3 for 1 Multi-buy offer - Limited to 1000 corsets
Add any 3 Corsets to your basket and pay for only the most expensive item - No Coupon Code Required.
3 for 1 Multi-buy offer - Limited to 1000 corsets
Add any 3 Corsets to your basket and pay for only the most expensive item - No Coupon Code Required.
I've just had a look and you're right. I found this online and thought I'd share, but might actually order through the other store!
Are you affiliated with the site? I believe there's a box you have to check if you are. Also what can your corsets do for me?
I am not affiliated in any way. Just found it online and thought I'd share with people. Maybe I've done something wrong because I've had a number of reports for sock puppeting but I just thought it was a good deal worth sharing :)
Fair enough, I only ask because it's such a new account and the French connotations of your name kind of made me think you could be. It is a good deal on paper but if the honourable Scatman00 above is correct it seems like a marketing stunt where the discount is an illusion.
I believe he's saying it's a 5 for 1 deal on the US site but it costs the same as if you got the 3 for 1 on this Aus site because they just make the prices higher across the board on the US site to compensate for the deal. If they're willing to do it for the US there's a chance they might do it for here as well
Yeah I've been looking into the US deal too. It looks like their 5 for 1 is better, but to get the same items I ordered ($200 AUD incl. shipping), it would be over $300 AUD to be posted here.
So yes I can't rule out something dodgy with their pricing (a friend referred me, I hadn't ordered before!) but for what it is, it looks like a good deal.
(And the user name is one I use on a bunch of sites, I'm a fantasy fan, hence la belle et la BĂȘte. I'm a long time lurker too. I can see how those would work against me here!)
Thanks Just what I needed to keep my covid belly in check
Your US site is doing 5 for 1, but still works out at the same AUD price per unit due to even higher prices on the same items.
Seems your standard price is just 3x what it should be…?