Deal starts tomorrow at 2PM to 3PM.
Pay $30 to Mwave, and claim $30 cashback from Cisco.
Details of cashback can be found here:
$30 includes FREE delivery as well. Quite a sweet deal IMO
Deal starts tomorrow at 2PM to 3PM.
Pay $30 to Mwave, and claim $30 cashback from Cisco.
Details of cashback can be found here:
$30 includes FREE delivery as well. Quite a sweet deal IMO
I paid from PayPal and I received all the confirmations from Mwave as well. But now I have received an email from them saying that my order was cancelled. I managed to submit my order by 2.01 p.m. My work colleague sitting next to me submitted his order about 5 - 10 minutes after me and he received his router this morning.
The difference is that he paid from Credit Card and I paid from PayPal even though I submitted earlier and just after 2 p.m. when they activate the offer. So that means even if you submit your order earlier they Cancel it if you had paid it from PayPal. If they had mentioned that in their web site I would have paid it from CC. This is bad Mwave. I still Do Not neg and gave a +1 because it's not OP's fault. but next time I will remember to pay directly with CC but not with PayPal when I deal with MWave. Hope they tried to save few cents of PayPal commission in here. Still it's bad as who ever submitted the orders when you have heaps of stocks left and even charge the customer and give confirmations should get it.
its Tuesday the 13th of march not tomorrow.
Nope - its tomorrow. The next one is the 13th
my bad. :D
perhaps it was a ploy to increase chances of purchase ;)
If you read it properly, you'll see that it says: 08/03/13, which just happens to be tomorrow.
Tomorrow a year from now.
ROFL, just noticed xD
Where does it say that. When i visit the website it says Thursday 8th March 2-3pm…?
If you scroll down there is an ad for the next Rush Hour (next week)
ooooohhh, me interested. But chances are I will forget to look between that 1 hour and/or they sell out.
Anyone think these are a good model just as a wireless network extender?
FREE bud. Who cares :).
man… this will be like lotto, good luck getting one!
plus vote because I got nothing better to do at 1.59pm tomorrow. :).
pfft why not lol :)
COuld use a spare/AP
Just a note: I had a quick read through the terms & conditions of the cashback & they can take up to 60 days to transfer the $$ back to you. From previous experiences with cashbacks they tend to be in the end secton of this timeline rather than the start.
So just a caution you may be out of pocket for up to 2 months.
Oh damn! im going to lose shitloads of interest then :(
Doesn't support WDS and is a pretty bad wifi ap.
Anyway you get what you pay for.
can i use it for simple home wifi system though?
"You get what you pay for". In this case we are paying nothing so something is better than nothing.
Well, the router seems good enough for an extension in a town house!
hahaha…. website is struggling and its not even "rush hour" yet :).
people should know this, but just in case:
this router has no modem. You cannot plug a phone line in for your internet. This router needs to be plugged into another modem or router that has internet
Also, it is single band (only 2.4ghz) so you won't be able to take advantage of full wireless N, only 10/100 ethernet (sooooo yesterday :P ) and has pretty average reviews (see Mikinoz's comment)
I guess try and get one (because its free) but meh if I miss out…
Interesting reviews especially pppoa, i might save my time and let others who really want it
I have a feeling this is either going to be a mass bargain or a mass shafting by cisco.
its not active in the sense you cant by it now, but its active in the sense it doesnt need anything to make it active excpt time, the problem with the other deals that require a few pledges to activate is that they may never activate… where as this one will
if you wait till its active, most people here will miss it - given its only 2PM to 3PM.
2PM to 2:01PM* :P
At least that's what I'm expecting…
Or 1:59 PM to crash!
wonder how they interpret this clause
(g) This Promotion does not apply to any of the Eligible Products if those models were purchased as part of a bundle (including, without limitation, any bundle which includes any other Linksys products) and claims will be refused if they are made in conjunction with any other promotion, any special deals or any special offers.
a nice way for mwave to clear stock and cisco to reject your claim? :P
that is so shifty of mwave
It also states:
(d) Your selected authorized CCP retailer/ reseller is free to set its own resale prices for CCP products and the cash rebate amount stated in these Conditions applies regardless of the resale prices set by your selected authorized CCP retailer or reseller.
You would rather a post during the fifteen seconds this lasts? Edit: meant to reply to Piss.
Linksys E1500 Wireless-N Router:
Q. If I deploy 802.11n, do I also need to upgrade my Ethernet LAN to Gigabit Ethernet?
An 802.11n AP serving only 802.11n clients can deliver over 150 Mbps throughput. In this case, the 10/100 Ethernet LAN is the bottleneck and you should consider upgrading it to Gigabit Ethernet. Using 5 GHz 802.11n WLAN is another alternative to design a wireless backhaul.
Agree the 10/100 wired lan is the speed limiting factor of this modem if connecting via wired connection to a pc. You need to use a wireless N card in the PC to benefit from the 300mb speed from the wireless.
300Mbit/s is the theoretical maximum bandwidth. You will be lucky to transfer 7MByte/s in real life. See for example
Error correction, encryption, signal propagation, collision, walls and doors, interference from microwave & telephones… all these and more will reduce the bandwidth to below Fast Ethernet. Fast Ethernet (100Mbit/s) can archive 8 to 9MByte/s sustained transfer speed through a switch.
I currently have one of those Hellstra Thompson modem/routers, will this enhance the wireless range/speed if I hook it up to the modem?
you just plug one of the 4 ports in the back of your router into the internet slot on this wireless modem. You should also configure the security of this new router?
will it speed up? probably… but depends on a lot of factors. Wireless n has better range, but you need wireless n cards to get that maximum speed and range. Wireless n products are backwards compatible, which means they will work with wireless G. Also, if you really want to extend your house wireless network, use a longer lan cord, then put the new router elsewhere in the house
No DD-wrt or tomato yet for this unfortunately:… . Still, free is free, but you're probably going to be stuck with whatever firmware it comes with.
I have a feeling this is going to be ozbargained.
That's right, there're no point trying. Did I already mention that it's pointless trying?
Oh well, you can't blame me for trying to reduce the contention. :)
Same here.
Your watch must have skipped 29th Feb.
I dont need one …but I think i will get one!!
I can live without $30 less in my bank for 2 months.
I'd have taken a shot at buying this if it was supported by dd-wrt, but it's not afaict.
doh, don't have the internet atm ( at home ). But for ozbargain i will hope on me bike n ride to library tmr !!! can ya understand wat im sayin'
not really no.
LOL! I LIE KIT!! hahha
anyone know if this can be used as a wireless repeater/extender for an existing wireless router?
also curious. It'd be great to plug this into the wall behind my home theatre and connect my amplifier, htpc and xbox
What's the chance that at 1:59pm tomorrow the site will crash?
Techo: Hi boss, our new site is ready. It will be the bees knees.
Boss: Ok, let's stress test it. Please post a deal for some junk we want to clear out to OzBargain.
Techo: Arrrgh!
Hmm, I'm glad I didn't try at all, from a reading of the latest posts, it looks like it was a farce as only a handful of people got confirmed orders. Maybe they never had much stock in the first place and it was a stress test of their ordering system, like I joked.
Yep, hindsight is a valuable thing, and I should have trusted my gut instinct.
And for what rudewave??- your social capital doubtless has now crashed through the floor. On ozb at least.
nah, ill think you find quite a few people got them i think only a handful missed out… judging by the negative comments, and the positive…
Id say only the ones who didnt get them are really speaking out…
hey. Good Luck to the 4400clicks wanting in and for getting ur coinage returned. :=)
damn… have to go to work
Did they say how many of them there are for sale??
Darn! Can't install DD-WRT on this, otherwise it would be awesome!
I think a rush on the DD-WRT forums begging for the E1500 to be supported will be happening shortly.
Theres a chance you wont get your $30 cashback due to terms and conditions of the cisco promo:
(g) This Promotion does not apply to any of the Eligible Products if those models were purchased as part of a bundle (including, without limitation, any bundle which includes any other Linksys products) and claims will be refused if they are made in conjunction with any other promotion, any special deals or any special offers.
Does anyone else find it ironic that the best Mwave deals aren't posted by the rep?
V.S. their last 6 deals:
+6 -10
I think they need a new rep. I have also noticed this.
All the good deals are already posted before the rep get the chance to do it.
Yes but they are the ones creating those deals!
Good deals sell themselves, bad deals need a Rep!
FYI, Linksys/Cisco routers have WPS enabled by default, and cannot be disabled by default.
If you update to the latest firmware, it should allow you to disable WPS.
The latest firmware is available here:
Just look up WPS flaw to see the issue regarding the wireless vulnerability.
Other affected Linksys/Cisco models:
I'm nervous others will get one and I won't because of server problems…
More than 15 hours before the deal becomes active and already over 130 +s and zero negs. This will not end well.
Will mwave be allocating stock to only credit card and paypal payment orders? Wondering if there's any chance they will hold stock for us if we choose bpay option.
Does anyone else think that anonymous need to take a leaf out of COTD/Mwave/MLN books and instead of making people use DDoS attack software…just post a link saying the FBI/RIAA have a sale on Ozbargain? Definitely the most efficient wag to crash a server
I wonder what happens if you add the product to the cart earlier (to beat the rush) and then click on "update cart" between 2-3pm?
I guess worth a try and if the price isn't $30 then try the usual way.
Now the server will crash at 1:55 PM. :)
But by the time you realise it doesn't work, you'll already be behind when starting the usual way, and will miss out. You can't have it both ways… so which will it be?
2 computers and do both
I curious no ones brought up the topic of price matching?
Does anyone know if Officeworks has it? lol
No they don't, I already checked. And DSE and HN won't price match anymore when it's below cost.
2-3pm DST or no DST?
The mwave site says AEDT but they're in NSW which would be AEDST.
Oh wait. I was thinking of AEST! 1-2pm for QLDers then.
Damn you qld for not having DST!
From their web-site:
In Stock with Suppliers YES
In Stock at Mwave: NO
i ahve netgear dv834gv with adsl2+ modem router with 2 voip ports.
can I get this to replace my g with n?
what more must I add to get a voip?
a newbie.
want a cheap upgrade and if the N is better than g and i can add cheap voip connectors?
iinet told me PLC and bridge were things to ask for.
hope this Q is in order as it is related to getting this router free, then addons to make a cheap connection with voip as well.
Simple answer, no.
yes you can !!!
Turn wireless off on netgear and then connect this to netgear. Both have to be plugged in all the time.
But ……..
Will you receive the deal , the big question !!
If you don't really need the router (sounds like a few here don't), please don't try to buy it :)
This isn't fairy land mate. There is guys here on ozbargain who have treated them self to free tampons. At the end of the day free is free and thinking about what to do with the product comes second.
Jeez, 2 negative votes for my comment already, you think it's right to deprive someone else of the deal when you don't need it?
while i agree with what your saying, and i dont need one, sorry im all in for getting one, dont know which relitive or when this will come in handy in the future… if im lucky enough to get one im buying it cause im sure ill find a really good use for it!
I don't need it now. But I may need it in the future. That's more than enough to convince me to buy it.
Also the word "deprive" isn't an accurate word to use. You make it seem as if someone is stealing a necessity in your life. If having a router is a necessity in you life then you shouldn't mind spending some money and buying one.
Awesome, wonder if the site will be ozbargained!
Are there any coupon codes to apply to this? :)
If you haven't done so already make sure you create an account for faster check out.
Shhhhh! you're not meant to tell everyone that
Sharing is caring.
You know what is sad? This is probably going to be the highlight of my day. sigh
Got 17000 clients ready to go.
Also been mucking around with LOIC as well.
I've informed the FBI. Get the thermite ready.
don't look like it supports dd-wrt
Beat me to it.. was just about to post this same deal!
To apply for cashback goto:…
Also worth noting that its free delivery