Just wondering why it's possible to get notifications for a store but not for a product?
I would like to be notified when a deal for X product is posted.
Just wondering why it's possible to get notifications for a store but not for a product?
I would like to be notified when a deal for X product is posted.
Basically, what the Kindergarten Cop said. Can also use the search from the home page and search for the store. It should separate by store and deals. Go to store and click "Subscribe".
Subscriptions are viewable in your settings.
Unless it's changed recently you only get an email and no notification in ozb.
We do have the product subscriptions feature in beta now. It's been long requested but tricky to implement as it relies on tags. You can test it out if you like, eventually we want to move to this method, instead of search alerts which are delayed and can be error prone:
Note: The notification won't be received until the product is tagged, so there may be some delay if the OP does not tag the product, until the PU/moderator tags the product.
Awesome, thanks for the detailed info.
Outside of OzBargain alerts, I use Wispri for this kind of stuff. Put in the URL and say what price it needs to be lowered to to be notified.
It's worked alright for me, but there is definitely times when I haven't gotten a notification even though it is under the set price. Maybe not exactly what you're after, but if you are keeping an eye on certain stores for the product, it can do that for you.
For anything on amazon I use, camelcamelcamel.
Search for it then hit "create alert"
Eg https://www.ozbargain.com.au/search/node/Iphone?t=e