Wife's ipad has not been working for good part of a year, back in the day it got a apple logo going off and on.
This went on until battery went flat, back then tried many things but could not get it working.
Also laptop was bit dated and assumed i was not able to get current iTunes as lead to believe if i did a reset itunes picks up ipad.
After updating itunes and still getting nowhere i had another update on itunes.
I tried heaps of things and many options of button pressing on ipad and finally got something to show up on itunes there was no options of update just restore.
I selected restore thinking hoping that suerly wife has stuff backed up etc.
There was issue with first restore it was almost done but then laptop started doing something and ipad failed to restore.
Tried again and finally im back to setting up ipad.
In the process of setting up ipad i skip a few things to be done later as wife can adjust add etc to her choice.
But while going through process i not went any further it was asking for icloud details etc and it comes up with or says nothing in cloud back up?
Im pretty sure wife will have used and put stuff on icloud and im lead to believe that even doing a reset that if stuff is saved on icloud it's obviously not on ipad but must be somewhere else.
It says as nothing in icloud or i think not found it says set up ipad as new device or if i remember about getting cloud from pc?
Im not sure from this point what to do if she has been saving to icloud then where do i get this and how to i get it on ipad and what do i do with ipad as it's asking me to set up as new ipad or get icloud from pc?
I was reading that if icloud was not used in last 180 days under terms and conditions they can delete all if they want to but how do i know if this is case
Or how can i check?
Is it something to do with maybe when i restored it has newer ios than when it went funny?
Do i set up ipad as new and then do stuff from there to check icloud ideally it be great if most of her stuff is saved but not sure why im being told there was nothing while trying to set up which i have not went any further at this time.
Wife does have an older ipad in house which im sure will have icloud also but obviously this one we had issues with is much newer.
Take it to an Apple Store before you do anything else. Probably should have taken it there as soon as it misbehaved and iTunes wasn't working for you. You're in WA so don't have to worry about lockdown.