As eating out has been limited for some people and states.
Curious to know what most OzB people do when it comes to washing dishes at home.
As eating out has been limited for some people and states.
Curious to know what most OzB people do when it comes to washing dishes at home.
Same and no room in kitchen for a dishwasher, unless I can get half the drawers removed + cut 1/4 to 1/2 of the remaining drawers out.
I recommend having a look at benchtop dishwashers.
There are the classic half size ones but they are still a bit large.
I bought a Midea Benchtop for my sister last year, it's very small, just slightly taller than a microwave and less width as well.
No piping required, the outlet can just seat on the side of the sink, and the water Cana be fed using a jug (it's a 5L, with the supplied 1.25L it only take about 4 refill). At first she wasn't sure, but now she loves it and cannot live without. It's small enough to just fit on the drain area of the sink.
Thanks for the tip. I’ll take a look
You are the dishwasher :)
When can't be bothered or time restraints, into the dishwasher it goes!
I've got a "single" sink and I'm pretty sure I use more water in that than the dishwasher (when i have to wash more than a few dishes). So for me, it's dishwasher most of the time. I leave it in there after washing, so it's like storage for me too!
As eating out has been limited..
Slightly off-topic, but all the takeaway I get comes in the thick "reusable" bags. After I eat, I chuck all the containers etc in there and tie it up before I bin it. I often can't help but think that banning the thinner "single use" plastic bags has been a complete failure in this particular area.
Slightly off-topic
I allow it ;)
I save all (non leaking) single use plastic bags as a bin liner.
Wash by hand as you go. Though depending on how many dishes and cups you do, dishwasher is supposed to be more economical… unless you do the method where you fill a sink with water and wash it like that (in which case how on earth is that clean?)
Maybe that can be the next poll?
How do you wash your dishes?
Its called dish washing liquid… tuh duhhhh
Wash with running tap.
Really bad for environment
Most of the time, just leave them on the coffee table, on the floor beside the bed, sometimes, next to the toilet… Depends what I've been eating and how I feel. :)
Then once a week, I come home and they have all disappeared… Only to turn up in the cupboard looking all clean and shiny…!
It's like magic!
Trust be told, sit them in the sink, then the following day put them in the dishwasher. When the dishwasher is full, then wash, and back into the cupboard.
Dishwasher only. Much more water efficient, also I cannot be bothered.
Lick the plate clean not an option?
No dishwasher. Still works perfectly fine, no space for a dishwasher anyways.
Dishwasher for most items. Otherwise, it's hand wash if obviously not suited for dishwasher.
Also, it's only two people in my household so the dishwasher is rarely half full before I use it.
2 people in my household but we just run it when it gets full.. Why are people running it when its half empty, seems rather inefficient?
No dishwasher here either. The hardest part is getting the motivation to do the dishes.
“nothing is certain except death, taxes and do the dishes”.
Know what you mean, hence eat out nights were great :p
I'm the dishwasher.
What I want to know is- Do you rinse off the soap or nah?
Why is this even a question?!
Needs a poll me thinks :) @kanmen
I rinse off the detergent, so does a dishwasher…
I do recall at school, at home economics, some people don’t!…
Cannot compute.
So for people who do not rinse the soap off, they eat with the dried soapy residue?
Of do they rinse the crockery before eating?
@KSMLJ: Yeah I've seen people do this too. I believe they eat with soap residue on their plate as it's still 'clean'
I don't understand it
@kanmen: Did some googling.
Apparently its a British thing, the Americans rinse, so do Asia people, Russians too! The non rinse happens in NZ too. 😮
@SF3: Bizarre. Ahhhh the British. Maybe that explains why @morse reakons it's an 'Australian' thing too. Just has been passed down from British-origin people to other British-origin people?
@kanmen: Never really rinsed off with clean water after washing up. Occasionally used a second sink of non soaped water to rinse. Usignrunning water seems to be a waste of the clear stuff
Some people just swish plates in soapy water and let it dry on the dish rack. They don’t rinse it again with clean water.
Yeh some people don’t rinse the soap. My mum used to say it was an Australian thing because of droughts, don’t know if it’s correct, she wasn’t Australian and used to rinse so I do to.
What's a dishwasher? Isn't it the drying rack we use after washing our dishes by hand?
I live alone so I only use one fork, one spoon, one knife, one plate, one cup, and donr use the others. Dishes are not a problem fpr me.
Dishwasher except for things like wine glasses
Dishwashers are good for most wine glasses as long as you don't use tabs. To get a good wash, use powdered detergent (cheap Woolies brand will do) and make sure you add it to both the main dispenser compartment and to the pre-wash compartment. Also ensure that your dishwasher dispenses the correct amount of rinse aid.
It is not a good idea to put lead crystal in dishwashers.
I could go on a rant about so many things wrong with dishwasher tabs, but just give powdered detergent a go. If you use it properly you won't go back to tabs as they are inferior and overpriced.
I think someone have talked about in great length about the importance of pre-wash and why powdered detergents are better than the tablets because you can basically add them to the pre-wash compartment like you are saying. During the first pre-wash phase, if you don't have any pre-wash detergent in there, it basically just uses water which is ineffective I think was the logic.
I didn't watch the whole video though (it's like 30 minutes long), but apparently it stirred up enough comments that he did a part 2 as well (which was around 20 minutes if my memory serves me right?).
Weird things people are curious about these days….
of, relating to, or caused by witchcraft or the supernatural : MAGICAL
We like 🔮 around here :)
I used to have a German Shepherd, she used to lick the plate I gave her after dinner so well, it was like it was washed; and when I had memory loss, I could not tell if I had washed it or not, as I got confused which pile I put it in, the washed pile or the to be washed pile!
Dishwasher for everything, except a few things like kitchen knives, wooden utensils and chopping boards. Dishwasher gets a daily run, hand washing is lucky to be once a week.
living alone so it's easier to just wash it by hand.
No dishwasher in our rental