Coffee on Special this week?

Just talking to a friend about how expensive coffee is ,he told me he thought he seen 2 large tins for $28 at Coles this week?
I cant find it and with my eyesight i cant see it to search,he doesnt know if it was last week or this week?

Im excited if this is the case ,i think they are 2 litre tins so works out 14 each ,probaly cheapest as i heard coffee over the next few weeks will rise dramitically ,there was something on ABC Radio the other day about how expensive coffee will be in a few weeks


  • this?

    Online only.

    i think they are 2 litre tins

    Nah these are 500g

    cant find it and with my eyesight i cant see it to search

    I hope you can see this

  • Coles from Wednesday has:
    Moccona Freeze Dried Instant Coffee 400g
    $16.00 each
    $4.00 per 100g

    • Better than International Roast or Pablo. lol

      • although i been told international roast at $11 could been Coles this week.
        im a bit scared with this announcement about coffee prices going up so may try to buy a few more tins if i can afford it

  • +2

    I would have thought the tinned coffee would already have variation of price factored in. It's the local roasters that will increase price over the next few weeks due to their bean costs going up. Those that sell to cafes.

    • 100%, the large players would have leveraged their buying power and locked in future pricing.

  • -1

    i heard coffee over the next few weeks will rise dramitically

    Scare mongering.

    If you think about all the countries that produce coffee which is low cost countries. Their people can't really go to wealthy countries due to covid. What is there to do? Harvest coffee. Yes freight rates might be up 4x. But if you are buying a $20k car which may have cost $1k to ship now costs $4k to ship. Car is $3k more expensive which is 10%+ but then look at how many people on OzB is asking help to buy a $60k car.

    Official unemployment is 4.5% in Australia but adding in zero hours people it is more like 9%. Inflation is just to fool us to pay higher prices.

    Think about people buying pets in COVID lock down. You'd think when the borders reopen there will be too much demand for pet sitting services while owners go overseas or you have an abandonment risk.

    • certainly right about the buying of pets during covid,once they go back to work suddenly Rufus or bETTY will be a problem at home all day by themselves and inconvenient

  • -4


    Saw ffs.

  • Officeworks do the 700g tins of Blend-43, normal price $19.89… (This works out about $14.20 per 500g)…

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