This was posted 13 years 20 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

7-Eleven $1 Day 15/3/2012


I know it already has been posted here

But, it has now been made official that this Thursday is the next $1 day at 7-Eleven for these following items:

  • Mother 300ml
  • Coke, Coke Zero, Diet Coke 450ml
  • Smith Chips 90gm – selected varieties
  • Nestle KitKat Chunky 3 varieties 65gm
  • Nestle KitKat Chunky 60gm
  • Nestle Chokito 55gm
  • Nestle Aero Milk Chocolate and Peppermint 40gm

Limit of 8 for each $1 product per customer, per store.

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closed Comments

  • +6

    :( no really great bargins there. $1 Mother isn't too bad but the others are about the same prices you'll find on special at the supermarket any week.

    • +1

      450ml coke is decent for single bottles, hopefully can pick some up from the fridge! :D

      • +27

        a real ozbargainer would buy 3L bottles for $3, refill their 450ml bottles and use the air pump caps to keep it fizzy!

        • How logical…

    • +1

      It's been a good year or two since the last time 7-Eleven actually had a good $1 day.

      • +1

        no way, the last one (with sausage rolls and choc milk) was very decent.

        • Except they were those little half-size sausage rolls. They used to offer full sized ones.

  • +12

    the coke is ok too, i want flavoured milk, munch pies and sausage rolls, and slurpies!

    • +3

      aka breakfast with their $1 coffee

    • +5

      And Drumsticks!

  • +3

    Did their $1 days used to be much more comprehensive in terms of stock offering? Feels like they are scaling them back.

    • +8

      Sounds like what most business's are doing these days…

      They definitely used to have great deals, these are not

    • +1

      yep this is really crappy, not worth it at all. small items and same price as supermarket..

  • +4

    not as impressive as their previous ones as has been stated.

    bring back the goulbourn milk!

    • +1

      Yes! best strawberry milk available

  • +1


    • +1

      Haha, that's the season I go there!

      When I'm on my way home from work with an empty tank, I go past about 5 petrol stations and risk running out before I get to my local 7/11 just so I can get a slurpee.

      • lol why dont you fill up at the cheaper station then drive to seven 11. thats what a true ozbargainer does :)

  • +7

    Worst $1 day yet. Mother can be had for cheaper when it's on special at Coles or Woolworths. Chocolate bars are always $1 or less at the supermarkets too… Where are the donuts, flavored milk and sausage pies?

  • thanks footywiz11

    • +1

      My pleasure. YNWA

  • No ice creams :(

  • +2

    Going out into the city Wednesday night, when the cravings start at midnight, I'll get some cheap snacks. Oh and the coke rewards point too!!

  • no $1 cornetto ice-cream??!!! i bought 30 last time!!!

  • -3

    But your comparing 7-11 to a supermarket? For the price
    For a convenient store it is cheap, and supermarkets are not convenient. 7-11 are located everywhere.

    • +4

      Far more supermarket's then 7-11 when your in the suburbs!

    • +1

      the dollar deals they started out with included 500ml energy drinks and flavoured milks and other items, and alot ended up cheaper than supermarkets. this is cutting back and not worth going.

    • Yes we're comparing 7-11 to a supermarket, because $1 day is only 1 day! So if you're actually only going to go to 7-11 because of convenience, there's a good chance you wouldn't normally be going on that particular day.
      These deals aren't good enough to make a special trip on the day. They are however, good if you happen to need a snack when you're near a 7-11.

  • +2

    How could you guys compare 7-11 to the supermarket. I know supermarket do offers same or cheaper from time to time but supermarket doesnt open 24/7. This is when this deal shine and i cant thank u enough for sharing this.

    • If you're in Melb or (I believe) Syd, then the (OK, some) supermarkets ARE open 24/7.

      • Which supermarkets are 24/7?

        • I haven't lived in Mel for a couple of years now but I know Springvale and Burwood were 24/7 when I lived in the area.

        • Hmm I've never seen any supermarkets that are 24/7 in NSW.

  • +1

    :( where's the icecreams, the donuts, the milks, the muffins?

    Guys, I reckon we should all complain on their Facebook page, they're probably make some adjustments.

  • -1

    slurpies make them a shit load of money, doubt they'll ever put that up as a special..

    • +1

      Except for 7-11 day where you get them for free I guess.

      • you only get a tiny slurpy

  • +2

    Going to a 7/11 store is much more convenient then going inside the shopping centre and walking around the whole place to buy a few things. Not to mention, most of the time you have to wait in the lines to be served.

    There's a reason why there's a big mark up price on most items at convenient stores in the first place. That being said, they still make shit loads of money. You know why? Because of convenience! Time = money…

    Anyways, so here we are, when the price of a convenient store is less than (or even the same as) what you'd find in supermarkets, you clowns think its not a bargain.

    • I guess we just don't find supermarkets particularly inconvenient.

    • +3

      Convenience has no place on ozbargain, that contradicts wasting our time on ozbargain to begin with….

      How exactly can you conveniently need a chocolate bar in 2 days time? If this bargain was for right now I would understand. I find it very unlikely you won't go to the supermarket or won't pass one on the way home.

  • -7

    Just steal them

  • +2

    7-Eleven has just sent me their "Media Release"…

    Told them that it has actually already been posted on OzBargain!

    • +2

      Sweet treats no longer a guilty pleasure as $1 Day returns to 7-Eleven

      I love that they think the "guilty" part of a guilty pleasure is the price.

  • CONFIRMED: 22nd of March is another $1 day, with different products. There won't be ice-cream or chocolate milk. Chances are that's the surprise.

  • $3 - Mother, Kit-Kat, Aero = Breakfast!

  • +1

    Cheapest coke unleashed codes I've seen for a while. lol

  • +2

    Forgot all about 7-11 dollar day today. But i actually went to Coles to do some shopping, and bought 3 Kit-Kat Chunky's, and an Aero bar, for $1 each anyway. haha
    It didn't click to me until just now, that i was buying the same items for the same price.

    I wonder if this was Coles counter-attack…?

    Had no desire for Mother drinks, so not dissapointed that i missed it.

    • Woolworths also have cadbury bars for 75c each as well.

      • Thanks, i saw them tonight (they're 79c i think). I bought a whole bunch for work last month.

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