This was posted 3 years 5 months 6 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Woolworths Bag for Good Reusable Carry Bag $0.50 (Was $0.99) @ Woolworths


Just noticed that the Bag for Good has dropped in price. Not sure if this is the new price going forward or just for a limited time.

Price drop till 11 January 2022.

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closed Comments

  • +2

    Bag for good became just a lot of bags at these prices.

    • +1

      yep, instead of thin plastic bags in the bin, we now have thick ones from deliveries, or these ones shredded and in the bin.

    • +40

      i know right, that is why i shop with a wheelbarrow.

      • +4

        I thought I was the only one who did that. Good to know.

      • +18

        I would like to do the same, but my wife refuses to push me around in the wheelbarrow.

      • I need one that fits a 45 pack of toilet paper. You know for shitty purposes.

    • I’ve seen the same kind of bags half the size.

    • +14

      To store all the negs you get?

    • IKEA bags FTW!

    • Why not just get two bags?

      • +1

        two isn't enough for a weekly shop.

        • Yes, what you need to do is take more than two bags for your weekly shop.

          • @fredblogs: They need to be bigger though. Like the 15 cent ones…

    • +2

      yea I agree should be bigger, dont know why you got downvoted

      • +1

        dont know why you got downvoted


      • ikea bags are better if you want light bulky items

      • +2

        Don't know about others but 99% of JV comments are useless, add nothing to the conversation and are generally unfunny. Guessing others agree with me which is why he gets negged….

  • +6

    Grabbed a couple when they were 15 cents - they're not the best, but at least you can get free replacements.

    • +7

      15¢ ?? 😳😳 … you definitely missed the deal

      • +1

        I missed that deal but weren't they 10c once? Pretty sure I paid 10c each. Either way I got about 30 of them now.

    • yep, got half dozen last time.

    • How does the free replacements work? Didn't know that.

      • +3

        You just show them the damaged one and ask for a replacement.

      • +3

        It's literally printed on the bag

        • Doh!

    • I got 10 at 15c, they're great when I remember them

  • +1

    I was waiting for them to drop to 0.19 again.

    • +7

      Make sure you pay by credit card to avoid the rounding up…

  • +9

    I have bought the brown thicker (rough potato sack-like material?) ones and have used them for years now, the added padding on the handle makes the groceries feel lighter even when its overpacked.

  • +1

    not bad at all, picked one when it was 15 cents. works fine. would go for a couple more when on discount again

  • +10

    Christmas presents finally solved

    • +2

      Put them inside the stockings!

    • True Ozbargainer 😉🤑

  • +8

    If you ever forget your bags, just take an empty box from a shelf.

    • +2

      Hah never thought of that, good tip 👍

      • +1

        My 'Coles Local' actually has a stack of boxes at the self checkout. It's awesome! Way easier to avoid things getting crushed (assuming your only doing a light shop)

    • +3

      I've been doing this since before they banned plastic bags. Seems a no brainer to me.

    • +9

      Is not they don't care, is they did not know you were stealing. Might as well not scan the items in the trolley.

      • -2

        Nope, the young lads there don't care whether you scan it or not. There's always a person that assists with self checkout and will hand you a bag if you need it. Your local store may enforce it but my one doesn't bother

        • +5

          The lads hands the bag to you expecting you to scan.

          Assuming you are right and they don't care, I can still see so many wrong, it is still theft.

          The lads (lowly employee) is breaking the company policy and duty but that does not mean it is okay for you to not scan the bag, it is still your responsibility to scan.

          If the lads don't care then why stop at bag? Is theft anyway, go hard or go home, right?

          Finally if another employee or security guard caught you then what is your excuse? I can assure you the lads will just say, they are not aware you are stealing. Then you get ban from the store.

  • I got my 5 for free still.

  • +3

    FYI, woollies offer to recycle their reusable plastic bag in store(recycle bin on the side of the store) if anyone has too many of them and too lazy to wash them.

    • +8

      wait, wash them?

      • +8

        Username might explain it??

    • It's not just for the Woolies bags, it's a REDcycle bin. It's for plastics bags and the wrappers that have the Recycle (Return to store) logo on them.

  • +5

    🎶 "Whatever I said, whatever I did, I didn't mean it. I just want this Bag for Good. Want this Bag… want this Bag… I want this Bag for Good."

  • -2

    They don’t make anything for those of us who don’t drive to the shops but do small shops and pick up stuff on our way home. It seems wasteful buying bags every time. I have a huge pile of plastic that I use as bin liners. I have no use for these bags.

    • +12

      Try a foldable bag? I keep one in my work bag.

      • These are the best bags, aside from the old school ALDI shopper technique of grabbing a big tray box for everything. I keep a half dozen or so of these rolled up in the door pocket of the car so you're never without bags at the supermarket.

        • The boxes are the old school Franklin's and corner shop technique 😜.

      • This could work. Thanks

      • These are excellent.

    • +1

      Have you considered a shopping trolley/cart or foldable wagon?



      • I need something for my wallet /pocket. Something I can carry in my pocket at all times in case I need it.

      • +1


    • +1

      I walk to the shops with these bags all the time. If it's only one or two I can usually even shove them in my pockets until I get there. I am really failing to understand your problem here, if you are heading to the shops then you just carry them there and back home?

      • -1

        I would have to go home and get the bag. They should have a container out the front where everyone can return and take bags. I don’t mind reusing a bag someone else has used

    • -1

      Typical Gen Z expecting a handout. Back in my days we would push a trolley all the way home from Safeway.

      • +2

        A trolley for 3 things? Back in my day we had plastic bags that could be reused as bin liners, with far less plastic than the 15c bags. We also didn’t sell packets of bin liners

  • Question: When the plastic liner at the bottom breaks. Will they replace the whole bag or only when the bag breaks?

    I've had some staff say liner breaks can replace bag and some only will replace if bag breaks and liner is irrelevant.

    What's correct?

  • +1

    Way more expensive, but biotuff is selling their similar bag for $2 (almost half price) on their website. I bought some the other day and they're pretty much the same as the wollies bag in size and make. The difference is that the material similar to plastic but made out of corn and biodegradable and commercially compostable.

    Not worth a deal on its own but thought I'd mention an alternative.

  • We've got a bunch of canvas bags we use. Drawback is that at self-service the computer says "no" because it thinks you're stealing due to the weight.

    • Did you choose "I brought my own bag" from the first screen? You're supposed to tap that, then put your bag on the scale, then tap "Continue" which zeros the scale with your bag on it.

      • Oh yeah…always hit that. It seems though that if your bags weigh more than it expects, it wants the attendant to check.

        YMMV…I've been to some stores where the scales seem to be more lenient than others.

      • Those machines drive me nuts; I find them counterintuitive. They seem to assume that I'm a criminal, but don't really do anything to stop a real criminal.

        I walk around WW with my bags filling them up, then at checkout it asks if I brought my own bags. Yes I did, so I tap yes, but I can't put the bags on the scales because they are still full. Machine not happy.

        Buy 4 things, so tell it 4, then place then on the scales. When you put the second one on it whines about extra items - you are supposed to put all 4 at the same time. Machine not happy.

        Buy very light things (like packets of seeds) and they are too light to register on the scales so it waits. You can skip bagging but you are only allowed to do that a few times. Machine not happy again.

        Scales are full so I take things off to pack in my bag. Apparently I removed them too quickly.

        Those assistants earn their keep when I self checkout!

  • +3

    Buy some for your local junkies 😊

    • I want a Centrelink tshirt now

  • Any deals on the bag for evil?

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