Neighbour Complaining about Lawn Mowing Service in Mid Morning

Trying to get people's thoughts on this:

We used to hire a person for our lawn mowing at around 9am in the morning on the weekday. The neighbour complain that it was too early on a weekday so we moved to the weekend. Now they want us to only do lawn mowing post 11am on the weekend to accommodate.

What's the best way to resolve this?

edit: We only call the lawn mower once every 6-8 weeks


  • Perhaps get a powerful lawnmower so the mowing will be done quickly? Here's a fine example:

  • +1

    Do your mowing at the time of YOUR convenience as permitted by the state’s rules. Neighbour can go fly a kite.

  • You could get an older lower mower… Anything 2 stroke would do..

    I think 9am is polite 11am is bending over for them.

  • +1

    9am is reasonable. I had a leaf blower man outside my window at 7am the other day. The sleep disruption ruined my whole day. :(

  • You're being generous given the face you already in the policy/law timeframe. Not like it's at 6am. Also construction workers work all day, everyday……

    Just continue what you're doing. If they complain, say you already compensated to weekends and give them the times of legal noise activity

  • +1

    Ask your neighbours to cover the extra cost to get it done on the weekend.. I work the night shift and don't expect anyone to be quiet for me. I can wear noise-cancelling headphones…… They also understand I may be a bit noisy of a night/ early mornings

  • +1

    After 8am is reasonable. After 9am is a nice courtesy. Sorry you have sucky neighbours.

  • Neighbours have no real case imo.

  • Get v8 mustang

    Put straight pipes

    Warm it up every morning at 7am

  • +2

    Some fights are just not worth getting into - I'd just get the mowing guy to come at another time. It's not like you're the ones doing the mowing.

  • +1

    Absolute fwhit of a neighbour…only considers themselves. Say that it's unreasonable and you've already tried catering to them when you didn't have to. You are not doing anything wrong, no one else is complaining, what your doing and the timing is completely normal. If the neighbour wants complete silence at whatever time of the day, they are completely able to go buy a farm in a far away place, otherwise ask them not to hassle you.

    Do not bend over backwards for these types of people, they clearly don't have much respect for their neighbours. If they get their way they'll keep asking for more and more.

  • reschedule mower man to a more reasonable time like 7am

    also take up a new hobby like tuning performance cars in your garage

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