• expired

Install a Solar Energy System from Origin and Earn 170,000 Everyday Rewards Points


170,000 = $850 off your grocery shopping.

Remember, nothing is for free so ensure you get other quotes from independent suppliers to see if the $850 has just been built into the solar quote from Origin. Might be nice to have if you are already planning on going with Origin.

e.g. ACT has a deal where if you go from gas to RC air con, you get $1500 off when you go with "approved installers". Both of these installers are owned by the same mob that essentially run the energy game in ACT. When I called up an independent guy and asked about the rebate, he laughed and said, he'd quote me and if the price was above the approved installer quote, he would take off $1500 his quote. Sure enough, his quote was $1500 under the approved installer quote before the rebate, ie the same price in the end as the approved installers just add on $1500 only to take it off again via the rebate.

Referral Links

Origin Business: random (36)

$200 credit each for referrer and referee.

Origin Residential: random (576)

$50 credit each for referrer and referee.

Related Stores

Origin Energy
Origin Energy
Everyday Rewards
Everyday Rewards

closed Comments

  • -1

    I wonder if it's allowed to install on the roof of a unit or an apartment?

    • You'd need Stata approval to do so

    • +2

      In between the floor?

  • -1

    So do the utility companies want to be involved in Solar, or stick with Fossil Fuels? Or just Solar-under-their-terms?

    • +6

      Whatever generates profit so long as their sunk costs continue to generate income

    • So do the utility companies want to be involved in Solar, or stick with Fossil Fuels?

      They don't have much choice…

    • Big companies are always looking to future proof themselves and are always talking about avoiding going the way of Kodak

      Doesnt mean they dont try to bleed every cent out of their current model in the meantime though.

  • +3

    Origin use independant contractors for the install, so you don't really know who you're going to get.
    The quote I got through Origin was about average for the system I was quoted.

    • I installed through Origin nearly 9 years ago. Everything went well till last year I realised that the installers cracked the tiles under the solar panel and started leaking in my roof. My roof guy said u need and electrician and someone to remove the panels and then the roof tiles can be fixed. I called their support line and they said it is more than 5 or 7 years so it I cannot claim it. I think Origin is good but I am not sure about the contractors they are using. Furthermore, it is a hit and miss with independent contractors

      • +4

        If the installers cracked the tiles, I don't think it would have taken 9 years for a leak to appear.
        Would have been a combination of things that lead up to the leak appearing.

        • Could take 9 years before you got a big enough storm to soak through the insulation and make a visible stain on the ceiling.

          Same thing happened to me, not quite 9 years in my case and luckily the broken tile was reachable without removing any panels that I could fix it myself.

  • +1

    Install a Solar System from Origin

    Astronomical deal…

  • I wonder if my system qualifies for this, still waiting the install date :/ hmnmm

  • does anyone know what system; inverter and panels they use? and cost?
    Do not want to give details and be harassed…

  • Another thing to factor is the FIT (Feed in Tariff) Origin in the past gave far better FIT for those installing systems from their suppliers. Like in NSW it was 22c vs about 12c for non origin installs. Worth looking into

    • +1

      They put a pretty severe cap on the bonus rates.

      So they get to advertise the highest FIT, but if you feed in 1000kwh you’ll only get the best rate for 200.

      Makes them look good but it’s scammy.

      Their install quote was $1000 over the average quote I got so I didn’t bother as the boost only added $80/year for me (I think). Hardware was similar.

      • +2

        its not capped, inverter has to be 10kw or smaller. once installed u can sell as much power back out. the plan is for 2 years though. plan called solar boost plus.

        also if you are restricted on the export. thats your distributors issue, nothing to do with retailer or the installer. (generally 5kw for single phase and 15kw for three phase)

        • +2

          looks like you’re right, this has changed. I can’t see the FIT kwh cap anywhere. It definitely was there last year when I was in the middle of quoting solar systems.

          Ignore my previous post, outdated info and thanks for correcting me.

    • They do have interest free for 2 years I believe so that could help close the gap.

  • Vendor in title please.

  • Origin doesn't seem to provide to SA…? Just tried a couple of locations on their purchase calculator and got rejected at each.

    • Probably because they're looking at charging people in SA to use solar because there's too much of it. Might leave a bitter taste in your mouth buying a solar system only for them to charge you for using it

  • Deal only available with 150km of major cities. Not available in regional/rural areas.

    • I’m in regional NSW and did this deal last week.

      • Hi Tacenda, if you don’t mind, could you please share which brand, capacity etc did you go for and how much did it cost ?
        A mate went with Sunboost (he reckons is one of the oldest solar companies around) and I want to compare the two. Thanks

        • +1

          Origin is aprox $1,000 per kw system for the premium plus end units (which the comparison of the types are https://www.originenergy.com.au/solar/packages/ I would not go any lower than a 'Fronius' so not sure what he brand your quoting against but on average a 10kw system would be aprox ~$10k

          Key value is the 24 month plans as Origin self finances them, and they are a bigger brand so biggest issue is always warranty and support.

          Should something go wrong i have no issues knowing Origin as a company will be around in 10 years, most issues is trying to get warranty 10 years later from the smaller burn and churn installers. But the price you pay for future guarentees

  • +1

    We went with Origin about 4 years ago, they had 2 years interest free, no problems at all, they used 2 local electricians finished in less than a day and was up and running, 5.4KW with Fronius inverter. Price was similar to others at the time.
    North coast NSW.

  • +2

    I installed mine through Origin via their virtual power plant scheme, which discounts battery and provide extra solar feed in tarriff.. With solar and battery, my total end of year bill for last 12 months was about $1. So with extra $850 woolworth credit, that pretty damn good.

  • I asked today and it will cost $4500 in Sydney for Advantage 6.63kW system 1-Phase including 17x390watt JA Panel & 1x5kW Goodwe 1-Phase inverter. It seems a bit too much even with woolworths offer to me but interested in other people's experiences.

    • +1

      I was quoted 4,770 for the same config in Sydney. My roof is tile and hence they charge a bit extra. I was also told that they have already given me a discount and hence I can’t have the Woolies points on top. What a joke

  • I so wish I didn’t have to make this extra decision in my life (as in market research). I just don’t have time and effort to search around for this uncharted market but so keen to install.. this thing is not for procrastinators like me :)

    • Go to solarquotes, put in your info, get a 6.6kw system, choose cheapest quote, ensure installer has more than 100 reviews and over 4.4 stars. Install.

      If your roof can have more panels and you can get a larger system and you can afford it, get the biggest system you can. You'll never regret more panels. 6.6kw is enough for most homes though.

      • The problem is the solar quotes directs you to three of their recommended retailers and they quote insane amounts saying they back their warranty so they charge more. It's fair enough to charge few hundred more but they are quoting me double the price

        • If old mate doesn't have the time to find the best deal then he has to pay a premium. I'm just letting him know an easy, safe way to get a good install.

    • I know your pain - I am in exactly the same boat

  • Hmm looked at the fine print listed PDFs at bottom of page at https://www.originenergy.com.au/solar/packages/ for Installation and System Ready Brochure at https://www.originenergy.com.au/content/dam/origin/residenti…

    So we have to supply and buy our own electrical cabling?

    1. Additional equipment

    The following lists additional equipment that we may require to you to obtain, at your cost,
    in order to be System Ready:

    • M o r e t h a n 3 0 m e t r e s o f e l e c t r i c a l c a b l e .
    • N o n - s t a n d a r d b a l a n c e o f s y s t e m c o m p o n e n t s i n c l u d i n g a d d i t i o n a l s o l a r p a n e l s , a n d / o r t i l t
    frames when not included in original order.
    • T h e p r o v i s i o n o f s p e c i a l a c c e s s e q u i p m e n t , f o r e x a m p l e b e c a u s e o f t h e r o o f p i t c h .
    • N o n - s t a n d a r d m o u n t i n g e q u i p m e n t , r o o f o r w a l l p e n e t r a t i o n s .

  • The 15 year warranty, and higher feed in tarriff (if you choose to both use them for electricity, and also have them install your solar) makes this an interesting proposition. They also offered me a compelling finance offer so that my monthly repayments never exceed their estimated savings - essentially never out of pocket while paying off, and thats even without the bonus points

    Has given me something to think about

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