If you own a PS5 you can get a free upgrade pretty sweet deal if you dont own.
Edit: I dont think there is any left or very little good luck if you find a copy.
If you own a PS5 you can get a free upgrade pretty sweet deal if you dont own.
Edit: I dont think there is any left or very little good luck if you find a copy.
Unlikely. They only have 1 in stock and it's a customer return/used.
Mafia: DE is $10 as well.
Thanks for the heads up, grabbed both.
If you can get the Xbox version as the PlayStation version has screen tearing I have read. If not tho, for $10 it’s still good
If you can get the beastly PS4 version as the satanbox version has screen tearing I have read. If not tho, for $10 it’s still good
See kid, I can do it too!!
Would recommend BL2 over BL3. I found the story and villains to be a bit bland and hollow. Lots of quality of life improvements though.
BL2 is one of the most replayable games I've ever experienced and it is a blast to play co-op. BL3 isn't as great but it is still a fun game for $5
For $5 - bought - thanks OP!
any pc version??
Its $29 on Epic atm. Not the best but still worth it, IMO
Nah. Will wait till PC version at $10 or less.
still crying paid release price for it :(
Borderlands 4 will most likely come out now so props to you good sir
I paid full price plus bought a new controller to play couch co-op with my brother. Wasn't worth it, overall. Would have had more fun replaying 2. For some reason, the HUD is so damn tiny in split screen, we had to sit right on top of the TV to see
how much are all the DLCs?
Game Pass is on Xbox though???
Not everyone is brainwashed to have satanicbox or it's scummy services you know…
cross save by any chance? have it on PC
don't think so
Wait this on on gamepass? Woops, should have read the post before blind ozbuying. Ah well. Cheap enough.
No. This is not on game pass
Thought I was going crazy, went searching for it also just now and couldn't see it. Guess the OP was edited :)
god, moving your character to PS5 was a huge pain for me. Not sure if it was just me messing up tho.
Game is not on game pass
Edit: OP edited post, good enough
Free delivery on $45 spend.
Home Delivery
$9 standard delivery.
Free for orders over $45
Would you say this game is worth $14.. if you pay for shipping…??
I bought my friend 1 to play on coop. $19 for 2 games delivered seemed like a good deal to me
I have borderlands 3 on Xbox. Is it worth getting the PS4 version too? Any difference?
xbox one/S is 900p, PS4/PS4 slim is 1080p
Ps5 vs XSX?
Crossplay between PS and XB. I think it is supported but can't be sure.
Just found out that the it supports adaptive triggers on PS5. Worth it for that alone
Great game.
got my yesterday's order refunded, no more stock
Same. Really wanted to try this game on ps5…
Thanks for posting this, just picked up the "last copy" according to staff.
Been playing it for a few hours, so I think I already have my money's worth
Just got a refund for BL3 and Mafia from order placed on Thursday…
Come on amazonnnn