Cheaper than the previous deal. Single shows sold out but keep checking as they may restock.
Other sizes after discount (20% | 22% ) :
King size $295.20 | $287.82
King Single $183.20 | $178.62
Double $239.20 | $233.22
Cheaper than the previous deal. Single shows sold out but keep checking as they may restock.
Other sizes after discount (20% | 22% ) :
King size $295.20 | $287.82
King Single $183.20 | $178.62
Double $239.20 | $233.22
I have had the extra firm version, king size for two years now no sagging
Had this one in queen size for 3 month only, no issues yet.
Same, I've had one for a couple of years, no sag, best mattress I've ever had
I've had the "Medium-Firm" for 2 years and no issues at all. For the price I don't expect it to last forever but so far it's been well worth the experiment.
Be warned the extra firm is like sleeping on a rock. You better like sleeping on a rock before you get the extra firm. I cant stress this enough, I thought I liked firm beds until I met my match.
I ended up with the usual black label instead..quite happy with it.
Is the extra firm really firm like they say? Cos I prefer hard beds, the harder the better and obviously no trials for this mattress so will just have to go off others' experience
It was too firm for me in the beginning but got used to it, now having the black label, I think I still prefer the extra firm but both are good for the price
no, my sister has the extra firm and ive tried it and its fine. i actually have the medium firm and find it too soft though i weight 90kgs. shes 55 and still likes it
@jackwilk: i mean its firm but people are saying its like sleeping on rocks lol. its nowhere close to that and quite comfortable as we both agree
@bobloblawlawblog: Yeah absolutely agree. I was on a border line for a while between this mattress and the extra firm, mainly because of the 'sleeping on rocks' comments. Finally we went with the extra firm and no regrets. If anything it could be even firmer :) I guess it depends on what people are used to, but to me it's nowhere near like sleeping on the rocks.
As already said, it's very firm. I quickly got use to it though, and as a side sleeper I now love it. Sleeping for a long duration in soft beds now just gives me sore shoulders. I've had my bed for 2 1/2 years and its yet to sag.
To give you an idea, I'm close to 120kg, and I can stand on the mattress, and not sink into it.
It does compress ever so slightly, but nothing like a normal mattress.
I'd genuinely compare it to sleeping on thick turf grass in terms of firmness; there is half an inch of padding , but then you hit 'ground'.
@MasterScythe: i wonder if the issue is actually that they dont really have consistent QC. hence why you get some who sag after 3 months and some that are great for years. so even for the firms, some are like rocks and some are good. no idea. or maybe some people have discovered some very soft rocks
@bobloblawlawblog: I've measured the springs, they're the correct diameter and number of coils, so it should be correct.
Does it include ensemble?
I was about to purchase sleeping duck and decided to try this bed before spending two grant. If it is great I can save 1700 easily. Currently I am using their king single for last two years and it being great.
I have been sleeping on one of this for the past two years, really liked it. I think you wont regret for the price.
Can the $40 ebay plus voucher received upon signing up to ebay plus be used with the code listed above?
Bought the single for our son a few years back. The rest of us sleep on more expensive, brand name mattresses, but the boy’s is by far the most comfortable mattress in the house.
Hmmm Queen size with PSPR20 coupon shows original price of $319 plus $69 delivery to Perth, final price with coupon $324… am I missing something?
Must be due to location, as mine was free to Melbourne.
Ordered a queen size mattress last Thursday, on route for delivery. Allied Express are used for delivery.
Uh. You won’t ever get it then
Pot luck 😅
Mine was delivered today by Allied Express 😅
Mine sagged slightly after 6 months… I like it, but… It's noticeable
How much is single?
Click the link and you’ll see single is out of stock, so no price.
We’ve had ours for about a year. Has big sink wholes on either side where we lay. Neither of us are near overweight.
Was great, but doesn’t last long.
Claims 15 years warranty, did you reach out to them for a resolution?
Funny. I've had mine for 4 years and I am overweight lol. No sag still.
Definitely worthwhile seeking warranty
My theory is that the thin people are wearing out the less resilient foam layer, and us fatties are making the high quality springs do their work.
Because the 'im light and it sagged' complaint is COMMON; as is the 'Im fat and it didnt'…..hrmmm
dont know, I surely sagged the $1000 latex mattress from Ikea a LOT. Got a full refund in after 3 years of use.
Latex mattress probably more susceptible to sagging probably.
Maybe its just poor quality control. really can't say but I have two zzz atelier mattresses both seem fine so far.
Had ours for 3 years and no sink holes yet. A little sagged on my side as I weight 35kg more. I rotated it around 180 degrees and hopefully it will last a couple more years.
How much do you weight to be considered not "near overweight" by your definition?
Everyone's idea of being overweight is different, to some being 5ft tall and weighing 150kg is normal.
Exactly what I am trying to say. I am 85kg and it's fine for me but I could feel the mattress will struggle at 100kg+
A weight should be posted instead of "not near overweight" which is meaningless.
Everyone's idea of being overweight is different,
Well it shouldn’t be. It’s easy to workout if you’re overweight.
How much do you weight to be considered not "near overweight" by your definition?
Under 75. Under 60.
In that case definitely claim warranty on it. You have, right?
@DarkOz: It would not be claiming warranty. When you read the T&Cs on the vast majority of mattresses the level of sag and circumstance it shows etc all make it difficult or even impossible to meet. It would be a claim based on ACL.
Didnt people say they actually changed the design a year or 2 ago and they have been inferior since? Im sure i read it somewhere.
Yeah, probably the "New and Improved design" is actually worse. We have the old model and thinking of upgrading to the new. Won't be doing that now.
I have the same experience. They’re cheap but not good value
Just curious how much will cost them to ship a mattress.
It's free shipping
Weights 45kg and free delivery. That's why this mattress used to be OzBargain favourite 2-3 years back.
What's the favourite now?
I don't see any favourite mattress replacing this but this is being posted less and less. It used to be every week.
Same as others. bad sink after a year
Sink or Stink? Bathing could help with one of those issues.
2 and a half year, my king size still feels like new
What did you do?
Bought a queen for myself 2.5yrs ago and only sleep on one side. Noticable sag compared to the side i dont sleep on. My weight is around 63kg. But i believe they have since updated the designs so the ones you buy today might be better…
People were saying they were better before the new design…
when i first got it i actually felt like the bed way sinking and way too soft. somehow i feel like its actually firmed up after a month or two and now its fine. i also have a sleep republic and tbh the difference between the two is not noticeable imo
We like ours. It's a bit softer in some areas after about 18 months, and probably won't last for too much longer, though we could've rotated it more regularly.
An ideal mattress for a guest room I'd suggest, or if it's the main mattress it'll probably require replacement every 2 years or so.
Still happy with the purchase and have recommended it to others on a budget.
I'm 135KG my Mrs is 58kg which one should i get
Get two. One king for yourself and a single for Mrs.
I've had mine for 5 years now. Zero issues.
Same here. Great buy
Couple of quick questions
1. Is there a charcoal lining option for excessive flatulence?
2. How does the bed stand up to the rigors of the wheelbarrow position?
Are these matresses any good? i have a 1000$ one no idea what its made of but how do these compare to the higher quality so to say
What do you guys do with old mattresses? Mine is in great condition and I would hate to throw it away. Do people buy used mattress, or can I donate it somewhere?
There are some companies that buy them if they're in like new condition, charities may pick them up for free if in good condition.
If it's not clean enough for that you might get lucky and have a council that does a mattress pickup and dump. Otherwise you're going to have to pay for it.
Really area and condition dependent unfortunately.
Been using my Queen size matters from zzz for 2.5 years now. No issues at all.
Tried the Firm, but it wasn't was firm as I would have liked.
I bought 3 years ago and am 50kg, massive sag in the middle of the bed where i lay, its almost unusable now
So many contradicting reviews. It's as if they are selling mattresses from two different manufacturers under one brand name.
I bought the new 'improved' version 18 months ago, just started sagging really badly recently. I got the King Single medium firm and I am a slim build.
The first year or so I really liked the mattress.
The back pain it causes now is terrible. If i lie right on the edge of the mattress it's still firm
Their 15 years warranty is a joke, the amount of hoops they make you jump through to do a warranty claim is ridiculous. And you can only claim on the warranty once.
This is by far the hardest mattress I have ever slept on. I have purchased 3 x zzz atelier mattresses to date and the jump in firmness is ridiculous… Looking at getting a mattress topper and seeing how I go. Otherwise it looks good and I'm hoping it lasts