though.

  • Dial Before You Dig will generally only show if there is or isn't a pipe/asset in the easement/location, it generally won't show depth. Even so, it won't include all assets, as example, if there is a private drain in there then it won't show up on the results page.

    The only absolute way know what is in there is to dig the easement across its width, to a depth of (say) 1 metre. <—- this is the advice my Council provides.

    As an aside, if you know there's an easement on your property, then it's likely the Council already knows about it or has record of it too.

  • The only way to locate and map the depth is to geolocate with a remote buggy, some place like suresearch can do it.
    Even council will not know the depth or direction the pipe takes, they just draw a straight line between inspection pits but very rarely is anything laid straight. there may be rocky outcrops they bend around.

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