Help.. broken Xbox Series X console, where do I go? its self broken and costs $500 to repair from Microsoft which is a big rip off, where else can I go or should I hold onto it until they make it cheaper, if so how long would that be?
the dvd drive cable connector is broken
Xbox Series X Repair? Where to Go?

Last edited 26/09/2021 - 11:45 by 1 other user
How on earth did you break the dvd drive cable connector?
That moment you try to mod an $800 console and fk it up 😂
No, did you not read?
" its self broken "
oh um idk mistakes happen when you try fix things.
Eb games have a repair service called reboot it is a one off payment no matter how big the repairs it cost $149 for a Xbox 1x not sure about a series x you would have to ask them
If it really broke itself then I'd be claiming warranty/ACL fitness for purpose and chasing a free repair or replacement.
I read "self broken" as meaning OP broke it, so warranty does not apply. I can't imagine any scenario where an internal connector would just spontaneously break.
May have triggered self destruct sequence.
Sell to Russia.
Out of warranty?
all xbsx is under warranty now as it is less than 12 months from release. So it means OP screwed up trying to do a mod so it will be ineligble for claim.
Almost be worth selling it for parts and buying a new one ? Surely there's a 3rd party repairer that could do it alot cheaper ?