Just saw that Overwatch Legendary Edition is on sale on the e-shop for a pretty decent price. However, was just wondering on whether I should pull the trigger on it or not. Is there a decent playerbase in Australia? How long are queue times (approx.)? And how's the performance of the game on Switch?
How Is The Playerbase of Overwatch?

Ljastta on 24/09/2021 - 00:03
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Player base is fine - still quick to get games.
The Legendary Edition really only gives you extra skins. If you don't care about those (since it's a FPS and you don't even see yourself) then you can save $5 with the regular edition.
Hey man, they enabled cross-play a few months ago so the player base is pretty good. (I play on PS5)
Queue times are pretty fast, the only issue with queue times would be if you want to just play DPS. If you're happy to tank or heal then there are very short wait times (less than a minute)
Can't comment on performance on Switch though.
I really like the game, I'll be having a break when Far Cry 6 comes out, but I assume I'll be back on there when I'm done with that.