• expired

AmEx Statement Credits: Spend $99 or More, Get $99 Back @ The Motley Fool


Check your AMEX app for offers. Most likely targeted.

Motley Fool has two annual memberships for $99.

Offer is limited to one credit per Card to which the offer is saved and only spend on this Card counts towards the Offer.
Excludes transactions where you do not spend directly with your Card to which the offer is saved, at The Motley Fool at www.fool.com.au/newmemberoffer. Offer valid at Australian website only.
Excludes transactions made through a third party establishment or payment processor.
Credit is not redeemable for cash or other payment form.
Credit should appear on your billing statement within 5 business days from qualifying spend but may take up to 90 days from the offer end date.
Credit will not be applied to your Card Account if your Card has been suspended or cancelled.
Credit may be reversed if your qualifying purchase is refunded or cancelled.

Referral Links

Business Explorer Card: random (1)

Referrer: 40,000 Reward Points

Centurion Personal Charge Card: random (9)

Referee gets 200,000 MR points. Referrer gets 150,000 MR points.

Related Stores

AmEx Statement Offers
AmEx Statement Offers
American Express
American Express
Motley Fool Australia
Motley Fool Australia

closed Comments

  • +3

    Hmm why didnt they do just a 12 month subscription for free like they did with Centr 3 month subscription.

    • +6

      The silver lining is that you get ~$1 worth of points

      • +1

        Plus, a boost of $99 cash flow for a month. i.e., the $99 credit may contribute to the current balance to pay; the debited $99+ will appear on your next statement and need to get paid by the next due date.

  • +47

    I got this offer but not sure if it's worth it even it's free…

    • Have you had a subscription or have used it previously? Keen to get your thoughts on it, as I am not sure if I should bother signing up.

      • +10

        No I haven't had their subscription before, but I've been browsing Motley Fool regularly, I must say their free content are just rubbish, you can probably get far more valuable information from HotCopper or Reddit to be honest…I'm keen to know how their paid users think of the subscription too but I doubt there are any in Ozbargain

        • +23

          Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

          • +2

            @eggboi: You only know it's right, by looking at a working clock

          • +3

            @eggboi: MF is a broken clock with no hands

      • I used to have a subscription - didn't get much value out of it tbh.

      • I have a subscription. I find it useful to help identify some stocks to look at when I am time poor, but the key point here is that I am using it as an additional source of information and I need to do my own research on top of their recommendations rather than just following it blindly.

        That being said, I have found it to be a bit hit and miss - I did the math recently and probably am only $200 positive after all this time, so not like it's really made a world of difference to my portfolio!

    • +19

      haha yeah, if you invest $99 according to MF recommendations, you'll be lucky to get $99 back.

      • +15

        You should be able to claim the subscription fee on your tax return.

          • +8

            @Frozensage: You can against the income it produces (dividends/distributions)

          • +1

            @Frozensage: Isn't producing income the whole point of buying stocks?

        • Not sure if you can when you pay nothing for it. And that’s what you are paying, nothing after rebate right?

    • Are they that bad!? Haha

      • +1

        Seems like a lot of ppl have been burnt. But perhaps its the time frame too. Reddit/HotCopper are short term speculations. Motleyfool is just another opinion/ideas. Looks like you still need to add your risk profile. Cant just blindly buy.

    • +7

      Agree. I usually sell when they recommend to buy, and it has worked almost 100% of the time. So I guess if you use it like that it might be worth it.
      EDIT: No, scrap that. It's not worth it

      • Can you give me an example of stocks they recommended?

      • Honestly the best advice here! I subscribed to a similar subscription once on small cap investing (not sure who created it now). By the time I actually looked at the recommendations the price had gone through the roof, well past their buy price.

  • where exactly… or how do you subscribe.. what is there to subscribe… going to services-> pro just brings me to a login screen

    • +6

      They’re IN the computer

  • +12

    I am wondering if this can be stacked with Cashrewards for an extra $70 profit……

    • +30

      That would be only way to actually profit off a Motley Fool subscription..

    • Even if you can, I don't know if they will honour it cause they be losing

    • Cashrewards won't take me to that specific link https://www.fool.com.au/newmemberoffer/, anyone knows how to navigate to that page?

    • Not sure if they will honour it as per terms and conditions:

      “Excludes transactions made through a third party establishment or payment processor.”

      • How would AMEX know that you made a purchase via that specific link?

        In any case, try and navigate via CR then paste the 'newmemberoffer' link on top. Maybe it will still track?

      • +4

        "third party establishment or payment processor" is something like paypal, btw. don't use paypal for any Amex offer

    • +4

      I tried and have had email confirmations from both Amex and Cashrewards that the purchase was tracked. Let’s see if they honour it.

    • Let us know champ, you might become one of the very few people on earth that can actually make a profit from Motley Fool…

  • No harm trying if they have money back guarantee

    • +11

      Except for losing money on following bad investment advice..

      • Perhaps when taking the advice, do a deep check on the writer?

        • How far inside is deep?

  • Have it on three cards. Can I claim cashback more than once?

    • If you save the offer on each card yes.

  • I just gave it a shot on a $99 plan.

    Got AMEX confirmation and Cashrewards tracking confirmation instantly.

    As to if the Cashrewards actually pays out, will need to wait and see.

    • +1

      Same 🤓

      Worst case a free membership (albeit to something I didn’t want). Best case $70 for free

      Don’t forget to cancel before they re-subscribe you in12 months time!

      • Do we have to email them to cancel the subscription? Can't find button to opt out of auto renewals.

      • +4

        As if most people here would have the same Amex card active in 12 months :-P

        • Unless you cancel your Amex account, they still honour charges on previously cancelled cards from a merchant that you have spent with before.

      • Where is the option to cancel re-subscription?

      • +1

        Last I had membership with them, you need to call to cancel. I am surprised they really didnt put that option online until now.

        • You can email them. I did cancel my trial before via email, quite straightforward

    • where did you find the $99 plan via cashrewards? I cannot seem to find the correct page.

      • I had to activate cashback via the browser extension, then go to the URL in the post: www.fool.com.au/newmemberoffer
        Just make sure the CR tick is there and you should be all good.

        • where is the CR tick? lol

          • @squidz: same question, how do u make it ticked? the browser extension doesn't seems to do anything

            • +5

              @hanofee: I had the same issue. Chrome Browser extension is broken.

              Instead activate it from the cash rewards site.

              Once it redirects you to motley fool, search (using search box in motley fool) for "new member offer"

              Then the first or (one of the top links) is to their subscription page.

              Ive done this and got both cash reward and amex confirmation. Whether they payout is another thing.

              • @cuy: Legend, thanks and worked!

          • -1

            @squidz: Chrome Browser extension.
            Not sure if you will be able to do it on mobile.
            I went to the CR link first via CR site. Ensured the tick was there. Then navigate (copy paste) the URL above in the same tab. The tick remained through that process.

            • @tobinm: Do u mean, there supposed to be a tick on top of the CR logo? My extension staying as purple circle with C no matter which website I tried

              • @hanofee: had the same prob with chrome, then i tried safari. it worked, there was a tick on the CR logo which means cashback is activated. got the cashback confirmation from both amex and CR instantly via email

            • @tobinm: We're confused, I wonder if it's a hit or miss as I'm looking at the extension reviews and the app is not consist to work properly

              • @PeeDee: didnt give a sh*t about the tick… on chrome
                just YOLO.. (that's the way of OzBets)… it tracked…
                fingerrs crossed that TA delivers!

              • @PeeDee: Here's what I did, but YMMV. Sorry for confusion, was 5mim from going to bed last night.

                1. Go to cash rewards site.
                2. Search for motley fool and click through.
                3. Observe tick is active in browser extension.
                4. Replace the URL in that tab with the URL in the post.
                5. Tick remains active in browser extension.
                6. Buy either of the $99 plans.

                That's just what worked for me anyway.

                • @tobinm: So I did it with Chrome on a Mac last night, but looking at a PC this morning with Chrome, the tick doesn't appear.

    • +1

      Looks like you have to email them to cancel


      Also cashrewards suggests you might need to stay 'subscribed' for up to 90 days.

    • -2

      TA is going to plug this hole if it does exist 😛

    • Cashrewards $70 cashback link leads to a 404 Not Found page now. maybe they caught on and closed the loophole

    • +2

      They've removed the offer from the CashRewards website, I was going to do it this morning, but was stupid and waited, now it's gone. (profanity)

  • +2

    The Motley Fool's purpose is to make the world Smarter, Happier and Richer… More like to make themselves richer and happier whereas subscribers will be poorer and angry due to their crap recommendations

  • A mate of mine swears this dude is just a market maker

  • +2

    If you do subscribe be prepared for their many, lengthy emails.

  • +6

    People pay money to read “If you invested in this stock in 2004, you would be a gazillionaire by now.”?

    • +2

      “Click here to find the next Afterpay.”

      • +1

        3 stocks to sell today!

  • +2

    Subscribe to Ozb arbitrage way of making $70 profit!
    Step 1: activate CR & Amex
    Step 2: sign up
    Step 3: cash out!

    • +4

      You forgot step 4, Cancel Subscription…. very important

      • +1

        oh nah, churn bro…. :D: D:D:D

    • How many times can you get cashrewards?

  • +14

    Have been a subscriber in the past, would caution readers their articles are disingenuous and can be manipulative. They have a habit of making stock picks, removing the bad ones months later in hindsight, then framing it to look like they recommended you 'winners'

    • Thanks will keep in mind. But isnt that what most investors/traders do? Pull out the weeds and let your winners run?

    • prob every business out there does that…
      no one want to show their flaws…esp if they r throwing a net n hope it catches something :D

    • -2

      No one can be the best forecaster but it's good to see this guys logic in choosing the stocks (I hope he validates why it's chosen) and we make our evaluation

    • +1

      How do u cancel?

    • So, like most share newsletter publishers then?

    • +1

      Are you saying they edit their old articles and remove the bad stocks form the list to make their past predictions look better???

  • fyi, make sure to not use paypal to purchase this

  • Fools gold

  • Subscribed to Share Advisor and Extreme Opportunities, used both Amex cards, and both tracked on CR. So, worst case scenario, I've paid $50 for both, best case I've been paid $90 to take both, but might be paid $20.

    • How would it cost $50?

      They’re both $99 so worst case you’ve lost no money but got two subscriptions. Best case you’re $140 up for two cash backs

      • +1

        share advisor is $149

        • Ah. I went with the two $99 options

          I’m thinking could try my 3rd Amex card and buy the same one again on a different email address.

          • @digitalane: only if u are going to use it.. otherwise the spam is not worth the effort and recos are suspect at best

            • @stockastics: $140 for a few spam messages that I can set a rule to auto delete is worth it for me

  • Cash reward and Amex emails were instantly received.

  • +3

    Check with your trading platform for free insight platform access.
    I get a fair amount of premium stuff from NAB trade for free. Don't know why, but have free access to MorningStar reports.

    Motley Fool = Myself Fool. Don't bother!


    Motley Fool - "Megaport ▲ up 337% Recommended on 12/12/18."

    Mickyb80 - "18/01/2019 xxxxx478 MP1.ASX XXXX Buy $3.9500"
    XXXX $17.72 $3.9898 $XXXXX + XXXX (3.75%) +$XXXXXX (344.13%) "

    I'll back myself thanks!

    (Sure there is a few in the red at the moment, but there is a few with triple-figure growth and the average is upwards of 40% in the past 24 months. Truth be told, wasn't hard to end up after COVID's dip).

    Free or not - time is money, and reading the spam that comes from these guys will cost you your time and in turn, cost you money regardless if you invest or not!

    Ask yourself, what your hourly rate is at work?
    Now think about how much time you will waste reading this garbage?
    Then - how much time will it take away from your OzB fix for the day?

    Is it worth it? I'll stay true to OzB!!! :)

  • +1

    First time using cashrewards… is it always this slow?

    APPROVAL DATE (EST) 25-12-2021

    Motley Fool Investing expert Scott Phillips just revealed what he believes are the 5 best stocks for investors to buy right now… and Cashrewards wasn't one of them.

    • Yes, that's normal.

  • +9

    Totally waste of money, you subscribe Motley Fool you are a fool.

    I got the exact same offer on my US Amex card last year. I gave it a try, once I subscribed they kept sending the emails upselling or upgrading to other services, more expensive services.

    Also, this is important, they are heavily hedge funds affiliated and they only send you stocks hedgies owned and dump the stocks once you are in. Google and find articles they wrote about meme stocks like AMC and GME, they don’t want you to buy them and manipulate the market because the hedge fund who is also owned motley fool are shorting AMC and GME, and other meme stocks.

    Be careful, I lost a lot of money with them, do your own dd and only invest in the stock you believe in.

    • Except that, this deal is for free (except Advisor). So not much to waste I guess. Following them is different story though

    • Motley Fool you are a fool.

      Guess they think so too, going by the way they address their spam…

      Hi Fool,
      As a new Motley Fool….

  • So all you need to do on the cashrewards is click on the store and search for new member offers in the search bar of the motley Fool website that's what site search is designed for

    Tracked instantly

    Wife and I have 4 Amex cards, all were available on our cards.

  • signed up twice with both my cards - hoping for $140 in CR.

    gotta set my spam filter to block emails now.

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