This was posted 3 years 4 months 25 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

Handmade Fixed Blade Hunting Camping Knife Stainless Steel Full Tang Genuine Leather Case $59 Delivered @ PEPNIMBLE


PLEASE NOTE: We DO NOT apply any extra surcharges on orders paid via PayPal, Visa/Master cards, Afterpay, PayPal Pay In 4, Klarna and Lattitude. So please do consider this factor when comparing our prices with other vendors.

Handmade Hunting/Camping/Fishing Knife Stainless Steel Fixed Blade Full Tang Blade Micarta Handle Leather Case/Sheath. $59 Delivered Australia-wide from Brisbane.

Please read more details, dimensions, weight etc. on our website.

Legal Advice

You must be 18 or over to buy this items from this store. Any orders placed and accepted by us will be deemed to be by persons over the age of eighteen years. Customers are bound by their individual state laws in relation to knife purchases. Please be familiar with your state laws before purchase as no liability will be taken by PEPNIMBLE or its subsidiaries for any unlawful, accidental, malicious or reckless acts committed or otherwise stemming from the purchase of the product.

Related Stores

Knife Keen (Was PEPNIMBLE)
Knife Keen (Was PEPNIMBLE)

closed Comments

  • Any cheaper for pick up?

    • Possibly. Please contact us directly on [email protected]


  • +1

    I’ve always been intrigued by people who buy big shiny knives.

    Are there really that many “hunters” out there ?

    • +10

      Those Amazon and packages aren't going to open themselves you know.

      • +6

        Haha !!

        As I’m reading your comment, I glance to my right and look at the 6 Amazon deliveries I haven’t opened yet.

        You sir, are a thinker !

        • F**k!

          I meant to + you and my fat finger hit the wrong key!!

          How the hell do I change my vote???! I'm so sorry!!!

          Oh. Fixed. :)

          • +2

            @PuppieWayne: I have helped balance out your innocent error :)

            • @pauper: Haha me too! I was about to comment "who on earth needs one of these with the laws in Australia" then I also see my pile of unopened deliveries and think to myself what a cool letter/package opener! lmfao
              That's not a box cutter! THIS IS A BOX CUTTER ;P

            • @pauper: 👍

          • @PuppieWayne: 🤣🤣🤣

        • how what will you used to open this one when it arrived?? such dilemma

    • I’m a hunter and ranger, I use knives daily at work.

    • I’ve always been intrigued by people who buy big shiny knives

      and XS condoms

      • 😝

    • There are plenty of them, in regional and metro areas. Most of us just don't talk about it, it's not worth people targeting you because of your hobby oy because you own firearms.

    • there are no surcharges on any method of payment.

    • +5

      Dude, OP implicitly said no surcharge. You're a numpty.

      • -1

        damn i misread, my bad

        • +1

          got a business idea from that…. selling "handmade" steel frame glasses :) :)

  • This was great bargain at this price including delivery Au-Wide. Out of stock in minutes.

  • +1

    Are these knife posts really bargains?

    • -1

      Yes…whole stock gone within minutes. Handmade knives are very popular and at this price not many can "resist" :)

      • haha seems like it! How many did you have roughly? unless it's a trade secret ;p

        • 10+

          • @pepnimble: Oh ok! Well you clearly weren't prepared then. Much bigger stock counts have been destroyed by infamous 'OzBargained' phenomena lol

            • @Clarky77: Yes..more stock is on order…this time ordered much more stock :)

              Also, venturing into some decent handmade shoes at bargain prices…being a small business have limited to financial resources to large stock quantities :)

              • @pepnimble: All good, I'm kinda joking. I wouldn't go to crazy but I'm sure you wouldn't have much trouble selling a decent amount of those 'luxury box openers' lol
                I'm not so sure about the shoes though but then again I personally have no real interest there may be lots of people who want them.
                Anyway Good Luck with it all, always like to see smaller businesses make a go of things :)

      • I resisted!

        I feel dirty.

    • +1

      Nope they aren't. Just 100% alibaba trash. Spend your money on something nicer.

  • there is one cancellation…so last knife back in stock..

  • +2

    I missed this one but please keep up the clean looking, non-cringe, actually functional knives like this one OP

  • +3

    I don't really understand why this is selling out, when around this price point on ebay you can buy knives from known brands like Buck, Schrade, Gerber etc?

    • +2

      Because chicks are more impressed with you if you tell them "I got this beaut from ozbargain!" than "I got this.. thing off ebay. "

      • haha

    • Absolutely valid. Why people buy a knife without knowing what steel it is, is beyond me. This thing could dent the instant you hit a harder than average branch.

  • its a romance type of thing :)

  • stock sold out again :)

    • 👍

    • haha

  • Use them to open those overly packed aliexpress packages.

  • Really nice camping knife and I am sad that it is currently sold out. I see every knife on the site is currently sold out.

    • Yes usually the stocks the runs out quickly…our next batch of knives will arrive in about 3 to 4 weeks from now…

  • +4

    Great you're finally offering a nice, simple, knife that has the option to genuinely useful! =) one that's not just a Damascus show piece.

    However the lack of detail on what actual steel you use here is a MASSIVE red flag. It's impossible to tell if this is worthwhile without knowing what you're actually buying.

    This could either be some really good D2 steel, or some generic cheap plate from china worth 10 cents.

    Being 12cr the corrosion resistance also won't be amazing. Will likely suffer from pitting. Hard to tell exactly however, as we don't know what steel it is!

    • Agree and and why I asked if these were actually a bargain … it would be interesting to hear from an informed member who has bought one … in particular ease of getting a sharp edge on them and keeping it … finding the balance is what makes a good knife imho and you don’t want to have to carry a steel and honing stone with a camping knife.

    • I have mentioned in the description on our website that knife blade is made from surgical tool grade steel with 12% chromium. It is locally sourced and comes close to characteristics of D2 Steel. This steel has been used for a long time in knife making and provides a decent alternative to D2 steel at a reasonable price.

      We also have genuine D2 blade knives currently on order which will be available for sale in a few weeks time but D2 blade knives will be more expensive because D2 steel is relatively more expensive.

      For decades the city of Sialkot in Pakistan is well known for producing high quality surgical tools that are exported around the world. For example have a look at this DW News (German news agency) video clip here. This news report is Urdu language so it is highly likely that you won't be able to understand it. You use Google Translate for it or find someone who can translate it for you or just trust whatever I am saying :) This news report is showing that how surgical tool manufacturer's in Germany get some parts/tools made in Sialkot, Pakistan which are then sent to Germany and then get assembled there with "Made in Germany" label on it. There is no foul play suggested here it is a normal practice in many industries. Some years ago I was working in a high-tech electronics equipment manufacturer in Australia where about 90% parts would come from China and we would basically assemble it here in Australia and do quality testing etc. those electronic equipment were then sold around the world as "Made in Australia".

      So the reason I mentioned this story above is that it is very possible to get decent quality handmade knives from overseas like Pakistan or Central Asia. These steel numbering system may not be that prevalent among Pakistani traditional craftsmen but there are craftsmen who can source alternatives that do a decent job. For example knife makers from Central Asian countries who produce really top quality handmade knives sometimes use steel salvaged from the valves from the ship engines. Few days ago I shared a video of one such knife in which a person cut a tough metal screw with the knife with no damage to blade and sharpness. In Wazirabad, Pakistan they also make similar tough stainless steel knives. I shared couple of videos about that too few days back. I have removed these videos from our YouTube channel because those videos were a bit low resolution and quality and were not suited for advertisement purposes and I don't want to rely on such tactics as a permanent advertisement tools. Anyone can come up with such videos for display purposes but who can guarantee that the customer will actually receive a knife of the same quality and standards as depicted in the videos…so what's the point putting such videos in the first place? At the end of the day it is the trust-based business relationship between the buyer and seller. I am fully aware that unacceptable quality products will not be good for our business in long term. This is where our processes come into play where we ensure that quality of materials and workmanship is maintained through all the stages of knife making in accordance with the pricing model. Also, please read customer reviews about our business here. The overall picture you will get from these reviews is that we actually highly value good customer service. We are a Brisbane based small-business established since 2005. In the past we mainly were doing computer and IT related sales and service but now we are expanding our business into online ecommerce focusing on sourcing unique handmade products from the around the world to start with.

      Second point you have to consider is that if such knives were handmade in Australia for example you wouldn't expect to pay such low prices for it. When you take into account costs of labour/wages (time), materials, taxes and duties, freight/shipping and handling costs, utility costs etc the overall sell price of a handmade knife (even made from average quality materials) will be way above the prices we are able to sell our handmade knives sourced from overseas. Any idea how many hours of work does an ordinary handmade knife require from start to finish (until it reaches the buyers hand)? Yes, there are costs involved throughout the whole process until the item reaches the buyer's hand. I am sure you won't compare the costs of handmade knives with that mass produced (in factory) knives from China or Ukraine for example.

      Third point you have consider is that with handmade knives from overseas there is also a tradition and story attached to each knife and that is another point of attraction for many buyers. If you are more keen you can search the Mughal Empire era of Indian Subcontinent and see how the armies from Central Asia came to Indian sub continent and thus also brought the sword and knife making skills with them.

      • +1

        Absolutely amazing and detailed reply. But what's the steel? "like D2" isn't a steel. Also D2 isn't typically called a stainless steel

        Mate you're properly worrying me now. Do you know what you're selling?

        I have absolutely no comment or issue with the chaps making the actual knives. I just asked what the steel was 😢

        • -1

          Mr whoever you are and whatever your motives are….the reason for my long reply was actually my false hope or assumption that I was talking to, if not a very reasonable person but at least a half or semi reasonsonable person but I have to admit that I am utterly disappointed.

          You can please go ahead and worry as much as you like and as long as you like because to me it is very clear that no matter what I say you will continue to twist and turn things around in an attempt to portray our business negatively.

          End of discussion !


          • +1

            @pepnimble: Mate anyone that buys a knife should know what steel they're buying. It's a really basic question and an equally basic answer. My motive is for our community to be informed about the products being offered here in order to determine what's a quality buy.

            It's like buying an "amd cpu" without knowing what model, and being told "it's kinda like a 5600".

            The fact you can't provide it means I officially have an issue with this product.

            • @incipient: I will let you enjoy the feeling….congratulations…."you won" the argument. happy?

              • @pepnimble: It's not an argument. I am not trying to win anything or trap anyone. I just want to know what the knife is made of. I legitimately have absolutely no clue why you won't tell us.

                Unless you don't know, which would truly be a concern. "trust us, it's a great knife, but we have no way of knowing".

                • @incipient: Please read my detailed reply above. I did attempt to answer that but may be not to your satisfaction, standards or understanding….sorry can't do much about that.


  • Hello everyone,

    We have a cancellation overnight to item back in stock in case someone interested.

    Thanks :)

  • One of the handmade knife design from our upcoming stock.

    Fixed blade genuine D2 steel….blade won't be as shiny though.

    Note: The steel in the video is not D2. It is the lower priced version with the blade made from surgical tool grade steel.

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