First of all, a disclaimer to confess I don't have a dog and am not a pet lover.
This is mainly a rant rather than a question.
A lot of people have dogs off leashes in parks and ovals where there are clear signs saying either dogs must be leashed or occasionally no dogs (usually sports ovals). I find it super annoying if the dog approaches me. I get it that most dogs are not aggressive and won't bite but you can never assume and I'm often running and hate having the dog chase me. Usually, I try run past the dog and they generally ignore me. Sometimes I stop if a dog looks like it is heading towards me/following me because I'm not sure if it will try bite me and I am not a fan of being chased by dogs. Every time this happens the owners say "it won't hurt you" and 99% of the time this is the case but I still have been chased/scratched by dogs when the owner is there.
Usually, I don't say anything because I just want to spend time running and don't think telling people they need to have there dog on a leash would go down well and I come across too many such dogs/owners so its not practical!
A few days ago I was running in a cricket oval (signs for no unleashed dogs outside) and people were kicking a ball with the dog. The dog started heading towards me for whatever reason and so I stopped until the owners redirected it. For the first time, I told the owners the oval has a sign that says no dogs unleashed. They just replied with the standard "dog won't hurt anyone" and carried on which confirmed my suspicion that it would be a waste of effort.
I think a lot of people who are just chilling in a park or going for a walk wouldn't mind the friendly dog off a leash saying hi. I just find it annoying when I'm trying to run and it makes me stop or slow down.
I do think there are not enough leash free zones where I live so it does make it hard if you have a dog but there are some.
Just curious what other dog owners and non-dog people think.
I feel like I'm being a bit of a clown complaining so feel free to roast me.
Prepare to defend……