JB Hi-Fi seems to have quite a few PC games on clearance. PC games sort by lowest price.
Some of the better deals include Mafia 3 and South Park for $1, among many others for a $1
COD BO 3 $5
COD BO 4 $5
JB Hi-Fi seems to have quite a few PC games on clearance. PC games sort by lowest price.
Some of the better deals include Mafia 3 and South Park for $1, among many others for a $1
COD BO 3 $5
COD BO 4 $5
Underrated comment
Hi Dad!
Awesome! Thanks OP!
Got XCom, Mafia 3 and DoW 3 for $7. Niccccce.
Nothing for me but some cheap games there
It's so annoying that their breadcrumbs aren't clickable.
oh my god, THIS.
its such a standard thing that its positively jarring trying to navigate their web page
Black Ops 3 just for custom zombies is 100% worth it
Do any of these come with Steam keys?
Need to know as well.
It says on the page
Doesn't specifically say STEAM though? Need to know for other games as well like Prey.
crash bandicoot says steam on the cover if you zoom in bottom left
not sure about the others though
Fully expect any games with publishers like Ubisoft and EA to be on Uplay and Origin when you buy physical. If they distribute the physical copies, no way in hell they're gonna let you skip their platforms.
Are any of the COD games redeemable for digital download or are they limited to disc?
All cods after 5 has a key to redeem online & let you download game over net. Only BO4 & WW2 PC doesn't come with disk
Nothing really there that I don't already have unfortunately.
Will randomly gift someone on my steam list a $1 copy of Mafia 3 who has it wishlisted I guess =)
Got mafia 3 and tropico 5 complete. Thanks op
Thank you Op
X plane and south park $10 delivered
Cannot checkout at all :(
Yeah I couldn’t check out on mobile. Had to purchase on desktop.
Thank you bought Crash, South Park and Black Ops 3
Thanks I bought Crash Bandicoot.
thanks great gifts not much to pick from lol
does anyone know if the ones like cod are digital? crash says its digital but the others dont
Dishonored 2 and Death of the Outsider pretty good!
Thanks. got Mafia 3.
great gotta bust out the cd drive
Pretty sure they all come with codes that i can see which is nice
Mafia 3 you have to pay postage so pretty sure that's a physical disc
Dont they all come with physical disc and a code and you gotta pay postage for anything tho
Picked up my orders this morning.
Hilariously enough there is indeed 5 install discs stacked ontop of eachother in the one normal box :P
Definitely a Steam key inside though, these must be ooooold unsold copies also since there's the 'Family Kickback' preorder codes inside (which is pretty redundant these days since the steam copy automatically becomes the definitive edition I guess)
Actually comes with a really cool foldout map of the city too :)
Damn, missed out on BO3. Ironically while I was playing, BO3
Can’t see bo3. Don’t want bo4 cause I have to use battlenet
Thanks, I have wanted Mafia III for a while now and that combined with Crash is cheaper than either one by themselves online.
Mudrunner is a great game, easilly worth it for a dollar (it's been free on EGS before though so check your library): https://www.jbhifi.com.au/products/pc-game-mudrunner
Thanks OP. Bought a whole bunch of games for only $114 delivered to my door. COD Advanced Warfare couldn't be delivered for some reason and unfortunately I missed out on BO III. I normally check OzBargain all the time but didn't tonight and that was my undoing.
Doesn't seem to be there anymore!
I've been sort of eyeing Offworld: Trading Company for a while given my sensibilities towards strategy / 4X type games - its nice to see that the base game has been discounted, but there's a whole bunch of expansions and DLCs that are only available from Steam/Epic Games Store/GOG as far as I can tell?
I don't suppose anyone here on OzB has played OW:TC and any of its expansions/DLCs by any chance, and can comment on whether:
Thanks OP, had thought about trying Prey for awhile, for a fiver can't go wrong.
The only other game I'm eyeing on JB's PC games clearance list, is Banner Saga - the listing's photo seems to show its the Collector's Edition ? Has anyone ordered this game and can confirm that JB's listing, is indeed the Collector's Edition, and not the standard edition offered on Steam / Epic Games / other stores ? Thanks!
Popped into a couple of JBs today, picked up The Banner Saga among other games left over, I can confirm it is the collectors edition printed on the box and disc, with an included Steam key.
Made the purchase online and opted for click and collect.
Redeeming the key on Steam claimed it to be 'The Banner Saga - Deluxe Preorder'.
It seems that the only addition/dlc to The Banner Saga is the soundtrack.
I got my games (Crash and Mafia) the other day and both fortunately had Steam keys as both cases were completely broken.
Smelly fish doesn't sound like much of a game. I'm surprised they made 4 versions of it!