This was posted 3 years 5 months 6 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PS4, PS5] Sackboy: A Big Adventure $54.95 (RRP $109.93) @ PlayStation Store


Was watching this YouTube video and saw he partnered with PlayStation to give 50% discounts on the game since there is a tournament running. Isn't the cheapest it has been but still a hefty discount.

There is also a discount for the US PSN version using this code: BJHFN468DR
I haven't tested this but if people are willing to login to the US PSN and download it, the cost will be around $41AUD.

Edit: If the code doesn't work for you, try a different browser or even try through the PS App.

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closed Comments

    • +2

      Can you explain the joke?

      • +6

        Sack Dan. He wants Dan Andrews sacked.

        • He wants Dan Andrews sacked.

          Did I say that ??

          Tina Arena wants him sacked.

          • @jv: Touché.

            In saying that, although I don't know you, I get the impression you wouldn't be in the Dan fan camp.

            Tina Arena wants him sacked.

            Not sure if her comments mean she wants a Liberal government instead, but I'm sure she'll find they'd provide even less support for the arts.

            • +1


              she'll find they'd provide even less support for the arts.

              Jeff spent a lot of money on the Arts in Vic.

    • -5

      The bots are after you now.

      • +3

        JV: Downvoted for making an irrelevant political comment on a children's game deal.

        You: oMg ThE bOtS aRe CoMiNg!!!!1!

        • +2

          You okay?

          • -1

            @FabMan: I'm assuming from their user name, that they have some kind of affiliation with Dan.

            That is the date the Chinese Government forcibly suppressed the protestors and declared Martial law on it's citizens.

            • @jv: Affiliation with Dan? An event completely wiped from history by the government and only remembered by those who fight against oppression?

          • @FabMan: No, I'm on hold with VicRoads . Do you want to talk about it?

        • -1

          Yes. This is correct summary of my comment, save your capitalisation.

      • Now they are after you


  • +8

    Today I learned the PSN supports discount codes.

    Can confirm it knocking a whole 30USD off in my American Account's cart.

    • -2

      In OzB spirit, think about the resale value of a physical copy.

      • -1

        Good for anyone with a digital only console I suppose. But yes definitely think about resale although I don’t think I’ve ever resold a game except for at the end of a generation trading everything in for a new console..

        • +2

          I don’t think I’ve ever resold a game except for at the end of a generation trading everything in for a new console

          If you find you're not going back to those games, you'd recoup a lot more reselling closer to it's release.

          I keep (collect) first-part Nintendo. Sell all console games ASAP (I might rebuy some of the few first-party console-exclusive Sony/MS titles at a much later date for cheap). And buy digital on PC for old releases that have reached a steady nadir in price.

          • @muwu: Why is this downvoted?

            • @SuperMrBlob: It's okay. I believe a voting system is more informative if voters have a freedom to vote as they wish. Accompanying with a reply is even better though.

              • +2

                @muwu: I have no idea why y'all were downvoted. There were good points all around, I'm generally not the type of person to sell my games and I indeed do go back and play old stuff now and then for nostalgia sake.

                Plus I'm a lazy man who doesn't want to disc swap/deal with clutter :P

                I ended up biting the bullet on the US store's deal.
                Just had to remember to claim the free DLC skins through that account too.

  • +4

    Good price for a fun game.

  • discount worked. thanks for posting!

  • +3

    Just wanna say this is probably the funnest game I’ve played so far on my ps5. At least playing couch coop with a friend.
    Highly recommend if you have someone to play with!

    • I take it you haven't played Rift Apart?

      • +1

        Nah I have. I think for me it was just the couch coop. I haven’t done couch coop for years and years. So tbh I actually think this was the most just pure giddy fun I’ve had playing a video game in longer than I can remember.

        • +1

          That's fair! I've thought about getting it, but wasn't a fan of the little big planet stuff. Personally Ratchet gave me that feeling of fun, but video games have become almost a chore for me in the last couple of years (even when I want to play them, I can do so for 20min at a time max). Might check this one out though based on peoples thoughts.

          • @Ethan Bargain-Hunt:

            …but video games have become almost a chore for me in the last couple of years.

            Time for a new hobbie, man, there's a lot of shit out there…

            • @muwu: Haha I do other stuff man (albeit some of it has been impossible to do due to lockdowns), just saying that due to commitments with work and other stuff that I can't play video games for more than 20min (when I do) without them feeling like a chore.

              Ratchet was the last game I had a proper sit down and playthrough!

        • +4

          You should definitely check out It Takes Two

        • Have you played It Takes Two? Super fun couch co-op! Since playing that I'm always on the lookout now to play similar style games with the wife. Glad to hear this is similar - keen to give it a go

          • @jrad0: Will check it out for sure, cheers 👍🏼

  • +6
  • Thanks OP, just got it from the US PSN store for $29.99 instead of $59.99. Been eyeing this game for a while now for couch co-op.

  • Can anyone give a quick guide on how to purchase from US PSN? Sorry in advance for the fact I'm both cheap AND lazy

    • Easiest way is to buy US PSN gift cards from They get delivered instantly and with no markup. And just create an second account on your PlayStation with a random US address.

      • Mad, looks like I can grab a $20 and a $10 US PSN card for around 43 AUD, might give it a go.

    • +1

      Have to create an entire new account and set the region there during creation. Pick a state like Montana to avoid sales tax.

      Look up a fake US account generator to get a town/postcode etc.

      Can either painstakingly try to set up a payment method if you have an American Payal or other international service (kind of a crapshoot) or buy US Wallet PSN cards via Amazon, CDkeys, or some other retailer.
      They're posted here on OzB sometimes at cheaper than face value, which is always a nice get.

      Downloaded games on a console can be played on any local account, so you can still log into and play your main for trophies and the like.

      • Cheers, had a US account years ago but seems I've lost it, will make a new one and look for some US PSN wallet cards

      • +1

        You can buy US psn wallet top up cards from playasia as well, CD keys is usually sold and it's a bit tricky on amazon US.

        • Adding Playasia to my go-to list, thanks! I thought they were all about shipping physical products, didn't know they did gamecards.

    • +1

      you can also buy PSN cards from Play-Asia, they have multiple currencies.…

  • +4

    This now works on AUS Store. Don't need to do us.

  • -1

    thanks OP

  • Really great game!!

  • Can you play this game alone? Or is it co op only?

    • Yep can play solo no worries. There are some stages you need co-op for but they are optional

  • I am playing it now, got it about a month ago for my daughter for her 6th birthday.

    Great team player game play…

  • Awesome game… have the teddy bear too

  • -2

    This was PS5 launch title right? I reckon PS+ soon. HODL

  • I'm literally on psn AU rn and it's 109.93!
    Am I missing something here?

    • Did you use the coupon?

  • Awww shit! Got it! Gotta add to cart go check out, then enter the 10 digit number

  • damn, Code Expired, oh well, will wait for Retail discount

    • Still works for me!

      • Based on your post, i guess I missed out by about 20 min ! :(

        • I haven't clicked purchase yet - definitely still active now

          • @Blackie36: So weird. It says its been redeemed. Is it possible I"m doing something wrong?

            • @telljoolz: it took me a few attempts adding / deleting it before it kicked in

              • @Blackie36: Are you using the US code coupon or the AUS coupon? I see 2 codes in the original post. And someone in the thread mentioning AUS. I CBB creating a US account.

                • @telljoolz: Australian - via the web store

                  • @Blackie36: Thanks for your help. I was trying the store on the console. But tried the web store too now. Still says 'already redeemed.' I think I will give up. Cheers.

                    • @telljoolz: Have you tried through the PS App? I got an error through the App but its working through the Webstore. So just try different methods and maybe even browsers. Maybe Sony is being picky now haha.

                      • @jakwob: Well I just tried just in case; same result.

                        • +1

                          @telljoolz: Keep trying! I added, removed, added the code again about 7-8 times and it eventually worked, as per Bla36's comment above. It just went through a few minutes ago

  • Thanks buddy. Played it with the Mrs. She enjoyed this. She gets motion sickness normally with video games however this is fine as the screen doesn't rotate

  • This or littlebigplanet3 to play coop with someone?

    • Either one works fine. Both play the same (this really is just LittleBigPlanet4)

  • +3

    Thanks OP

    Took about 8 goes of it saying code expired before it applied. Keep trying if you intend to buy.

    Purchased through store via browser on phone.

  • +3

    Browser, console and app all say expired after 10 tries each.

    Edit: lol after like 5 minutes straight of editing and applying code on console it worked

  • +3

    LOL, I was starting to think everyone was in on a big joke telling me to "just keep trying" like a Rick Roll… but it eventually worked.

    Thanks to OP and everyone else posting to keep trying or posting their success.

    FYI, I tried countless times on console, phone app and on pc via web store and eventually got through via the web.

  • Note: Don't do this on console - not even sure if it is still active after midnight but don't accidentally click order and pay now like an idiot.

    Content never started downloading so hopefully I can get a refund.


  • +4

    New code 9LB3JQ8GJK working in au store as of now

    • +2



      This price is only available from 24 September 2021 at 9:59 AM to 29 September 2021 at 9:59 AM.

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