Unleashed Dogs in "Leashed Areas"

First of all, a disclaimer to confess I don't have a dog and am not a pet lover.

This is mainly a rant rather than a question.

A lot of people have dogs off leashes in parks and ovals where there are clear signs saying either dogs must be leashed or occasionally no dogs (usually sports ovals). I find it super annoying if the dog approaches me. I get it that most dogs are not aggressive and won't bite but you can never assume and I'm often running and hate having the dog chase me. Usually, I try run past the dog and they generally ignore me. Sometimes I stop if a dog looks like it is heading towards me/following me because I'm not sure if it will try bite me and I am not a fan of being chased by dogs. Every time this happens the owners say "it won't hurt you" and 99% of the time this is the case but I still have been chased/scratched by dogs when the owner is there.

Usually, I don't say anything because I just want to spend time running and don't think telling people they need to have there dog on a leash would go down well and I come across too many such dogs/owners so its not practical!

A few days ago I was running in a cricket oval (signs for no unleashed dogs outside) and people were kicking a ball with the dog. The dog started heading towards me for whatever reason and so I stopped until the owners redirected it. For the first time, I told the owners the oval has a sign that says no dogs unleashed. They just replied with the standard "dog won't hurt anyone" and carried on which confirmed my suspicion that it would be a waste of effort.

I think a lot of people who are just chilling in a park or going for a walk wouldn't mind the friendly dog off a leash saying hi. I just find it annoying when I'm trying to run and it makes me stop or slow down.
I do think there are not enough leash free zones where I live so it does make it hard if you have a dog but there are some.

Just curious what other dog owners and non-dog people think.

I feel like I'm being a bit of a clown complaining so feel free to roast me.


    • I feel like I'm being a bit of a clown complaining so feel free to roast me.

      I'm prepared to be ready for dinner.

      p.s. i assumed you didn't mean defence for running :P

      • They just replied with the standard "dog won't hurt anyone

        Your reply - thought you said it wouldnt hurt anyone"…
        After it scratches you you reply with - you know.. your right.

  • +2

    Gimli, you should stand your ground and say: bring your pretty face to my axe

  • Near me there is a oval for dogs and one fenced off for sports with clear no dog signs . Those who wish for a quite time take their dogs to the fenced off one . Of course the school has no dog signs but they just ignore it . Also people leave dangerous dogs off leashes . My last stroll some young dude pit bull cross bred had a go at a poodle and lucky for him the owner got it under control . Little does he know he could have coped a 7k bill ! What the matter with these people ?

    • They are inconsiderate morons.
      Me, pointing at No Dogs sign, "You aren't allowed to have dogs here, mate".
      IM "So what are you going to do, call the Old Bill?"
      This was in a park around a lake that is a bit of a nature reserve, with ducks and flocks of galahs on the grass. The dog was running up to the birds and putting them to flight.
      Put a call in to the rangers, who will visit and hand out a few infringements.

  • Always have your phone to record the event, so you may use it as evidence one day.

    If the owners thinks is ok, let them go on record (video).

  • +1

    Topping the list of sounds that scare dogs:
    loud trucks.
    people yelling.
    squawking pet parrots.
    security alarms.
    smoke detectors.

    Or Carry a “Ultrasonic Aggressive Dog Repeller“?

  • +6

    I have a dog and am in full agreement with you. I'm not a fan of off leash dogs coming at my dog or me-I don't care how 'friendly' it's supposed to be. Our council provides free compostable waste bags and since lockdown I am really pi**ed off by the number of deposits left on footpaths and front lawns and if they are picked up the bags are just left by the side of the footpaths. There are a number of council bins within a few hundred metres of each other so if you can be bothered picking it up- walk it to the closest bin!! (Or better still take it home and bin it) I hate my walk being spoilt by having to dodge piles that have been smeared over the path by kids (and adults) on bicycles.

  • +2

    There's a free app for Android and also for Apple called 'Snap Send Solve' that allows the user to take photos and also report issues like this to the relevant body, eg local council etc.



    • Works beautifully.

      I use it to report graffiti and it gets to the Council with photos and location.

  • +4

    I think a lot of people who are just chilling in a park or going for a walk wouldn't mind the friendly dog off a leash saying hi

    Very absolutely incorrect.

    I am a dog lover and I have a dog, but I know some people who have very strong fears or hesitations toward dogs.

    For any dog owner to think it’s ok for their dog to just approach strangers with no prior interaction is just absurd. Especially those without any voice control over their dog.

    You just never know what those people “just chilling in the park” have been through with dogs. You really do need some human to human interaction before the dog approaches the strange or vice versa.

    • +2

      I have a dog. I love dogs. But if I'm chilling in a park and a big slobbery dog comes up to me while I'm eating, I'm not going to be happy. Couldn't agree more.

  • +4

    People are assholes and can't seem to read signs…

    Unfortunately there have been a large uptick of dog issues with covid. Best to report to Council and have them monitor more frequently.

  • +1

    I have two small, docile dogs and I am a strong advocate for leashes on at all times in public.

    I live in Sydney and have noticed over the years that with the onset of apartment living, less people are used to interacting with dogs in general. Especially Indian immigrants since there are a lot in my area and most of them have no concept of what a pet is.

    • Downvoter knows I hit them where it hurts.

  • I was fishing last year up on the NSW Central Coast, I reeled in my fishing line ,no fish but prawn still on the big hook, up come running a unleashed dog !
    Owners a old aged couple were laughing as it approached the prawn on the hook !
    Im trying to swing the fishing rod hook away as they laughed ,im thinking if the dog bites into the prawn the hook its going to choke…but no they continued to laugh?
    strange people…i was about to kick the dog to get it away as my hands were full with the fishing rod,then it moved away,my line tangled as they continued to laugh

  • My dogs aren’t friendly to other dogs and it really pisses me off when I take them to an on-leash area and there are dogs off-leash running towards them.

  • +3

    Urgh, rant away - I'll join you.

    We used to take our border collie running with us, but rarely do now. In the last 10 years we have been approached by dozens and dozens of off-leash dogs, always in on-leash areas, and without fail the owners have called out a version of "It's ok! He/she is friendly! Just wants to play!" And without exception, they have attacked our beautiful dog. Only one vet trip (the attack actually happened right near the vet, and we saw blood, but it turned out to be from the other dog who had bitten its own lip!) and our dog is now absolutely terrified every time another dog comes near her. It's heartbreaking to see your sweet, good-natured dog actually wee over themselves while trying to climb up the nearest human to get away from the snapping ar$ehole dog that's just appeared out of nowhere.

    The worst part is the attitude of Every. Single. Owner. We shout at them to control their dog, they slowly mosey on over, watch for a bit, then finally grab their dog. And when we tell them it's an on-leash area, they let rip with a tirade of swearing and telling us to get over it. We leave our dog at home when we exercise now. It's just not worth it.

    Our biggest gripe with all of this, is that it's all fine to have sign up, but there is NEVER anyone around to police it.

  • I'll join you - I genuinely think that most of these people are just feeling a bit entitled, as in "my dog wouldn't bite", and so they deliberately choose to ignore the rules (because, yeah why not).
    So dckheads, they are. What can we do about them?

    *Disclaimer: I have young kids, and just fuming when I see some of these pricks with off lead dogs in a park (or even playground), where kids supposed to play safely. They won't even need to bite, just knock my toddler (as it happened already).

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