4 tuner HDHomeRun to run your TV through the network. Over $400 on Amazon.
Triple check you are buying the AU version as the US version will not work in Australia.
Note, this is a pre order expected to be released after 15 October.
4 tuner HDHomeRun to run your TV through the network. Over $400 on Amazon.
Triple check you are buying the AU version as the US version will not work in Australia.
Note, this is a pre order expected to be released after 15 October.
I want to give it a go for Plex but looking for a cheaper option.
Why not buy a couple of $15 RTL usb tuners? You can use antennas to connect tv head end to plex over a network
Picked up a Hauppauge WinTV-dualHD to use with Plex on my Shield. Works well and supports recording with Plex Pass.
I've had a quattro for two years now, and works well with Plex. Can also just connect to it directly with the hdhomerun app - frankly what I do normally on the rare occasions I want to stream live television from it. For the most part I use it to record shows for watching later.
What have you done since plex stopped providing access to XML EPG data? That kind of annoyed me
I just re-setup plex and hdhomerun the other day and to my surprise there was a large list of tv guide providers so I'm guessing something may have changed for the better?
Yeah they dont do that anymore
works fine
I have a scheduled task that downloads the guide from xmltv.net and Plex picks it up. Works pretty well.
Used to use freepg.tv but that died a year or so ago. Have been using https://www.matthuisman.nz/2017/07/australia-iptv-epg-files.… to grab an xml feed for my local area and seems to work fine.
update Actually, I'm currently using a feed from https://www.xmltv.net/
I run xTeve with Plex, with Matt Huismans EPG and stream m3u feed, and have as many tuners as my bandwidth can cope with…
And it's free
Used to use a HomeRun years ago, but xTeve is heaps better, plus I can tune overseas channels as well if I use a VPN on the container running xTeve
Nice, I tried to get started with webgrab+, but it’s a headache even for someone who works in IT
I had this same setup with xTeve, but I find it doesn’t recognise the recordings as TV shows but as movies. Do you have this same issue?
I use Duo with Plex instead of Quatro. it’s been great. We only have 1 TV for FTA so the other tuner is just for recordings while we’re watching it. most of time, we only use 1 tuner.
I’ve this 4 Tuner model and configured plex. However I feel native HD app is better if intent is to watch merely Tv. I see only 4 sec delay using native app whereas plex live tv is significantly around 30ish second delay. Plex is good for recording and their beta of remembering commercials is also reasonably good feature. But may be me, but nothing on tv is worth recording as these channels and service providers have their OTT apps available.
This was on my wish list years ago but today I never even watch TV anymore. Changing times i guess
It works well with Plex but because Plex transcodes it while you watch, it can be a bit slow to change channels and you need a decent device (like an Apple TV or Roku) for it to run smoothly. It is terrible on the Samsung TV Plex app for example.
I have a sweet setup where I use Plex to record onto my NAS and I use the Channels App on my Apple TV which is a lot snappier than Plex. I’ve effectively cut the cable and the UX is great!
Normal price?
Yeah. It’s the normal price. However it has been difficult to get and so prices have been inflated. Similar to what’s happening with the automotive industry. I suppose during these times it is all relative.
I bought a hdhomerun connect many years ago. It never got the aspect ratio right. It was so bizarre. Stopped using it.
I'd like to use it to get FTA footy to a tablet in the kitchen but I'm afraid of my last experience (moved to a new house and would need a tv point installed near our router.. Don't want to pay money for something that doesn't look right)
Plex is good for casual watching & recording. But if you regularly want to watch shows while they are still recording, or sometimes have marginal reception, then you will hit stability issues.
In those situations you'd be better off with something like Channels. It needs a monthly subscription though. So it's not the cheap option.
Big fan of the Channels app. There is a once off version of the app - you just can’t record. I’ve got that version of the app and I use Plex to record. Did not agree with the Channels monthly subscription cost!
Still using Windows media center on win 10 with the Duo. I want to get something else to replace it, but what? I have experimented a while ago, but nothing was as easy to use.
I find SichboPVR pretty adequate on Windows. The older version 3 is free. In HDHomeRun Setup I had to change BDA Compatibility Mode to "MediaPortal".
Thanks, I'll check it out
Worth it for running tv into channels app on Apple TV.
Never have to get out of the tvOS ecosystem.
I checked up on this for so long trying to get one (were out of stock everywhere for a while). Even tried importing from the UK but couldn't find one. Eventually in my search I stumbled across a refurb link for the DVB-T model from silicondust direct. Was round $220ish. Used it for about two weeks before I moved to my new place which I can't seem to get to work. Doesn't have a normal antenna on the roof, only a satellite. Anyone have any idea how to get it to work?
Yes, install/use with a normal TV antenna.
Lol thanks
That is the correct answer.
If you don't have an antenna, then you simply need to install an antenna.
@drinkin-beer: Nope.
Satellite signals and terrestrial TV signals have absolutely nothing in common.
I've been using mine with a pair of rabbit ears anntena. Works fine.
This was going to be my backup. Either that or set it up at my parents with a raspberry pi as a second server. What kind of rabbit ears did you go for? Will any do? And no buffering at all?
5 years ago I would have jumped at this. Now? I don’t see the point in a streaming world
There are some FTA Australian stuff you can't stream, that's the only use case I have.
It’s certainly on its way out but unless you pay for Fox you won’t get some of the sport you would otherwise get on FTA. Some people like the reality junk you get on FTA as well (the misses). Local news, etc.
I use one of these with plex it does the job and is easy to set up. I was using free epg fir guide info but have switched to the plex pass included epg now.
Been using my HDHomeRun Duo for a few years now. Really love it actually.
But I've gone to access http://my.hdhomerun.com/ this evening and it's no longer working.
Instead, it redirects me to http://my.hdhomerun.com/#tab-2.
I can't access the configuration/setup/management of my HDHomeRun anymore. Can anyone please help?
Power-cycle the box (if installed for use).
Go to their website, download and install the latest software.
Run software config & allow it to update device firmware, scan for channel updates, etc.
Then try using again.
For Windows you can also downlaod their app via the MS store, but I'd try the steps above as installing the package from their site also updates the device firmware.
Anyone using this with Plex? How's the experience? Moved across from Windows Media Center and not really missing live TV at all, but would be good on the odd occasion where I want a live stream without using the station's app.