Hey all,
Looking for some recommendations/advice on checking a PC remotely.
Parents gave a scammer remote access to their PC after navigating to an incorrect canon printer website, which then called them after accessing the help chat (seems to be a known scam as even canon have a page about this scam). Scammer flashed something on screen that looked like CMD (have screen grab) and told them their network had been compromised by hack attempts, and they needed to install Network Privacy Shield. During the install they’ve called me and I’ve had them terminate the remote access and uninstall the Network privacy shield. The guy who called them tried to convince them to keep going, but didn’t put up too great a fight/get aggressive.
Seems the scam normally plays out that they show a virus on the system once the software is installed, and then hold you ransom for a few $100 to remove it.
I had my folks remove the remote access software, remove the privacy shield, and have reviewed for any other programs or files installed during the interaction and found none.
I’ve also gone through their task manager looking for anything suspicious, and run a full scan via MS security/defender
Any tips on what else I can do to double check PC hasn’t been left with some back door access?
The fact the scammer brought up something suss on CMD (altho it could have been a still image tbh) and the fact he didn’t fight harder to get them to stay around concerns me
They don’t have their banking details saved on the Pc which is something
Wipe it, could have downloaded a key logger or anything while they had access.. to be safe