Hi guys,
I have a 6.6kW system at the moment with my current supplier Energy Australia. They have just said they are dropping feed-in rates from about 10c to 7c. Who are other people with for electricity in Vic please with Solar panels? What sort of rates are you getting? I'm trying to figure out if its worth changing!
Thanks heaps
Solar and Electricity Supplier Victoria

most retailers will do this now but i beleive it's because the government allows a lower minimum FiT, so aim most of your anger towards them! Government is either trying to reduce panel take up to ease pressure on the grid, or their accelerating battery take up (both most likely)
Just check any retailers (like dodo mentioned above) cos if their FiT rates are higher, chances are the normal rates for power you buy off them are higher as well - use the vic default offer % off to compare retailers, and then couple that with your solar size.
ie if you can get 12% off VDO and 6c FiT, that may be better than 8% off and a 12c FiT (depending on your system size)
Yeah I just compared the Dodo supply charges. Quite a bit higher than Energy Australia. So the extra 5c would be negated :(
Rates would be different based on energy supplier i think. jump on http://compare.energy.vic.gov.au and take a look?
Momentum has 10c FIT but higher supply and peak charges.
You might want to shift your usage to solar producing hours.
yep, sounds about right - make sure who you choose has an app so you can see your solar feed in and change your usage to when the sun shines!
Have a look at the different TOU brackets too, went with Reamped because their timings suited us more.
Combination of slightly more competitive rates and different TOU brackets has resulted in approximately 25% reduction in bills.
I'm also on that website. But I'm asking people opinion
Weren't clear you were asking people's opinions.
Tango was offering plant with 15.3c FIT not ling aho, nit sure now.
Can help you with a free "Solar Supplier Victoria" - It's right up there….
Sorry, couldn't help myself…..
And now for Electricity,
wattever had this deal with Dodo where FIT is 12c and comes bundled with a $50 gift card. Looks like it is still going and I took it up few weeks ago and moved from AGL.