Switch OLED Screen Fault. Ideas?

So I got a Switch OLED on launch and have spent the last 3 days re-downloading all my stuff (roughly 700GB of physical game updates and digital purchases. Thanks, ozbargain!). Finally got around to allowing myself some time to play in handheld this afternoon so I can appreciate the screen after the 3 day wait and noticed the screen has a permanent discoloured line stretching the entire width of the display about half way down.

This is NOT burn-in as I've played a maximum of about 3 or 4 hours in handheld across the weekend and testing different games.

Normally the painful solution would be to accept the loss and get a replacement, but all the EBs around me are sold out or inaccessible due to the QLD border being blocked off. I've also heard Nintendo Australia aren't dealing with repairs due to Covid.

What am I to do?

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  • 3
    Wait for EB games to restock and try for a replacement
  • 12
    Try contacting Nintendo for repair anyway
  • 31
    Give up on gaming forever
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    Other - leave a comment


  • What am I to do?

    Your choices are to either accept the fault and/or maybe claim a repair in the future assuming they accept the fault or return the item and wait for a replacement to arrive however long that might be.

    There isn't really a magically 'fix' here

    • I was afraid of that, though not surprised.
      I seem to be first person posting about such an issue online so it's been pretty difficult to find anything helpful or reassuring.

      • Just call Nintendo tomorrow. If no love there call EB. Surely someone will deal with it.

        • I could be wrong, but does Nintendo not have a public phone number? They always seem to want people to fill out a service form (which I have).

          • +2

            @Ninternet: Yup only the form iirc. The best selling console in the world have such a shitty support service.

      • +1

        Put a support request into Nintendo and see what they do, but it appears they are closed at the moment for accepting repairs, but support is still working.

        So they might lodge your request and ask you wait before sending it in. So you get to enjoy the until while you wait and then get it repaired.

        • Thanks for the reassuring info, as silly as it sounds for such a relatively minor issue.
          Appreciate it

  • Photo?

  • To be safe I'd return it as it's obviously faulty, then buy it again when it's back in stock.

    • The other problem with a straight return is that I paid with a gift card and multiple trade-ins

      I think I'm just gonna wait to hear back from Nintendo and go from there
      But thanks!

  • One cavate to waiting and dealing with it as a fault later on might be how they handle faults within warranty, vs DOA faults (out of the box faults). The DOA faults are typically handled by just replacing the unit with a new one (when available in this case), however faults that occur "under warranty" might go the "send for repair / you get a refurbished model" route.

    I would report it asap to whoever you bought it from.

    I remember years ago my brand new iPhone 6 straight up killed itself (the apple store team had never seen anything like it), it was 2 months old and I got a refurbished replacement that had a creaking sound in one corner where the casing didn't fit together properly after being fixed.

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