Can anyone recommend some ps3 controllers that are as good as the Sony ones? I used cheap ones in the past and they would give me blisters where the seam is or just be horrible to use as far as the buttons are concerned.
PS3 Aftermarket Controllers

The Rock Candy wireless ones are pretty good quality, not sure if you can still get them at EB Games tho
Can anyone confirm these are ok?
They're all pretty terrible. I haven't been able to find any decent third-party controllers and my Sony controllers are FUBAR. Can't play the PS3 anymore… Good luck on your search
Don't buy any brand new in box ones, they're all fake af.
The Eb Games branded ones function pretty well, a lot of people I know use them happily, and they work in games like MGS HD.
Personally, I'd go with buying an old, used one. And if the battery is weak, buy one for $3-4 on ebay and it's easy to swap.Yeah sony hasnt made any in ages.
I have like 6 but they all have problems because me and my mate play the shit out of co-op games like RE5 and Ratchet and Clank A41. Maybe I’ll have to sit down and try to fix them all
Is connecting a PS4 controller the same?
Nope. PS button doesn't work, and it's not 100% compatible with all games. No pressure-sensitive buttons either.
You can connect a DS4 controller to a PS3, which works with most games, however it acts as a generic controller, so some functions won't work (rumble, Sixasis Motion).
FYI for those that haven't used their genuine ones in a while and can't seem to turn them on charge them. There's a button on the back to reset it. Did the trcik for my controller which I thought was dead.
Better off getting second hand genuine ones