If you want to test food / supplement (eg. fish oil, fish - fresh/smoked/canned) for chemicals and pesticides or other additives), is there any professional services you can use?
In Sydney. Hopefully within reasonable costs.
Food Analytical Testing (Chemicals, Pesticides etc)

How did you hear about us?*
What are you concerned about specifically?
Is this a general wellbeing thing, or are you allergic to some particular chemical?
I thought the Fish Oil companies would batch test to get TGA approval…
Look at:
https://www.tga.gov.au/compositional-guideline/fish-oil-natu…What scale? Personal or Commercial?
The divorce would, probably, be cheaper :)
Thanks all. I recently watched a few documentaries about fish farming in the world including Australia, Finland and Vietnam where they feed fish pellets containing pesticides (with different degrees) to their farmed fish to control fish disease etc and research labs analysis and potential risks to comsumers etc etc.
For example, If fish pills sold in Australia are sourced from those countries how do you know its safe? Label says 'made in Australia from Australian and imported ingredients' which is not helpful at all. This applies to fresh /canned fish as well. (eg. Salmon fillet, smoked salmon, canned salmon etc etc)
What would be the reasonable actions you can take to ensure the product safety (individual manufacturer)?
If any useful information is available I'd love to confirm.
I don't want to be a paranoia but knowing human nature, it is disturbing to see some careless practices by leaving product safety behind their company profits.
A quick Google found this company in Sydney.