Cooler Master MasterWatt 750W 80+ Bronze Semi-modular PSU
Was $109 Now $95 + Free Shipping
CoolerMaster CK530 RGB Keyboard BLUE V2 Keyboard
Was $112 Now $95 + Free Shipping
Cooler Master MasterWatt 750W 80+ Bronze Semi-modular PSU
Was $109 Now $95 + Free Shipping
CoolerMaster CK530 RGB Keyboard BLUE V2 Keyboard
Was $112 Now $95 + Free Shipping
If you have a 3070Ti or greater, probably prudent to go 750W+. But would you buy a $95 PSU to match with your $1400+ GPU? Probably not
Using a 6700XT and as from yesterday I can kind of smell something burning lol.. Think it is my psu but still on so I do need a new psu
In the process of building a 6700XT system for a friend, have ordered this PSU, was the best value I could find:…
Ordered another item so postage wasn't such a big chunk of the cost, but assuming it's around $125 delivered it's still pretty good
I should also say, never assume the burning is anything in particular. Open the case and check. Could be mobo, could be GPU (especially if it's the newest bit, could have a fault from the factory)
@TimR31: Nice PSU.. tx for the share. Pc was smooth for months.. I have a few plastic toys in the case lol.. thought maybe one fell off and started to melt but nope. Opened the pc and smelled everything and can't spot it. Def. Not the gpu. Might wait and see what blows up in the next few days lol
Do to have anything 1000w+
Go the superflower from pccasegear or phanteks
Is there a reason to buy this 750W 80+ Bronze over a 650W 80+ Gold?