Grab your free pack of four Zooper Dooper Grippers to stop that summer frostbite.
While stocks last - First come first serve 2,500 packs available. Limit 1 per household. Include postage within Australia.
Grab your free pack of four Zooper Dooper Grippers to stop that summer frostbite.
While stocks last - First come first serve 2,500 packs available. Limit 1 per household. Include postage within Australia.
I put my work address and phone number. Works a charm every time.
The receptionist must love you.
He got nine of them. Just waiting on that last one to be able to call her.
She's playing "hard to get".
My work forbids it because people were taking the piss.
You're not that important
It's not even Zooper doopers lol they're just little sheaths to insert the thing in
Basically a condom for your (icy) pole
Whose details? Ms Fake Name at Parcel Locker at [email protected]?
I'd give up those details for the dregs of a sucked on zooper dooper that's gone white.
You can't put a fake name on a parcel locker address or they won't let you have it. Someone forgot to put my name once. They didn't put it in the locker so I didn't get any email or text message, just had the tracking that showed it arrived at the post office. I had to convince them there was something there for me, three separate occasions they said they couldn't find it. Then I had to produce ID so they could verify the name registered to the parcel locker was me and inspect the tracking number I had.
There's no humans involved in the self service parcel lockers, you get a code emailed to you and you just go there and type in the code and it unlock, usually with 24/7 access. Great for all your 'discreet' shopping needs, too. Just register the locker to the same fake name.
@Parentheses: true, but there are times where an item won’t fit in a locker, if u missed the 3 day limit to pick up, missing item or email/sms error, or parcel lockers are full and u need to line up at the post office or mail centre to pick up in person… which will require ID (all above has happened to me)
edit, but yes fine if u open one for just junk items like this :)
There's no humans involved in the self service parcel lockers
Yes there is, someone still has to put the parcels in the lockers, and if the name doesn't match they don't put it in.
If you log into your mypost account you can set a "preferred name" to anything you like ;)
Surely people use fake details for these and a PO box or am I the only one?
Surely people use fake details for these and a PO box or am I the only one?
The only legitimate detail I put is my PO Box.
You sir don't deserve Zooper Doopers if you believe that. What a disgrace! 😂
Your opinion. 2500 others thought different about this!
Do they really think we that cheap that we would give out our details for 4 zooper doopers? At the very lest we demand 5, perhaps even 4 1/2.
Plus this kind of deals in these days not gonna do any benifits to us, more like choking the AusPost…
It says they should be delivered within 14 days. I wish my (paid for) bonds order from over 2 weeks ago would arrive that quickly, ha.
I bet there won't be any Cola in these.
Edit: Oh it's a holder. That's lame I was expecting to get 4 free zooper doopers.
Me thought this was Zooper Doopers too 😞 now WTF am I supposed to do this these lol 🤬
How much are they normally ?
According to the T&C, each pack is around $8.
I've never seen it selling for $8
A pack of holders is $8??
I thought you get free Zooper doopers.. But then I realised it was only 4 grippers (sleeves?) To hold the Zooper doopers.
Lol, can't eat the gripper though, I'll skip.
Not with that attitude you can't
Lol, thanks OP. My kids are sooks. This will beat the paper towel that they currently use.
Thanks OP.
Your order will be despatched shortly and should arrive within 14 business days.
Came here for Zooper Doopers, left disappointed. Saved some spam
What? You can't enter the 5000 other potential days to be born on?
Who is asking evidence? Add anything
Quite sure they're fabric lol
Either way will end up in the landfill. Cheap way to collect marketing data.
You know for a fact that people are going to get theirs and then immediately throw it in the trash? Nahhhhhhh
@Clear: Nah … they will use it once or twice before they realise that it is useless and then throw it away.
Will I ever use this ?
Ordered some to a friends place.
There are easy ways to occupy someone's mind for free.
Socks work just as, if not better
"Promotion has ended" message AFTER submitting details.
My address is worth more than $2 lol ($8RRP according to them).
Just got in before they ended. Thanks op!
These are really good, I get dates all the time when I am out and about on the town and I mix into conversations.
A group of women at the bar, I introduce myself, "Oh btw ladies just scored a set, 4 that is of Zooper dooper holders".
Exit stage left with 3 women on my arms.
Thanks OP, will make it much easier for my toddlers to hold these instead of using napkins. Pretty sure they are like stubby holders so that’s perfect!
Get a grip !!!
Even JV does not get it :-). So we really have a problem.
Even JV does not get it
No I didn't…
My kids aren't wusses…
All jv gets is negs
Gets plenty of them
They're not plastic.
Guess it's polyester fabric aka plastic.
That's another generation's problem
Yeah … let's not care.
You wanna know how I got these scars?
Society has gone soft.
Thank god it weren't actually super duper ice sticks then I would have cried, don't feel so bad now missing in this deal, I mean who needs or wants holders anywwy
I mean grown men use stubby holders, so what's wrong with using them for kids icy poles?
I almost never use stubby holders but if I do it's to stop my beer from becoming warm so quickly.
Kids (and adults) literally inhale these. There's very little of the ice block that melts
You’ve never seen how long it takes my youngest to eat one. Lol.
Filled in the personal information and never got any confirmation email of order.
Check your spam. The email from them was there.
Thanks for ordering your 4x pack of Zooper Dooper Grippers. Your order will be despatched shortly and should arrive within 14 business days.
We’ll send you another email to let you know when your order is on its way.
Just got this email confirming dispatch:
We're excited to advise that your 4x pack of Zooper Dooper Grippers are on the way!Your order has been sent via Australia Post Regular delivery and will take approximately 10 - 14 business days to arrive from date of order.Please note that Australia Post has been experiencing delays due to COVID19 impacts so if your parcel is taking a few days longer please bear this in mind.If you have any questions about your order, please contact us at [email protected] and we will respond to you as soon as possible.Thanks,The Zooper Dooper Team
Grippers arrived today. Only 8 days to arrive.Not bad quality either.
Any good aftermarket grippers?
They seem to be able to be used on many things. E.g. fridge door handle. You can use multiple at the same time to join them like zip ties.
Got mine too.
I found a good use for these - as a bike chainstay protector
My details are worth more than 4 zooper doopers.